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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. Joe Biden is "babbling"! I didn't give the parents a free go. I just gave you a glimpse of what can be considered in the whole context. This kind of response underscores again, the educational level of many "aliens" roaming, where ever, or under whatever stone, in TiT. Nothing more, nothing less. Your "stone" might be situated, where to "sit next door sucking on the Lao Khao every night" seems to be more common, as in other places. "Expats" prefer to share barstools with sympathizers in other areas and venues, "sucking" anything else, as "Lao Khao". Lol. Btw, which "responsibilities" you've undertaken in TiT, to speak out so loud, about local "parents"? Besides those repeating, statuary requirements for roaming in TiT?
  2. A smart comment from a member of the "Helicopter" parents corner? Playing football? Doing homework? Do you know, that TiT pupils are under custody of the schools from 7:30 AM, until 5 PM, 5 days, sometimes 6 days a week? An getting "homework" every day, and even on the weekends? And, you're blaming the parents, in whatever individual economic situation they might be? It's a structural problem, of an ancient, outdated, messed-up education system, run by, in many cases, incapable personnel and teacher "authorities", to whom the parents need to bend down in "respect". Due to an artificially elevated "social" status, a stupid uniform, in a "frozen" society model.
  3. All societies are going with the dogs. This is an international issue. TiT is just joining the bandwagons as they do about anything. All this peddled "traditional" culture circus has only an advantage for the rich dinosaurs, their families, and circles, and still a purpose for older people. The young people of the not-so-well-situated parts of this late-middle-age, caste-society system of the pre-last century, are getting lost. The young people of the "elites" see themselves as "princes". Many of them are pathetic prxxks and sometimes are also involved in "events" like this. With the permission "Do you know who my father is?" But frankly, who cares about it?
  4. First, they've to find out, who the father is.
  5. At least one thing, what Western democracies, by their "new" transforming books, are copying from the developing world. Lol
  6. So, as you can see, depending on/being under electronic surveillance, both sides get a slave and fxxxed, by the "programmed" middle finger. The "robot" employees on the minimum wage, of those "reputable, better", overpriced junk-food-chain outlets, have only the choice to function. With the "big brother" camera in their neck. The customers have "to eat that". Brave new world. More "AI" please! Lol.
  7. So? They're family? Or did you denounce them? Why you mention it?
  8. "Thailand" bashers, Farang "deporting sheriffs", smart Xrxes, everything. But "Thai bashers" are a more rare species in this "elite" forum. Just guessing, lol.
  9. Thank you, me too, Lol! I guess, I've mentioned both "species". Considering the cake to share, it's irrelevant if locals or foreigners. Some people might come to TiT, and start looking for clues. But a "business plan" for a restaurant? Lol! In many cases, I've seen, I doubt it would have been so helpful. Common sense, surveillance of the closer surroundings, and knowledge of basic arithmetics should be sufficient to start. As I've mentioned, there are some basic "variables". Especially for foreigners, there are many more. In this context, forget about "smart" business plans. AI generated, within 5 minutes? Who cares about it? The TiT-style "crystal ball", is the same, but more authentic. Never forget, where you are. And don't worry, I'm burning money for living in "paradise". That's why I'm here, not for working.
  10. You're talking about the Farang, super smart, "rich" entrepreneurs? They're not the problem. If they fail, some of them go back home in their underwear. Against advice, one's better judgment. or common sense. As you said, "copying" is a problem. It worked with "Rolex" watches, DVD-CD-Software, or Hilfxcker t-shirts. Long gone, and a niche business today. But the disposition is still the same. A laundromat shop, self-service car wash, it doesn't matter what, anything pops up copied inflationary in the close neighborhood. If opening the 5th laundromat shop, in the direct neighborhood, why, or how can it be successful? Better question: Why doesn't it? Another good example is weed shops. Too much, is too much, until the end. Society structure and education are the tasks.
  11. Photocopying! This is a major economic factor in TiT. Lol. In serious, an "artificial" high Baht? How do they want to manage that? They never really could. The "golden" time, when it's raining money (foreign currencies), is over. The foreign currency reserve, one of the major assets of the national budget, has decreased remarkably. Reluctantly, this puppet government realizes it, and desperately announces a new hub, every week. Or that a visa exemption for a bunch of tourists from Mongolia is a breakthrough. Even this needs weeks to consider, and take place. The elites are quite relaxed like always, while the Chinese taking over "the land of the free" under their watch. Not too many alternatives, in my point of view.
