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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Any reasonable person would assume that he was there for the sole purpose of antagonising a pro Hamas demonstration …. there, fixed it for you. If it was an anti-war demonstration, they would all be demanding the immediate release of the hostages that are still being held by the Palestinian government of Gaza. They have been held for over 6 months now, and their release could end this tomorrow; but I doubt if that fits in with your narrative.
  2. So you post a virulent antisemitic comment, one of the most disgusting I have seen on this forum, and think you can deflect from it by throwing personal insults at me; a typical reaction from someone that does not have the humility to apologise for what you know full well was a disgusting comment ….. you display a special lack of grace.
  3. I have (been to Israel) but just for clarification, I assume from your phraseology that you are referring to how Palestinians living in Israel are treated daily; if that is not what you mean, them please elucidate … thanks
  4. I didn’t read any further than this Jeff, because I have never, ever said that antisemitism was a crime; in fact, very much to the contrary, I have made comments to several posters on here saying that because they post transparently obvious antisemitic comments, and it is not a crime in Thailand, they should feel free to be honest about it. I may find it offensive, repulsive, disagreeable, or even disgusting, but I begrudgingly give you credit for being open about your right to be antisemitic; it is much more honest than posters on here like Nearleyaman and NanLaew, who have posted blatant antisemitic comments and then try to deny their antisemitism.
  5. Interesting article in the Times today noting that the policing of the pro-Hamas demonstrations in the UK have cost the UK taxpayer at least £32.3 million so far. Lord Walney, the government’s independent advisor on political violence is advocating clawing back some of the policing costs from the organisers of these protests (good luck with that) Interesting to note that the police have to attend the pro-Hamas protests because of concerns over the behaviour of these marchers and their blatant antisemitism and clear expressions of hatred, but also have to attend any pro Israel / free the hostages protests, in order to guard these protesters from being attacked by extremists.
  6. Hardly surprising to see such a comment from a confirmed antisemite such as yourself; someone that has expressed his hatred for Israelis with comments like “they are no better than the Nazis of WW2” I still have the screenshots of some of your appalling comments Jeff, just in case you go into denial mode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Well, I’m only basing it on what you yourself have written, and only someone that is vehemently antisemitic could possibly have made a disgusting comment like the one you made referencing the trains used by the Nazis to transport jews, saying they could remember the good old days; then rather than apologise for it, you tried to excuse it with some whatabouery of comments other posters may have made. Your denial of antisemitism is disingenuous for all to witness.
  8. Don’t fret too much, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, al-Shabaab, JNIM, and Da’esh, Al-Qaida are all doing their best to restore stability and world order ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. I made it perfectly clear that I understand Islam; however, unfortunately for apologists like yourself, I strongly disapprove of the female genital mutilation of 12 year old children, 60 year old paedophiles uncles, marrying several of their prepubescent nieces or cousins. I strongly disapprove of fathers slaughtering their teenage daughters for choosing the wrong boyfriend; all of these things are happening under Sharia law in the UK, even in my hometown of London. You continue apologising for it if you wish, but don’t dare tell me that I don’t understand it .
  10. Oh no, not that old chestnut. Islamophobia, is a recently invented word, used by the left, and antisemites, as a way of shutting down any discussion or criticism about the myriad problems that Islam has brought to western civilisation. A phobia, just in case you didn’t know, is an unreasonable, or irrational fear of something. Do I fear Islam ? absolutely, it terrifies me. Is my fear irrational or unreasonable ? absolutely not, it is based on a very logical, rational thought process, influenced by the hundreds of attacks and murders of innocent western civilians by muslims; here are just a few that spring to mind: 9/11 USA 2,996 dead 25,000 + injured 7/7 London bombs 52 dead 784 injured 2017 London Bridge, 8 killed 48 injured 2017 Barcelona, driver mows down 100 people, 14 dead 130 injured. 2022 Manchester concert bomb, 22 dead 119 injured 2015 Charlie Hebbo 12 dead 2019 London Bridge 2 dead 3 injured 2020 France stabbing and beheading 3 dead 2020 Samuel Paty, French teacher beheaded in the street 2015 Bataclan, Paris 130 dead 350 wounded 2015 Nice, France, truck rampage 86 dead 434 injured 2023 Arras France .. teacher stabbed to death 2016 Rouen France 85 year old priest has throat slit at alter of church 2023 Brussels, 2 Swedish football fans shot dead 2018 Carcassonne France 5 dead 15 injured All these slaughters of innocent western civilians, and there are hundreds more, yes, hundreds more, were carried out by adherents to the faith of Islam. How dare you call a fear of these murderous, medieval, intolerants a phobia. Islam is not a religion like any other religion; it is by doctrine, a misogynistic, homophobic, barbaric, medieval, supremacist ideology, which states clearly its aim for global dominance by force. It openly practices the subjugation of all women, the eradication of all gays, and promotes the female genital mutilation of 12 year old children, as well as advocating men marrying their 10 year old cousins, and that really progressive addition to modern society, “honour killings” ….. but the greater danger that it presents to western civilisation, is that it has people like you appeasing this death cult masquerading as a religion ….. shame on you.
