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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. I also find it hard to accept we need to spend billions on such a waste of time. I understand this might be preparation for further voyages to earth like planets but really, they could use that money to solve problems here.
  2. Thanks for noting it is an oligopoly not a monopoly. So many people get it wrong.
  3. Who hasn't tripped in life? Even young people trip. Does catching your foot in a cable or loose pavement tile mean you are incompetent? Next we will hear that tripping, or any physical handicap, makes one unfit to lead. Source: Wikipedia
  4. I think we have to live with Covid, the same way Thais have lived with dengue fever. Grateful Thailand doesn't have Ebola...
  5. Meaning, they still showed on the database as being in Thailand?
  6. While my business teacher said that monopolies are not good for business, when I worked for a couple of monopolies they thought it was the bees knees. A whole market for them and no competitors. Now, why would they give that up? A government can break up monopolies if it has control, but sharing power with others of a different sensibility will make it doubly hard. Thaksin made more money after AIS phones' IMEIs were unlocked, which shows it can be done.
  7. I don't understand. The debt is so huge that it can't be repaid, so they raised the ceiling so it will get even higher and they haven't said how it will be reduced? Is that right?
  8. Whereas there may well be creatures living on other planets, they would have to travel faster than light to get here and back in one lifetime. And that's impossible. If, however, they have a warp drive (now thought to be possible) what will the religious nuts say when the aliens inform us there is no god?
  9. More French jealousy of the global use of English.
  10. I would have thought Pita had more pressing problems than giving drunks more options.
  11. I use Google but keep Tom Tom on in the background for camera warnings.
  12. The guys who go to Pattaya generally can't find anyone in their home countries. They pay by the hour. A Hollywood movie star doesn't need to. And take a look at them - kept themselves in good condition with no beer belly.
  13. This is a good challenge for the MF party and i suspect it is an area they might want to look at. All corruption leads to the commander. The thought of an investigation must put the fear of God into the retired commanders.
  14. I doubt humans will become extinct unless we give AI the ability to build new versions of itself. We could be in for a period of bliss as AI takes care of our needs.
  15. Surely, if she was assaulted so long ago there would be others? Does anyone sexually assault one person and then desist the rest of their lives?
  16. Always surprised that suspects confess so quickly to serious crimes. How on earth do normally incompetent police achieve this remarkable feat? There was no evidence the uncle did it. Obviously, kids can be annoying but telling a nephew to go play outside usually works.
  17. I guess a lot of people were taking vehicle registration numbers to buy lottery tickets. Holy crashes lead to millions in wins.
  18. I think, and correct me if I am wrong, the speaker can be changed every year to give both key parties the position. However, I suspect no one wants it for the honor alone.
  19. And who was supposed to visit this welfare facility on a regular basis to observe how the kids were treated? Are people allowed to set up these facilities with no oversight? The time to stop such abuse is before it starts.
  20. Can imagine the Orange One writing his address for Twitter and muttering "bunch of losers" under his breath as he pressed Send.
  21. Seems to be more of a Serb thing. The worst of the lot.
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