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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. You need to wind your neck in and desist from being so rude to people.
  2. And the answer to your question is; yes, the Aussie guy driving the SUV could unquestionably have avoided the accident if he had not pulled out in front of them, in such close proximity that the rider had no chance of avoiding the accident. You can have all the (valid) conversations you like about 3 on a scooter, no helmets, being young and not well trained at riding; but you can clearly see they had no chance of stopping, and the SUV driver looks to be fully culpable. Incredibly sad for the girls and their families and friends.
  3. RIP ............. What a tragic waste of two young lives. I hope the other girl recovers. This man will have this on his conscience for the rest of his days ????????
  4. And therein we see your biggest problem; you guess at everything
  5. I think you need to watch the cctv video, or at least check the facts of this accident before making puerile and totally unfounded statements; they are the victims here, not the perpetrators.
  6. No suggestion of alcohol breath testing the truck driver I see, just the victims ……. biased moi ?
  7. So you’ve watched the footage showing the truck, not just turning right from the wrong side of the road, but cutting the corner off completely, and in so doing, wiping out the guys on the bike; yet you are conspiring to exonerate the truck driver from any blame and hang it all on the motorcyclist. I guess we are all lucky that you're not an accident Investigator, because critical thinking is obviously not your strong suit. And please stop using uppercase font, it is the online equivalent of shouting, and is against this forum's etiquette rules …. thanks
  8. Well, you couldn't be more wrong however hard you tried, could you ? And as for saying "R I P for one, live in hell for the other, causing your friend's death" .... shame on you
  9. Where in the article does it say that the motorbike crashed into the back of the truck ? The driver of the truck said he was turning into a side road, so the point of impact with the truck is, as yet, undefined.
  10. Where in the article does it say that the motorbike crashed into the back of the truck ? The driver of the truck said he was turning into a side road, so the point of impact with the truck is, as yet, undefined.
  11. It might help if you read the article before commenting. It does not state that the vehicle was stationary. In fact the garbage truck driver is quoted in the article as saying: “I was turning in to a side road before I heard the crash. I’m not sure what exactly happened.”
  12. So you started it by saying “in a place where flip flops are regarded as protective footwear, and a baseball cap is a crash helmet!” Then when somebody continues in the same vein, you are rude and dismissive to them; time for you to get over your self importance.
  13. You are replying to Sheryl, she is obviously a female, and as such does not have a prostate gland
  14. What an absolute tragedy. Poor little angel, the whole family must be completely devastated, and my thoughts and prayers are with them. RIP little one.
  15. Thanks for the update. To be clear, I never said the owner was a farang. My wife translated the commentary with the video which said that the skinny Thai woman that was trying to get the dog off the kid was the owner. It also said she was married to a farang. I hope due diligence is carried out to verify that this guy really is the owner, and not somebody being paid to take the rap, and maybe minimise compensation ……. cynical, moi ???? ?
  16. I understand the sentiment, but you would have to find them first. The owner and the dog have apparently disappeared and the house is shuttered; the farang husband is apparently out of the country, and maybe thinking twice about returning.
  17. A little two year old laddie has been savagely mauled, suffered life changing injuries that required 200 stitches …… and this is your contribution is it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. My wife has just shown me the CCTV footage of this terrible attack. My heart goes out to the poor wee laddie, and his parents. The “nanny” was very negligent in this, allowing the two wee laddies to loiter outside the open gate while playing with her phone. She did not attempt to pick the little lad up, and had no idea what to do. Another (skinny) woman soon appeared trying to pull the dog off; my wife said she was the dog’s owner, but again, had no idea what to do and no control of the dog. If you simply lift a dog’s hind legs to hold him in a “wheelbarrow” position, they will usually let go, but nobody at the scene even tried this, or knew what to do. My wife said the owner is a Thai woman married to a farang, who is apparently out of the country. I can’t verify this as it was just the commentary on the video that my wife translated. However, everyone can see that nobody, including the owner knew what to do. An avoidable tragedy, the poor wee laddie, only 2 years old.
  19. I wasn’t asking you to now was I ? And I wasn’t suggesting it for the majority of users either, I was suggesting it to the OP who was looking for a MacBook Pro
  20. Good to see that you're still posting helpful info on here Sheryl. I’m sure that many, like myself, appreciate the first class and truly helpful Information that you always post Many thanks ????
  21. I’ve been an Apple user for 12 years; I don’t get into justification arguments, nor do I diss Windows users, each to their own with their own requirements and their own cash. I wouldn’t personally look for a deal on an older model; rather, I’d order a new MacBook Air with the M2 Chip, upgrade the RAM to 16GB, the storage to 1TB, which would give you an amazing machine. Not cheap @ 64,900 Baht, but will have good residual value even in 5 years time. Your shout of course, just my tuppence worth …. cheers
  22. Certainly not been depreciating against the pound sterling; last October I got just over 45 to the pound bringing out a lump for my visa extension. I can't visualise getting near that over the next few months or so.
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