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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. When Neil Bostrom raised the possibility we live in a simulation in 2003, the biggest fear was that if the alien scientists running the simulation discovered we know it is a simulation, they would call the experiment a failure and switch off the machine. Therefore the hope is that no one believes the theory. Do you?
  2. In certain countries, the police sit in their car outside the pub. When they see someone exiting the bar they walk over before the guy starts the engine and breathalyse him. It stops a lot of drunks from driving. The time doesn't matter.
  3. Who has been talking? I thought this was just between the RTP and the rest of the world? To be fair, i have met some fair and honest police but couldn't resist a bit of sarcasm.
  4. Won't the Russian soldiers stationed at the Ukraine nuclear facilities be irradiated first if there is a leak? I doubt they have been informed of their imminent sickness.
  5. Getting very confused. GOP is making this its key political thrust in Congress? Not abortion? Not healthcare? Not school shootings? Not infrastructure? Not immigration? I am sure if Hunter Biden did something illegal he will, and should, be prosecuted. However, he didn't work in the White House for the President so it isn't as important as the orange ball who stole confidential documents (just thinking them unclassified doesn't work in the real world) and whose children had jobs at the White House surely?
  6. Is this the end of Thailand as a medical tourism hub? I doubt this is what Thai authorities want.
  7. I suspect he has videos of politicians and policemen using his former facilities just like captain Ch*l*rm.
  8. Wish there were reliable statistics to show how many families have been wrecked by alcohol and how many by cannabis in 2021-2022. It is a storm in a teacup. Clearly Thailand is conservative, but the number of jobs created by cannabis should sway the vote towards keeping it legal. Over time, it's use will be more acceptable.
  9. Never heard of this disease before. Imagining her in a toga.
  10. Age doesn't matter. It is mental acuity that old people need to drive.
  11. In a country where the average salary is a fraction of that in the EU and USA, part of me understands the need by people to ensure their old age is comfortable. Corruption is a result of people feeling that they can get away with it. This guy was probably forced into assisting as the result of a refusal might have buggered up his retirement. The country needs leaders who are willing to take difficult decisions without concern for their retirement. I don't see that anyone will say, "Damn the pension, i am going to jail this guy."
  12. I too am interested to know if there is a statute of limitations on any of the charges. Yingluck was charged with transferring an official. Compare with Boss killing a policeman.
  13. Unusual that not one person called her "scum".
  14. Russian citizenship means the USA cannot extradite him. I understand he doesn't want to live in fear all his life. Assange is worse off and needs to be set free immediately. If anyone has seen the video of the helicopter shooting Reuters journalists and children it seems he did humanity a service.
  15. I would have hoped all the airbags would have been replaced over the past decade. Obviously, many people don't get their cars serviced at the brand service center. Still, brand should have found a way to contact owners. Takata should be held responsible for all these deaths.
  16. So, in this case soldiers, with a private getting £21,424 a year, Lance Corporal: £28,351 a year. Corporal: £33,065 a year. Sergeant: £37,198 a year, are doing the work of people that the transport secretary, Grant Shapps, cited as an average salary of £44,000 for railway workers. Seems like the soldiers need a pay raise to do those jobs..
  17. You do know that the justice department reports to the attorney general and that the attorneys general are elected? There is nothing independent about that. A Republican Congress can impeach an AG and remove him from office, replacing him with a more amenable officer.
  18. Except if the republicans declare it a witch hunt and tell the justice Depot to stop.
  19. Seems Trump will win if he can keep adding roadblocks and delays until the Republicans take control of the house in January. Unless, of course, there are ten or more Republicans that believe in law and order.
  20. The Indonesia kid with a 40 a day habit strikes me as being a lot worse as he faces lung cancer. What does a bong user face?
  21. A lot of squawking here about not choosing corrupt politicians but zero ideas about who would be a taint-free PM in future. Poor people prefer anyone linked to Thaksin as he has achieved mostly positive changes to help the rural poor. Those village-managed microcredit development funds, low-interest agricultural loans, direct injections of cash into village development funds, infrastructure development, and One Tambon One Product (OTOP). Thaksin's economic policies helped to accelerate Thailand's economic recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and reduced poverty. He balanced the national budget, producing fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Transparency International reported that Thailand's reputation for transparency among business executives improved during the years of the Thaksin government. He initiated subsidized universal health care and low-cost universal access to anti-retroviral HIV medication. Remember, the coup makers wanted to end the 30 Baht scheme but were prevented by public outcry. Most rich people, westerners included, prefer to remember the war on drugs as the only thing they do remember. Even though his sister Yingluck, was impeached for removing a government person who had been appointed by a former government, she was still admired by ordinary people. Now, the daughter will represent the poor, which means she will be torn down by the rich and powerful. I sometimes wonder why they bother to elect the Shinawatras.
  22. Is there a difference between Legal officers, police and law officers? Must admit I thought they meant law officers but it must be the translation I guess.
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