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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Stop embarrassing yourself. First it was your calamitous error over Twitter / X removing Hamas affiliated accounts, then supporting a factually incorrect comment. Most people when they have their failings exposed, choose to keep their heads down, but you augment the ill informed nature of your comments by continually obfuscating with meaningless drivel. “1946 is near enough” …. oh, really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I see you’ve now posted over 220 comments on this thread, which is looking very much like an obsession. Have you superglued the shovel to your hands, because you seem to be incapable of putting it down ?
  2. So you have just given your support to a comment about what Israel has been doing to Palestine since 1946. Considering that the state of Israel was only created in May 1948, your astonishing lack of knowledge about a topic that you have to date posted 214 comments about on this thread alone, is absolutely breathtaking ….
  3. Just when I thought the posting in this thread couldn’t get any more antisemitic …… there you go, fixed your comment for you.
  4. I think you displayed yours in an earlier comment “Eleven”
  5. put the shovel down ... how many times do you need to be told ?
  6. Shot with your own gun, and now consumed by embarrassment .... time to put the shovel down.
  7. My comment that you have just responded to was written in clear concise English; how you could be confused by it is beyond me, but I suggest you take the issue up with whichever authority was responsible for your English language tuition.
  8. Ha ha ha ha … did you not understand that he said; hundreds of Hamas affiliated accounts ….. so that would be all those Hamas apologist bozos on here repeating things as fact ….. ha ha ha, classic foot shooting, brilliant.
  9. Well it might not be for you, but it certainly will be for the parents, friends and relatives of the 260 young kids massacred at the music festival, and the parents and relatives of the 40 little babies slaughtered at Kfar Aza …. still, you carry on nit-picking about the accuracy of any reporting, because you know what, it is the type of narrative that really suits you; because it perfectly summarises your attitude towards the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas.
  10. I find it quite chilling that you can make such an issue as to the exact methodology that was used to slaughter 40 completely innocent babies. It is the most remarkable attempt that I have seen to deflect any blame or even empathy from the atrocity. With every comment that you make, it becomes clearer and clearer that you are an apologist for Hamas …… and you walk among us
  11. Indeed, I think even the Hamas apologists on here understand that Hamas are not in the least bit interested in the welfare of the ordinary Palestinians of Gaza. They hide among them, in hospitals, schools, and even more sickeningly, in nurseries. The ordinary people of Gaza are mere fodder for Hamas, to be sacrificed in the hope of garnering sympathy and support for their genocidal agenda. Anyone with an IQ in double digits saw through this charade long ago.
  12. Brave freedom fighters trying to further their cause eh ? ….. vile, utterly cowardly, genocidal scumbags. And there are posters on here supporting these terrorists
  13. Here we go, another apologist for the terrorist organisation Hamas No mention at all in your comment about Hamas invading Israel and slaughtering 260 young kids at a music festival by ripping their bodies apart with machine gun fire. No mention of Hamas going house to house slaughtering entire families while they slept No mention of Hamas murdering women, stripping them naked and then parading them through the streets of Gaza on the back of pick up trucks. No mention of Hamas raping and beheading women. No mention of Hamas slaughtering 40 little babies, slitting their throats and beheading some of them No mention of Hamas abducting over a hundred people from babies to the old No mention of Hamas executing parents in front of their children and then abducting the children Not a single word from you about any of these unprecedented atrocities …. just criticism and speculation of what Israel might do in response
  14. It can’t be, he’s talking absolute nonsense. The majority of Palestinians in Gaza elected Hamas as their Government; the Palestinians voted for this terrorist organisation to represent their best interests.
  15. You are probably right about their reasons, but 21 Thai nationals working outside Thailand, in Israel, have now been slaughtered by Hamas; most governments, how ever much they wish to stay neutral, would have a rethink after that.
  16. Replied to that comment but you completely ignored my reply. which was: Here is one of your previous comments “How can the world sit and watch the Netanyahu wipe out over 2 million people by refusing them food and water? How can some even support it? This is pure ethnic cleansing and he is a Fascist war criminal” Calling the Israeli Prime Minister a fascist war criminal for responding to the appalling atrocities committed by Hamas, but no criticism whatsoever of Hamas, and you claim not to be antisemitic …… not much, and you want to report me for calling you out; pathetic.
  17. You have been taking sides with Hamas from the very beginning; I have read many of your comments and every single one of them is anti Israeli. You call it pro Palestinian, but you seen to conveniently forget that Hamas is the official Government of Gaza, so you are in fact supporting a terrorist organisation. As for your earlier claim to have a Rabbi as a friend … that was a hilarious
  18. Nope, Hamas has destroyed any hope of a diplomatic solution; this they did deliberately because they do not want a solution, they want the eradication of all Israelis and all Jews. Stop peddling pro Hamas propaganda
  19. Complete and utter nonsense; Hamas were voted into Government by a majority of the people in Gaza. And then Hamas slaughtered 40 little babies, slitting their throats and beheading some of them, and you want Israel to play by International rules ....
  20. Absolutely, but they can’t even condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the genocide being carried out by the government in Burma, so condemning Hamas is certainly a bridge too far for them.
  21. Indeed, but the entire blame for this rests squarely on the shoulders of the vile murdering cowards from Hamas; just in case you were trying to apportion the blame elsewhere.
  22. Imagine there's no Hamas It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too With humble deference to J.Lennon
  23. Unlike Hamas are in your opinion then ?
  24. Israel does not: · execute 260 young people at a music party · go from house to house killing entire families · rape and brutalise young women · abduct young and old alike · kill young women, strip them naked and parade them on pick up trucks · execute babies by slitting their throats · fire thousands of rockets indiscriminately at a civilian population · celebrate the death of their enemies with parties in the streets There is no equivalence here, and to suggest there is, is either naive or something far more sinister; I hope it is just naivety on your part.
  25. He probably will keep denying it, because I doubt he will change his apologist for Hamas stance this late into the discussion.
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