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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Too many people have guns. Why did the owner of the gun need it?
  2. The only real way to play the game is to have 4 sitting on a bench next to each other.
  3. Personally, I say sawasdi krub to younger people and lower ranking staff. If they wai then I wai back. In Japan, if someone bows I bow back. If an Indian says namaste and puts their palms together i do the same. It's their culture and ît isn't our job to decide if it's good or not.
  4. I seen to remember an article on AN about usufruct agreements. Mine says I can use it for the rest of my life. Neither divorce nor disagreement can change that. I can knock it down and make an orchard and don't need to replace the building like I would in a lease. Even land owned by my spouse passes to me upon her death and i have one year to sell it. Good to have some cash in my old age
  5. There's still time for parties to be dissolved. It's hard to guess.
  6. Not one global media outlet was ever able to explain how a balloon with no propeller or jet engines was able to guide itself over sensitive targets. The wind at 50,000 feet exceeds 57 MPH and at times reaches 247 MPH. How they were said to "Hover" over sensitive targets shows how the media is able to excite the public with silly news.
  7. None of these deaths of recruits in the army are funny, but the insincere way they are investigated is. It's as if a couple of lives don't matter, there's plenty more where they came from. Morbid or not Rowan Atkinson reflects the army's attitude.
  8. This is an excellent idea and about time too. There are still a lot of people with HIV who don't tell their partners. Using condoms can bring down the risk.
  9. Those guys must have a vocabulary better than many native English speakers.
  10. The weird part is historically a policeman gets promoted by paying money gained through corruption. That surely means every police general had to go through this process in order to become a general. So what do they do? They appoint a police general to investigate other policemen and they say all this with a straight face. Couldn't they find an institution like Treasury to investigate tax avoidance?
  11. There's an opportunity to get a job with Walt Disney next...
  12. This is just the number of minors. I could reasonably assume the number of adults that celibate priests have corrupted is several times that amount. Even fining the Church wont help when it is so stinking rich.
  13. Seems the timing of this announcement is a little late.
  14. We're the Jetsons!We're the Jetsons!
  15. Good thing men don't know what ladies say about them in the bathroom.
  16. There must be a joke here about dental appointments rising dramatically but i can't think of one.
  17. Most tourists will not even know about this if included in the price of the air ticket. In terms of the overall cost of the holiday, it is nothing.
  18. Fortunately, a US judge has allowed a civil case to proceed. US judge, TS Ellis, has said she must face the music, at least in civil court. He ruled... that a lawsuit filed in the US state of Virginia by Dunn's family could go forward. They are claiming wrongful death. On Wednesday, Judge Ellis said the family could also pursue a damage claim against Sacoolas' husband. She was driving his SUV when the collision occurred. Judge Ellis chastised Sacoolas in a court teleconference last month: "Accepting full responsibility doesn't mean you run away."
  19. Laws in every country tend to vary but without an extradition warrant it may be hard to get a person unless that person voluntarily returns. An American woman who killed a cyclist in a hit and run in the UK fled the country and has never returned for prosecution, while this Thai woman may never be handed over without a warrant from the US police.
  20. If she had run off with another guy, why would he report her missing?
  21. Shocked anyone has a million baht credit on a card. Seems like asking for trouble. Some companies send you a text message when you use your card so you could cancel immediately if something is wrong. i went to Malaysia many years ago and the situation there was so well known the bank called to say they had cancelled my card after returning. A copy could have been used at any time so they said it was better safe than sorry. I agree.
  22. Can you imagine them using this creature to hold back student demonstrators in Bangkok? Or letting them off the leash to chase people across fields in the South of Thailand? This is a PR disaster waiting to happen.
  23. There were many who thought sovereignty would mean all colored foreigners (as well as white Europeans) would be ejected without the EU to stop it. We are not talking about the sharpest knives in the cupboard. I don't understand why you think racist attacks on Muslims originating from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh after the referendum (there was a huge rise in hate crimes starting from the day after the vote), were not caused by racists who didn't understand or care that those people they attacked were actually British. The news at the time was full of it. I can guess that not many Poles are Muslim. https://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/27/europe/racist-attacks-post-brexit/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/brexit-hate-crimes-racism-eu-referendum-vote-attacks-increase-police-figures-official-a7358866.html%3famp https://www.vox.com/2016/6/23/12005814/brexit-eu-referendum-immigrants https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/brexit-david-cameron-nigel-farage-council-of-europe-report-racist-violence-intolerance-hate-speech-uk-terrorism-refugee-crisis-a7345166.html https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/20/racism-on-the-rise-since-brexit-vote-nationwide-study-reveals https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/brexit-hate-crime-racism-immigration-eu-referendum-result-what-it-means-eurospectic-areas-a7165056.html?amp https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/eu-referendum-muslims_uk_576e558ce4b08d2c563937ff/
  24. The Loser loses and having lost, loses on.
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