Oh no, not that old chestnut. Islamophobia, is a recently invented word, made up by the left, as a way of shutting down any discussion or criticism about the myriad problems that Islam has brought to western civilisation.
Most people have now seen through this ploy, same as they have when the left end a comment with “fact” or “period” again, designed to shut the discussion down, implying that you aren’t allowed to answer.
A phobia, in case you didn’t know is an unreasonable, or irrational fear of something.
Do I fear Islam ? absolutely, it terrifies me. Is my fear irrational or unreasonable ? absolutely not, it is based on a very logical, rational thought process, influenced by the hundreds of attacks and murders of innocent western civilians by muslims; just a few that spring to mind:
9/11 USA 2,996 dead 25,000+ injured
7/7 London bombs 52 dead 784 injured
2017 London Bridge, 8 killed 48 injured
2017 Barcelona, driver mows down 100 people, 14 dead 130 injured.
2022 Manchester concert bomb, 22 dead 119 injured
2015 Charlie Hebbo 12 dead
2019 London Bridge 2 dead 3 injured
2020 France stabbing and beheading 3 dead
2020 Samuel Paty, French teacher beheaded in the street
2015 Bataclan, Paris 130 dead 350 wounded
2015 Nice, France, truck rampage 86 dead 434 injured
2023 Arras France .. teacher stabbed to death
2016 Rouen France 85 year old priest has throat slit at alter of church
2023 Brussels, 2 Swedish football fans shot dead
2018 Carcassonne France 5 dead 15 injured
All these slaughters of innocent western civilians, and there are hundreds more, yes, hundreds more, were carried out by adherents to the faith of Islam ….. how dare you call a fear of these murderous, medieval, intolerants a phobia.