  11. You seem to have a few issues, one of which is clearly comprehension of words written in the English language. The poster you replied to simply said “seems many of us on this site are outraged” and you replied by saying “Oh dear, you are NOT the wider thai community... geez” If you had the ability to comprehend the English language, you would know that he made no claim whatsoever of being the wider thai (sic) community …. suggest you sort your issues out before commenting again.
  12. Who do you think you’re kidding; we’ve all seen your previous comments, including the disgusting one referencing the trains used by the Nazis in the holocaust, which the moderators thankfully removed ….. your antisemitism goes before you.
  13. What a bizarre, baiting comment; I was replying to your comment that said, and I quote: “So, where is the outrage, I think we know the reason” …. please point out where in my comment I claimed that my wife and I are the wider community ? I also note that you have not expressed any outrage yourself, despite expecting everyone else to so do……
  14. Firstly, he wasn’t actually arrested, just threatened with arrest; you are being pedantic by saying that he was not threatened with arrest for simply being jewish; he was however threatened with arrest for being identifiable as jewish; if you cannot understand the correlation between the two, you obviously have some issues of bias.
  15. Why do you think the police thought that this man being near the ‘peaceful’ protesters, would cause a breach of the peace, when his only possible provocation would be that of being openly identifiable as a jew; if the police thought that the protesters were likely to cause a breach of the peace by taking some form of action because they identified a man as a jew, then surely they should have been the ones threatened with arrest …. two tier policing, the modern orthodoxy of the Met, as they continue to facilitate the path towards the islamification of a once wonderful country.
  16. Maybe you could do an exchange with her for one of your copies of the Beano ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. Stop trolling and flaming people and try and post something about the topic.
  18. What a vile, openly antisemitic creature; still, on the upside, she is unlikely to have any children
  19. Excellent comment; can you imagine the furore if a police officer told someone not to walk in a certain part of London, under the threat of arrest, because they were openly muslim. Khan would be incandescent, and summon his poodle, Sir Mark Rowley, demanding that the officer was dismissed and prosecuted. It would be lead story on the BBC news for a minimum of 5 consecutive days, and that whimpering little slug at the Guardian, Owen Jones would need a defibrillator ….. the Islamification of the UK continues to gather pace.
  20. That would be the same UK police that allowed multiple muslim grooming gangs to proliferate throughout the UK, for fear of offending a vociferous minority, would it ? The same UK police that allowed a baying mob of muslims to hound a teacher from Batley Grammar school out of his job and home without making one single arrest. That was 3 years ago and the teacher, his wife, and 4 young children, are still in hiding, having all been given new identities. Is this the UK police that you think would treat a muslim in the same way that they treat a jew ?
  21. A very important point that seems to have evaded most people is, that If the Met judge that the presence of a march makes the streets of London unsafe for Jews (or importantly, for any other ethnicity or demographic) then the march should not have been given permission to go ahead. Would anybody suggest arresting a woman with a headscarf if she showed up near a demonstration in support of the Israeli hostages? We all know the answer to that, and we all know the reason why that would never happen; well, certainly not under the present governance of the Met, and the incumbent Mayor. Appalling islamic takeover of my hometown.
  22. Disgraceful behaviour from the institutionally anti-semitic Met, although they have since made a lame, perfunctory apology; if a Jewish man cannot cross a London street during a pro-Palestinian march, then it is not a pro-Palestinian march, it is an anti-semitic march ….. but anyone that’s been paying attention knew that already.
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