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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. If you buy heroin on the streets of Lisbon, Portugal, it is not illegal. If you buy on the streets of Boston in the US, it is. Vaping is legal in most countries but illegal in Thailand. Why don't travel agents and embassies not make people aware of these laws? Foreigners often visit countries like Thailand because of their different cultures. Why should different laws be such a shock?
  2. That's capitalism folks. Get rid of the NHS so insurance companies could be winners!
  3. Telling them to stop is like asking someone to take a huge cut in earnings.
  4. If you have evidence like emails, lodge a complaint with the police showing that he agreed to return the deposit. Maybe a visit by the boys in brown will help.
  5. The story looks like the police left the money on the table not the vendor. "They had arranged for a brown envelope stuffed with the cash." Is it a sting or entrapment?
  6. A dozen police on Sukhumvit chasing motorcycles doing an illegal u-turn this morning. I bet all of them got away with an immediate red banknote and the government will never see a penny. I like Chuvit's style of dripping the information slowly. It implies he has more and any attempt to make him disappear is likely to lead to a whole load of juicy revelations.
  7. Correct. Same for Saudi Arabia and tribal regions. Same for native Americans, they didn't have borders or countries, ripe for stealing.
  8. And somehow that is a reason for not returning their land? Things change all the time.
  9. Israel was founded by the British to give a home to post-Holocaust European Jews at the end of the war. "Israel"was effectively carved out of land that was inhabited mainly by Arabs. You can ignore their historical claim as the area had shifting conquerors over thousands of years. However, Palestinians were the population when the area was given to form Israel.
  10. I have never been certain why the Americans pour billions into Israel. From what i read, terrorism was used to create the state (e.g. the bombing of the St. David Hotel). I would have thought America would not support it. Is it because they are white? Those of Jewish faith are just 2.4% of the USA. Other, larger, yet colored, minorities get almost nothing in comparison. If it is an independent state, good. Why can't it survive independently? Constantly at war with its neighbors, it is the cuckoo in the nest. The Arabs were there before the influx from Europe. Perhaps they deserve their own country? i realize this is a sensitive subject but i don't understand why the people who were there first are not allowed a country, however small
  11. Some friends ask, what business should i open in Bangkok? I say, a diabetic's supermarket and cafe where no food contains sugar. Seems like a no brainer but no one has taken the challenge yet.
  12. Watched the arrival of the Singaporean guy and suddenly wanted to shout at the screen, "Don't stay on any floor higher than the ground floor!"
  13. Seems this is more common than i thought. She-who-must-be-obeyed watches videos on her tablet of people in rural China or Nepal cooking and sitting around chewing their food. When her friends visit they crowd around the screen commenting on the cooking. I watch the news on my tablet and wear headphones or I go out. There's always a choice.
  14. This type of extortion happens a lot, but I am surprised at the amount. If you are in a car with your wife and friends and get stopped, they only extort from the driver, not everyone in the car. Also, I understand that being drunk as a passenger is not against the law.
  15. Thailand now has a Death Island and a Death Highway. One more for the triple.
  16. Why do politicians always forget that in the digital world photos fly globally?
  17. I believe that for police to set up a barricade to stop vehicles they require a signed letter from whoever is in charge of the station. Otherwise it is illegal. No mention of it being a legal stop and search.
  18. I doubt if foreigners who free climb need information about the dangers. I guess that's why they do it. Officials are probably more concerned about him killing himself and a load of foreigners on some forum blaming them for not putting up "no climbing" signs. Whatever they did they would be wrong. ????
  19. I misunderstood. Thought the article was about Enigma, the chanting monk pop group.
  20. Some former prime ministers were up against charges for transferring government officers.
  21. Betting that his return would create a movement to reverse the case against him (after all it was pushed through by the military coup leaders) and start jockeying again for a partnership. The courts would be in a tough position. He is the nation's most popular (former) politician and trying to arrest him could lead to riots. He could get the same treatment as Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. and be shot on arrival.
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