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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Raw pork can also lead to blindness. Was offered larb leuat (looks like a plate of raw blood) in Laos and declined without throwing up.
  2. Always nice to hear a story with positive conclusion.
  3. Historically, no democratic institution has torn up the constitution. They have rewritten it with electorate support. Remember the People's Constitution of 1997? The first ever that was drafted by an elected assembly.
  4. All Thai constitutions mention that coups are illegal. The first thing military juntas do is tear up the constitution and prevent legal action, declaring themselves immune. The tendency to dissolve political parties that stand a chance of winning lots of votes and forming a government should not be seen as any different from declaring a coup. It is illegal. While some here don't fancy Dr. T as premier, he is unlikely to get to the position without a lot of changes to the law.
  5. While I have had a Halifax account for about 35 years, they have not tried to close it and send statements to Thailand. When I tried to open an account with other banks while on holiday there all of them said they wouldn't open a new account for an expat. Better to open offshore in Jersey.
  6. As an avid detective novel reader, I want to know how she gave the cyanide in various locations. Cyanide is said to smell of almonds, which is not hard to distinguish in food and drink.
  7. In A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes claimed to be unaware that the earth revolves around the sun since such information is irrelevant to his work. The detective believed that the mind has a finite capacity for information storage, and learning useless things reduces one's ability to learn useful things. In the case of many people in Thailand, remembering how to make food fills the memory capacity of the majority. I find it amusing.
  8. I tend to think that the longer he is in prison the more time he has to think about what he did. Execution is too quick.
  9. Too many people come from a first world country to this third world country and expect everything to be the same. There's no cheap medical care of you crash your bike and no policeman who acts like Dixon of Dock Green. Start swearing at policemen while in a cell and you risk getting "sorted". Like others I find it hard to ignore as a suicide. Whether they will ever find complete CCTV of the incident is hard to say but I hope they do so that his family will know either way and get some closure.
  10. It makes sense for the government to receive tax on whatever is popular. Thailand is the sex capital of the world, isn't it?
  11. I am sure it was a blessing of some kind.
  12. Very few Thai politicians are good at their job. They didn't learn anything about how to make the country prosperous and some think that moving from the military to politics is so easy. But they accomplish nothing. I don't think anyone in their 30s should be called immature. Leave that for the 20-year-olds. Give young bloods a chance either to prove they can do no better than soldiers, or cheer them on to move the country upward and onward. Thailand deserves better.
  13. Sounds like a case for a serious investigation by someone who has a lot of experience in mysterious deaths in gaol. (Not Joe Ferrari). If the postmortem reveals bruising, damaged internal organs, will that be made public? Poor family back home. No one deserves this.
  14. Thank goodness for the incompetence of Thai kids. Thankfully, no one died.
  15. This has been going on forever. If people find out someone died in your house, flat or condo, the price plummets.
  16. Well, if PT honors their promise again, all well and good. Thailand needs better education quality not quantity, but encouraging people to study is always positive. Europeans strike for more money all the time. Thais seem to have to bear it.
  17. I have shot Lee Enfield's for target practice. Did the Founding Fathers shoot AR15s for hunting? Is that why loonies say Jesus would not have been crucified if he had an AR15? How many examples are there of people with guns shooting loonies before they shot up a school? If it isn't 100% success rate kids will still get their heads shot off. The fact is, you don't have a level playing field as loonies will shoot you before you can draw.
  18. While I understand people who are peaceful owners of guns for target shooting and hunting, any gun that can blow a child's head and limbs clean off is not required for the aforementioned activities. Gun fans often say, it is the loonies that shoot innocents that are the problem and that is true. But who gave or sold those guns to loonies has never been answered. How can any country keep guns away from loonies? Would you agree to an hour-long psychological exam before being allowed to own a gun? Should mentally-impaired folk justify their failure to pass a psychological test by standing by their constitutionally amended rights?
  19. For people to turn against their country, there has to be some bad feelings about the way they are treated.
  20. The article clearly says "right-to-die" thus it is their right if they want it. What it should have said was right-to-kill.
  21. Euthanasia is fine if you are old enough to make the decision. I assume kids will have difficulty making such a decision.
  22. Perhaps change the headline to "The Biter Bit."
  23. Prohibition was created by an amendment to the constitution. Then it was amended again to end prohibition. See? Can be done.
  24. Not sure who is right in the flip flopping arguments on AN today. However, Russia was defeated by raggedy yet determined cave dwellers in Afghanistan using American weapons so their chances appear slim.
  25. Video of Fox anchors saying straight to camera that Dominion was useless and fixed the election were everywhere a few years ago. Did they forget that it is impossible in the digital age to say anything on camera and have it forgotten?
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