The way things are going, the government should build a new prison wing at each prison for policemen only because their lives would be in danger in the current jails.
And yet Putin's own government still supports him. Seems like another Nuremberg style of trials will be needed. I bet they will claim they were "just following orders."
In Thailand you are guilty until you prove your innocence. The fact that a military junta held a coup implies he would never have been allowed to prove anything and in fact risked military interference in the trial (as they have shown over time they are willing to do). If he is still working to do the time maybe under house arrest, good. The fact that he has been able to visit many countries (Japan for instance) without arrest implicitly implies they have doubts.
I would like to know if foreigners can park these anywhere without issues with police and land department. There's no land so you would think you could get away with it, but there will always be a catch.
So there is a bit of a campaign for current users of the beach. When the next flight arrives will they continue to promote this or just wait until they catch someone and make a bit of money?
It may be far-fetched to imagine a single party majority while the current junta controls the Senate. I wonder if any parties will be dissolved before a new government can be set up..
My UK building society knows I live in Thailand. They won't open a new account but keep the old one going. In the past, I asked other banks and they won't open new accounts if you live abroad.
I declared to the taxman that I am non-resident and don't pay tax there. I would empty the account if I could but it is a very old book account with no electronic facility (I have checked that it cannot be done). I prefer not to pay tax in the UK as I don't see the benefit once you have permanent residence here.
I am surprised it hasn't happened sooner. A country that has death panels (insurance companies can decide to disallow expensive but life-saving treatments) and allows millions to forego health insurance premiums because they cannot afford it ought to allow them a way to check out.
There is the obvious Kirk Cobain gun treatment (CCGT) which leads to the same conclusion but it is messy and not nice for the relatives who have to identify the body with no head,
Having a choice is better.
How can someone who is no longer a general make such s pledge? The new generals might want to grab their share and Prawit cannot do much to stop that. Historically, coup makers are always a new gang unless they hold a coup against themselves, which has been done
Thailand passed a law in October 2022 to allow PET to be recycled and reused. Many global drinks companies want to use recycled PET, but guess what? The Thai Food and Drug people are holding up permission for individual companies who have technology accepted in the USA and EU while they keep changing their mind about how to measure compliance