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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. The Thais want visitors to come and spend money, so I don't get why fake documents are used. All are welcome. My Indian friends are laughing.
  2. Maybe borrow some of California's water bombing planes or buy some so they just fly over the flaming fields and boom, drenched.
  3. Worth investigating its parent planet for people. Then our military can go there and claim it. Maybe wipe out the native people too. Isn't that what we do?
  4. It is about time countries banned contributions from third parties to just $25,000 each.
  5. The words the forum uses to describe Putin here normally imply most would be glad had Bident succeeded.
  6. Poor GammaGlobin. Gets slagged off for discussing the night sky.
  7. Sad, but I wanted to be the first person to say... Black Hawk down! There, got it out of my system.
  8. There are Muslims in Myanmar. The 3rd Company of Brigade 4 in the KNU is Muslim.
  9. I would love to know the cost of one tablet. 200k?
  10. I agree with others that the cut off was very sudden, as if there were no stocks of drugs or donations from any other country. ASEAN and especially rich members like Singapore and Brunei should take the lead
  11. Giving kids a short, sharp, shock (to quote Pink Floyd) doesn't seem like a bad idea.
  12. I don't understand. If those deported were rapists and murderers why weren't they picked up from jail instead of home? Were any of them tried and found guilty of rape or murder? Perhaps they were and were on the lam, but the authorities were pretty lucky to guess where they were hiding out.
  13. Your comment, while appreciated, didn't address the post, which doesn't mention Putin etc., etc. It is about what may be a legal method of giving a US president a third term.
  14. Could the rioters not have used the "prejudicing their case" gambit at their trials?
  15. Trump may extend to another term by standing as Vice President with a stooge winning the election as President. Then the stooge, for instance Vance, says he can no longer perform his duties and stands down, thus allowing the Vice President to assume office - without an election. The 22nd Amendment only requires that someone not be elected to the Presidency more than twice. https://theconversation.com/how-trump-could-try-to-stay-in-power-after-his-second-term-ends-246722 https://cornerstonelaw.us/22nd-amendment-doesnt-say-think-says/
  16. I don't see how smaller countries could do much against any economic warfare committed by the U.S. Of course they could have "don't buy American" campaigns on consumer goods but it would not hurt America. Laughing at every pubic announcement won't embarrass anyone.
  17. All people are female at conception.
  18. All this verbal red tape doesn't come out of the blue and is just a red herring to disguise the black sheep among the racist boys in blue, many of whom were caught red handed in text messages. They have been yellow carded often enough, so it isn't a gray area. Brown nosing people of color it is not. I would not blackball the use of color in idiomatic English as it is a golden opportunity to teach idiomatic language to immigrants.
  19. Setting aside the usual racism about the Chinese, there is a case for investigating criminals of all nationalities. However, as the local plod cannot be entrusted to track foreign criminals, perhaps AI could be brought in to find the links between length of stay versus length of visas issued and names of those wanted on charges in other countries.
  20. These things take time. When the BMA tried to introduce computer managed traffic lights in Bangkok one policemen was so upset when the traffic worsened, he got an axe and chopped the wires in the control box. Apparently, it is supposed to take time to figure out the best sequence but that does have a negative effect. Just tell the authorities that it will make Thailand look like Singapore and they might go for it.
  21. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of the people in the impoverished Southern States when the find out that the people in Greenland get the right to have universal healthcare and free education while they go bankrupt paying insurance companies. There will be a stampede.
  22. Just thinking that if I were a South American leader I would first give permission for the flights, then take it away mid-flight so there is a lot of wasted fuel and expenses. Then I would ban military flights as the cost is hidden from the public and demand commercial flights, where the cost is more transparent and the American pubic would find out how much they are spending on the flights. Then when an agreement was made, check the visa status of all flight crew on landing illegally. Bwaahaha Of course, that would never happen.
  23. Hardly a "bold pursuit". More like ignoring an ally to grab their native lands.
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