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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. This is an entirely different incident to the one you are referencing
  2. Ha ha ha, hilarious .... coming from someone that doesn't live in Thailand, but has given themselves a Thai pseudonym, and likes to troll Thai forums ..
  3. Your assumption is correct, English is, in fact, my third language; so please be tolerant with any spelling mistakes, or erroneous grammar on my part. As for yourself, even with your limited Antipodean vocabulary, you should have been able to build a better case of denial for your obvious support of Hamas.
  4. Oh, so it was okay for you to bring it into the discussion by accusing me of ‘overt Islamophobia’ but when I defend myself against your accusation, it is not the topic of discussion ….. a dual standard hypocrite methinks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Why ? because you just like to throw student protest slogans like Islamophobia at people, to shut down any dialogue; but don’t like it if someone offers you a rational rebuttal.
  6. Oh no, not that old chestnut. Islamophobia, is a recently invented word, made up by the left, as a way of shutting down any discussion or criticism about the myriad problems that Islam has brought to western civilisation. Most people have now seen through this ploy, same as they have when the left end a comment with “fact” or “period” again, designed to shut the discussion down, implying that you aren’t allowed to answer. A phobia, in case you didn’t know is an unreasonable, or irrational fear of something. Do I fear Islam ? absolutely, it terrifies me. Is my fear irrational or unreasonable ? absolutely not, it is based on a very logical, rational thought process, influenced by the hundreds of attacks and murders of innocent western civilians by muslims; just a few that spring to mind: 9/11 USA 2,996 dead 25,000+ injured 7/7 London bombs 52 dead 784 injured 2017 London Bridge, 8 killed 48 injured 2017 Barcelona, driver mows down 100 people, 14 dead 130 injured. 2022 Manchester concert bomb, 22 dead 119 injured 2015 Charlie Hebbo 12 dead 2019 London Bridge 2 dead 3 injured 2020 France stabbing and beheading 3 dead 2020 Samuel Paty, French teacher beheaded in the street 2015 Bataclan, Paris 130 dead 350 wounded 2015 Nice, France, truck rampage 86 dead 434 injured 2023 Arras France .. teacher stabbed to death 2016 Rouen France 85 year old priest has throat slit at alter of church 2023 Brussels, 2 Swedish football fans shot dead 2018 Carcassonne France 5 dead 15 injured All these slaughters of innocent western civilians, and there are hundreds more, yes, hundreds more, were carried out by adherents to the faith of Islam ….. how dare you call a fear of these murderous, medieval, intolerants a phobia.
  7. what phobia thing have I got going on ? And I suggest that you think very carefully before answering that
  8. Care to point out anything I have said that is factually incorrect, or do you just settle for insulting anyone whose comments you disagree with, but don’t have the ability to intelligently refute.
  9. How about when you posted this ….. near the bottom of page 8 “ALL of Hamas demands in the current hostage negotiations are eminently reasonable”
  10. Difficult to believe that any sane or reasonable person would spout such vile nonsense; when someone from a Western society, someone that has obviously had the privilege of a Western education, thinks that the abduction of hostages is perfectly acceptable, and that their demands for release are imminently reasonable, the world is indeed in grave danger. Out of interest, although you probably won’t want to say, but how, and why did you become a supporter of this terrorist organisation ?
  11. Israel is a Nation ..... something else you've learned today
  12. Complete and utter apologist nonsense. Hamas are the legitimate Government of Gaza, and have been for the last 18 years. The legitimate Government of Gaza carried out the invasion and atrocities on 7th October, atrocities that can only be described as a declaration of war on Israel …. Your continual denial of the facts is making you look completely disingenuous.
  13. Well, if you don’t think that invading a sovereign country and slaughtering 1,200 of its citizens including young party goers, children, pregnant women, babies and holocaust survivors, is a declaration of war on the invaded sovereign country, you have hatred issues far beyond redemption.
  14. He didn’t say that at all, quite the opposite in fact; maybe just go back and read what he said again and the comment that he was replying to … page 1 I think
  15. The diversity of reading material certainly doesn’t seem to have given you much enlightenment; probably best to revert to your go to source ………….. the Beano
  16. Ah, a Guardian reader, as if we couldn’t have guessed; and a fanboy no doubt, of that whimpering little antisemite slug Owen Jones … ha ha ha ..... outed
  17. There you go again, sensationalist slogans, and incorrectly and hysterically using the word genocide, which you throw around like confetti when you don’t even understand the meaning of it .. is it really too much trouble for you to put the word into a search engine and find out what it means ?
  18. More antisemitism; you wouldn’t interrogate Chinese tourists about where they stand on the Uyghurs interment camps, or the Russian tourists on the ‘special operation’ but you expect Jews to be interrogated on where they stand
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