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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. It would be helpful to understand who are the military threats he is talking about. Honestly, it looks like the southern insurgency is the biggest issue and tanks, submarines and F16s have yet to be used to solve that problem, and never will. The fact that Malaysia allows insurgents to hide in its territory doesn't mean it will declare war any time soon.
  2. As JosephBlogs suggests, a wooden barrier that raises and lowers with flashing lights would stop cars but I can image they won't stop bikes.
  3. If she rejected his advances how explicit could they be?
  4. Most AN respondents don't get one important point - all beers in Thailand are made for Thais not westerners. Alcohol content decreased over 12 years ago to meet the wants of a younger generation of male and female Thais who didn't want to get drunk or fat on 6-7% alcohol (high carb) beer. Asking if they will make a flat, warm beer for Brits is dreaming. As for making a version of Coors, ahem, why?
  5. It's perfectly safe - until it isn't. But will banks return money stolen from an online account? Nope. Like expensive french gateaux it is all bolleaux.
  6. I doubt many political parties would be so strict. Good on them.
  7. I would recommend all genders carry condoms when going to a bar. You are right that pausing does take a few seconds more, and young kids feel their partner doesn't trust them if asked to wear a condom. Having worked with kids born with HIV I do understand that they are often afraid to tell their partner they are infected. Worrying that while the total number of HIV hasn't changed a lot there are more 12-14 year olds getting it than ever.
  8. If they renamed entertainment areas red light districts perhaps it would put some provinces off the idea.
  9. No unprotected sex is a mantra pretty well-known to most people. She maybe doesn't understand that she probably didn't pass it on if they wore a condom. Oral sex carries little to no risk for getting or transmitting HIV, much lower than with anal or vaginal sex.
  10. Think carefully before going against a doctor's advice. Yes, you can pay Thai doctor's to do what you want, but it doesn't mean it's the best choice. As someone else said, surgery is a last resort. If your UK doctor has not recommended it, either continue with the prescribed medicine or talk it over with the/a doctor and see if he can recommend something non-invasive. My prostate ballooned so I visited two hospitals (1st and 2nd opinion). My biggest fear was prostate cancer, but that checked out fine. Both doctors prescribed medicine and it has seemed to work as the "stream" is stronger. Thai doctors will often do whatever costs you the most, so please don't demand something a good doctor has not recommended.
  11. It is a surprise that with 10 years of military rule and many more years of Thaksin rule that not one of the ding dings thought of having a clean air act.
  12. To be fair, the government promised every Thai would get their free beer money THB 10,000 so everyone wants their free money now.
  13. Look at it the other way round, 86% totally fine but thanks for asking.
  14. I wonder what tourists will tell their friends when they go back to their home countries. Is the sort of PR Pheu Thai was looking for?
  15. I see he has two people near him in the photo to ensure he says what they instructed him to say. Sigh.
  16. My issue, is everyone sentenced to death is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Guilty as hell you say. So when they are found innocent decades later, and have already been executed or spent 40 years on death row, how do you deal with it? You might remember the Monty Python film Holy Grail where Lancelot kills a wedding party thinking they are the bad guys and later has to walk through the murdered guests and loads of blood saying "Sorry, terribly sorry" when he finds out he was wrong. I simply want to avoid that happening.
  17. Or there is an opportunity that they are found innocent when DNA proves they didn't do it. Too late once they are dead.
  18. Killing someone that is later found innocent is a tremendous burden to carry. Do not forget, all those on death row who were found guilty of murder beyond reasonable doubt - and then exonerated - must have felt something too.
  19. Aside from the fact you associate human life with money, which is horrible in itself, you didn't understand that every person wrongly executed was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt (obviously), then later found innocent. You also don't understand that the legal system is expensive what with speaks and the cost of lawyers (you know that money thing). It is often more expensive to execute someone than imprison then for life. See the attached information which can be found easily. Granted, everything is more expensive in some countries than others but you can't look at people as economic goods. As an aside, in Thailand, for instance, arresting Burmese for crimes committed by Thais is not unusual.
  20. There is a footnote in the Foreign Business Act that clearly states crime is reserved for Thais.
  21. Many here saying these murderers should be murdered by the state to prevent them going back on the streets and killing again. What does life in prison without parole mean? Think about it. Take all the time you need.

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