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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Look, both Pita and Thanathorn knew the law or had legal advisors and ignored it thinking it wouldn’t affect them. Didn’t they know what they were up against? Good hearts but naive thinking won’t cut it.
  2. Interesting that like all countries that have the death penalty they have no shortage of people to hang. Where is the deterrent? Which countries don’t have crime after introducing the death penalty? The number of times DNA has proven that innocent people were executed makes it less of a deterrent and more racial profiling. There has to be a different way. Jail fewer people for lesser crimes. Shorten sentences for less serious crimes (e.g. shoplifting) and ensure people get some education in jail.
  3. The story might as well have been entitled “left handed man stabs Indian tourist” for all the relevance it has to cannabis.
  4. It is difficult to arrest coup makers who tear up the constitution and absolve themselves. Perhaps a law that disallows coup makers from being absolved of their crime is needed.
  5. Nothing about improving education? No modern manufacturing? More of the same.
  6. I am sure MF will explain to EC what they want to do to 112. I imagine trying to change 112 will be seen as lese majeste.
  7. Lots of people in Thailand gamble. Many millions have been lost. But there is only one Am Cyanide.
  8. Mor Doo Purdey can tell her future. She is about to discover relatives she hasn't seen since forever. Some she may not remember at all. Old friends who once did her a favor, like pass her the soy sauce, will appear. People who once detested her for her occupation as a construction worker will forgive her. Monks will encourage her to make merit by building a temple and offer to handle the costs through her bank account. The school director will suggest a contribution to help her kids' education. Not a single person will give honest advice about how to save for her and her children's future.
  9. We can only hope Thailand improves but there are so many obstacles it is going to be a struggle.
  10. Not lived there since 1991 and the old ladies were hanging out around Clapham Common. You clearly know a lot about this subject.
  11. If les girls had an education and a job I doubt they would be selling themselves in the numbers there are today. In countries like the UK the professionals tend to be uneducated and often rather old ladies (not all) hanging around parks that portly, bald, decrepit men have no choice but to take. It is a service that is needed no doubt. Amsterdam has at least a system that allow both sides to meet legally and I hope that is what Move Forward will try to set up.
  12. The election went well but it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Parties have a lot of horse-trading yet to agree on. Some right winger are bound to raise legal cases aimed at destroying liberal MPs and their parties. Prayut could be named premier (with senate support) in a minority government. On the other hand, he may feel too tired having realized that politics and the military are completely different animals. I doubt the public are in the mood for yet more demonstrations in the street. That's they voted - to end that nonsense.
  13. I truly hope that Move Forward becomes successful, but having made so many powerful enemies before even starting is not the way to gain the support of Parliament. With no political experience, will they overcome the underhand methods used by experienced politicos? If they are forced to collaborate, who will grab the most lucrative posts? Those trolls that seek power and money? How long before we read that Pheu Thai has stabbed them in the back? They are not in for an easy ride.
  14. Seems like the first order of business for the government is to change the law about senators being appointed to being elected.
  15. Voting for provincial leaders is a good idea.
  16. I don't remember the FBI being involved in well-known active shooter incidents. Maybe consider inviting Uvalde police to instruct in the practical science of hiding from active shooters instead.
  17. I guess his funds are running short and he needs a job.
  18. Who will lead the investigation? The EC? Is there an independent organization that can take real action?
  19. Catching killers makes more sense than protecting companies that have nothing to do with the killing. Besides providing the guns, how are they in need of protection?
  20. Not sure which of Biden's family is serving in the cabinet but pretty sure their business dealings, besides maybe being embarrassing, have anything to do with the president's office. With all the facts that we know are attached to the "orange one", someone is very desperate to lynch Biden, facts or not.
  21. Using government money to manipulate electricity prices?
  22. Pushing bricks and mortar industries to the fore is probably helpful as Thailand hasn't got the educational level to build intellectual capital (Thailand 4.0 anyone?). Hope MF can develop the country and students to overcome this barrier.
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