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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Aye, when I were a lad, front seat belts were added to all new cars in the UK in 1968 (but did not become compulsory to use until 1983 - can you believe it?). Thank Volvo for inventing then. The palaver they caused, with drivers grumbling that they made cars into deathtraps if they turned over and caught fire. However, the police pulled everyone over and fined them so the grumbles turned to mutters. Rear seat belts were introduced 1986 but only compulsory to buckle up in 1991. In the Land of the Free, drivers think seatbelts are for pouftas and limit their "freedom". Sounds familiar. Perhaps a few more severe fines are needed to turn the grumbles into mutters.
  2. Brilliant idea. Get a gorgeous woman to stand next to the road and cause people to slow down and ogle, thus causing a multiple vehicle pile up.
  3. This woke me up. Have to renew mine. No agents please.
  4. I guess the RTP is more knowledgeable about the Dark Web than he is.
  5. I remember reading that temple fairs in the past would have naked girls that you paid to see. It all ended before i got here but apparently there was... Gasp! Prostitution involved. There are lots of sexual politics involved here caused by the male dominated culture. Anyone interested to read more can read here.
  6. Regretfully, I don't know. I lost interest at the word e-wallet knowing that it won't be including us. I hope someone else can tell you.
  7. Unfortunately, her indoors doesn't have an e-wallet so this is technically discrimination.
  8. Thailand has a habit of throwing plastic bottles away without regards to ensuring they are collected and recycled. Hopefully, this may make more people aware that they can be recycled.
  9. And this is why the US and UK will not get the bilateral trade agreements that Rishi wants. Northern Ireland is of much more interest than the rest of the UK.
  10. Does anyone really pay attention to these news items, which appear almost daily?
  11. So many lads try to escape conscription that the RTA may have seen it all and knew that in Thailand medical certificates can be faked. However, someone could have jumped on a motorcycle and visited the home to check. Once again, the Thai military breaks its face in the worst way.
  12. Just a suggestion but perhaps Thailand could promote the designated driver system? If just one person in the family would volunteer not to drink and the drunkards sit in the back it might help. Needs a govt committee to set up a campaign, of course... obviously wont work if the macho boys swear they can drive after a bottle of white whisky but might persuade their teetotal wives to drive.
  13. Why do Thai officials insist on proving their ineptness at every opportunity. Personally, I blame the low education of many officials, who are also poorly paid but work only for the health insurance and pension.
  14. Run as far as you can. There are other girls.
  15. Seems to have been more concerned with hiding the cigarette than with killing six people. I guess the Thai army kills Thai people more than external enemies and doesn't think it is a big deal.
  16. Just a guess but the govt may make a deal to allow Mr. T back so they can still choose the PM. Home or hotel arrest seem likely.
  17. No one is pointing out that when Trump signed his deal with Afghanistan the military knew the date and were still unprepared as it drew near. I don't believe any politician is capable of organizing a military withdrawal. Military generals do. And they failed to be prepared.
  18. She didn't have a big part. Mainly playing violin in the park. Was that acting?
  19. Things will continue but the RTP won't extort money from the girls. I guess the pubs will still be guilty of human trafficking though.
  20. Usually the more people want to fly the more competition from airlines and the lower the prices. This is just profiteering. As soon as people say it's too expensive but not coming to Thailand, prices must drop or risk offering cheaper competitors the advantage.
  21. Chuvit had done a service to Thais regarding his whistleblowing. I am a bit suspicious of the anti weed drive as both he and his daughter attended Californian universities and i guess did not inhale while walking in the dorms.
  22. Not sure why the money wasn't buried in a waterproof container in a field somewhere. Its as if he wanted to be caught.
  23. There used to be a slogan, "Don't Drive Drunk", which played a bit with semantics in that it didn't ask people to NOT drink but rather not to drive if drunk (plastered, I suspect). Now they seem a little more serious about the language but probably not so much about the arrests.
  24. Oh course the USA would never have nuclear submarines near China.
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