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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Fortunately, mass killings at schools in Thailand is not an everyday occurrence. Knives were banned in school when I was a kid. Feel sorry for the parents who just lost a child.
  2. I would like to see a comparison with Thailand's rural drinkers as I see no people with hobbies here except the consumption of alcohol.
  3. I think signing is just too acknowledge the postponement.
  4. Carbon trading is just Pay to Pollute.
  5. Too much superstitious nonsense. If there are lights, go follow them with a machete in hand. Case solved.
  6. I thought it was legitimate to gather a coalition of parties in Thailand? The issue is the Senate.
  7. It is called a "land and building tax" not a "profit from business after building tax" . It sounds logical and the BMA was clearly making too much from it before
  8. She hasn't admitted guilt. No witness observed her administering the cyanide. It all sounds circumstantial so preparation is important.
  9. The dark glasses don't help.
  10. I guess they feel that they have to get rich like those they see on TV. Too much ostentatious shows of wealth these days.
  11. It isn't a witch-hunt if they catch lawbreakers. It's doing what they are paid to do. Doesn't matter the color of the skin, illegal means just that.
  12. Parents thought their kid could not attend classes and still pass?
  13. This has always been my nightmare - running out of money and living under a bridge. I am elated they got money but will they spent it wisely as they say? Usually, a pickup truck comes first, then 1 Baht gold chains. Wish them luck and hope there is a follow-up in one year's time.
  14. So TAT doesn't believe Pita will be Prime Minister and have so much time on his hands that he can spend opening shopping malls?
  15. Hang on hang on. When has a Speaker not come from a party? Or is Pheu Thai saying the Speaker should come from their party only?
  16. I have heard, "Do you know who I am?" but not "Do you know who he is?" before. Why didn't the Chinese guy lock his doors?
  17. While Trump did not order the national guard to put down the insurrection, most being charged were actually there physically. He may be charged with something but not with leading it I suspect. De Santis can say anything at this point. It will be up to the voters whether he can do anything.
  18. Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Soe Win, if you think that Thailand's done? We will have a submarine that will stop your little game We may not have the F35 that will make you think again But Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Soe Win, if you think that Thailand's done?
  19. Rape ALL women in the area? At the same time?
  20. Not sure why gender prefixes and suffixes are high in the agenda. Poverty and national development seem a wee bit more important.
  21. The institutions that the military believe hold it together. Mistaken or not, I have met some of these nationalists and they are sincere.
  22. Just wondering how all these beer companies are explained as a monopoly to ordinary people. They are in business and are allowed to sell after all.
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