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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. I seem to recall it is illegal to overthrow an elected government and every coup d'etat is accompanied by granting immunity to coup leaders. However, does anyone know whether such immunity is granted to those assisting the coup leaders (like senators, for instance)?
  2. Next comes the horse trading with every side wanting a profitable ministry so they can get back what they spent on the election. This should lead to the MF members becoming even more disgusted with the swamp they have waded into.
  3. I think you are right, but knowing the junta, it would not have done any harm to pass them to someone else as their inheritance before the election.
  4. Exactly. Why would he make the same stupid mistake?
  5. About time the law forced diving shops to have a mandatory signboard stating all the things divers may not do whilst diving. We can’t blame divers for not knowing then.
  6. No sympathy. She knew how much she was spending and how much she landed with. She simply kept spending without looking how much was left and now expects others to bail her out.
  7. Pleading insanity maybe the best defense. I can’t say I have ever heard of a woman being executed but I guess there is always a first time.
  8. I cannot believe two leaders of the same party are in trouble for exactly the same thing. You would think Pita would have got rid of the shares in advance, knowing the stink they would cause.
  9. Thanks for pointing this out, but I believe a decentralized militia are only helpful for local disturbances rather than international conflict. Defending village by village is not the same as a concerted defense at the enemy entry point. Regarding Thaksin, sending the Thai army overseas to assist allies is more of a political move rather than military strategy. Yes, local militia defending their homes/villages/towns sounds good, but the fact that not enough people volunteer even today implies the militia will find it difficult to meet appropriate numbers. The Village Scouts, which are a type of militia, have a poor reputation to date. I would not compare with firefighters, who are saving lives, not ending them (as soldiers are supposed to do). Plus, of course, this is a Buddhist country and a large military seems to conflict with its religious teachings.
  10. Wonder what Arabs see in Thailand? You don't see them in bikinis at the beach. Not filling up the go-go bars. During the Gulf Wars, pubs put sarcastic signs outside their doors barring Arabs as they respect their religion. Goodness knows how welcome they will be.
  11. As a pacifist, compulsory military training is not always appropriate. You're basically teaching people how to kill - oops, sorry, I meant defend the country. Many examples of people who are ex-military or ex-cops shooting others. I don't mean they are all bad, but it requires thinking about. A smaller but professional army would demand better salaries and skill training but defend the nation better than conscripts.
  12. It still amazes me that people don't realize there are CC cameras everywhere these days but people think they won't get caught. These guys are idiots who don't think, just react. Charged with assault, they deserve prison time and blacklisting. Mind you, The Daily Mail will have a screaming headline, "British Boot Boys Brutally Blacklisted."
  13. Sounds romantic. Presumably, renting a room while a peeping Tom filmed it is no different. Why can't people mind their own business?
  14. Any reason you think that is what Biden is doing? Just thinking that is how America has always worked. "Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  15. Really? I looked at presidential holidays and found this. Seems lazy Republicans are in the lead there. Order President Days 46 Joe Biden 311 45 Donald Trump 381 44 Barack Obama 328 43 George W. Bush 1,020 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_vacations
  16. The amount of bickering going on here makes will he won't he a moot point if you aren't Thai. If Prayut is elected again then it isn't worth the breath.
  17. The 2nd amendment mentions the right to bear arms. Nowhere are bullets mentioned. Seems like a mistake. As Chris Rock once said, make the bullets $5,000 each. As they say, guns don't kill people, people kill people. But I think guns have something to do with it. Item Primary Use Car Transportation Knife Cooking Gun Killing, killing and only killing
  18. These motorcycle deaths are getting to be rather thoughts and prayers events.
  19. Thailand has no NHS like in the UK so no free medical help here for visitors. More similar to the USA, you will pay through the nose after an accident unless you have insurance that covers you completely. The fact that insurers aren't your friend means they won't pay if they aren't liable. No use crying over the cost. Why do these guys come and get on a motorbike with no experience and no helmet i don't know. They think they're indestructible.
  20. While Europeans may be shocked and horrified, the north Americans may be saying ho-hum, so what's new? This is to be expected when a health service is primed to turn away patients who may not be able to pay bills.
  21. Interesting that no one has released the HB mails to the public. Interesting that the Republicans haven’t launched an official inquiry. Interesting that HB didn’t get a job working for daddy in the White House. This story has been dragged out to the point that I would be surprised it ever appears in court.
  22. Just waiting to see which parties are dissolved before or after the election. Prayut sees himself as building the country. He isn’t done yet.
  23. It appears the revered monk forgot the Lord Buddha banned all forms of “magic” and superstitious nonsense. It isn’t a prediction if everyone knows.
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