  12. Many, not only not-so-well-situated Thais realize it! And the majority voted for a change. But they get drawn over the table, again, and again. The last example is the farce of the Senate (s)election.
  13. Btw, this is just another mixed-up copy, of a thread about Restaurants "Crisis"! "Considering"...How long? Big talking clouds, and warm air for months. Nothing happens, this way, or the other. At least, it creates a lot of smoke about nothing. What do they want to achieve, with "allowed" alcohol sales between 2 pm and 5 pm? All "old" laws stay in the "drawer". Those are not enforced, until somebody's state of mind changes. Oops, the "jumping jack" is back on the table. Too many examples.
  14. Monopolization. It's common in TiT, in the interest of a view. It started with some well-known "big" players. The cannibalization process is reaching more sectors, and going down the ranks. This is destroying the former quiet fair competition, at least in this sector. Supported by expanding new "own-foot-shot" regulations, which are getting more difficult to fulfill for many small businesses. In addition, a growing demand for the soulless, pseudo-luxury, nuevo-rich venues, and the McDonald's-Amazon plastic-shopping-mall affinity of the folks takes its toll. In tourist areas is sheer oversupply the problem. New venues popping up at every corner, having to share fewer customers with more competitors. The suggestions in the article are a call for state subsidy (who pays it?), to keep it up like it is. With, or without "digital wallets". Deduction of expenses from the taxed revenue should be a casualness of design. There is a strong urge for tax collection by the government in any possible sector, but there needs to be at least a functional system to be implemented, before the call. Another administrative, half-cooked, bureaucrat monster, with dozens of flip-flop decisions is predictable. But this is a problem in many countries. Bureaucrat desk jockeys over-regulate, creating senseless rules, to maintain their presence. Many of those issues are home-brewed. There is nothing to blame on COVID anymore.
  15. Malaysia plays in another league, to be polite. TiT is on its way to get the taillight of SEA. Only the SET is number one. But in losses. So much about the "globally appealing" hub for investment.
  16. Lol. Another Christmas wishlist. I already can imagine truckloads of "blue ink" signed photocopies, robust power failures, and bursting clouds. All 5 topics remind me of a "Beatles" song, about "nowhere plans". Hubs and key player roles again, and again. Not even one was achieved in recent times. Those only "key player roles", or "hubs" they have (that fell into their lap), are destroyed by the inability to maintain, and the greed, of self-appointed clowns.
  17. I wouldn't have started a 'kindergarten" circus. Where is the "nasty" part in it? So, the "nasty" person patiently waited with you, the cashier, the manager, and two security guards together for the Tourist police (3 cops) to get handcuffed. How many spectators? That is the "circus" part. As they had previous problems with him, knowing he lurks around, why did Mr. Nasty not get detained before? That is the "common sense" part. Further, I doubt that the guy was holding his passport ready, to prove his "Overstay". Even that's not a ticket "directly" to the IDC. That is the "wishlist" part. Molesting is juridically an offense, nothing more, nothing less. And has nothing to do with the immigration law. That's the "reality" part. Nice story though, feeding the wishful thinking of the ASEAN Now "deporting" faction members, and their narratives.
  18. OK, you don't like Russians and Indians, but why you don't like only the "Brexit loving British types"? Are you British?
  19. For sure you don't know what I'm talking about. You confirm it with every post. That makes me doubt if you've seen the debate at all. For sect members, it makes no difference anyway. About "not" working "in" a troll farm? I'm not so sure. The diversity in this forum is quite widespread. Even trolls should be allowed to say their opinion. But you're right about trolls in comparison with sect members. The usual fate of sects is, that they're diminishing quietly, or destroying themselves. The NCOs of the sect did get it already in 2022, that their leader is a cognitive wreck. The advantages of abusing a remote-controlled p(m)uppet outweighed this fact. Only the brainwashed ranks and files of the sect still do not (tunnel vision).
  20. You're a "real" hero! How many medals do you have already?
  21. That cliché, combined with a kitchen table analysis suits many developing countries. It even suits Western countries. It depends on which areas, or quarters you look at. Also, you can survey a degeneration of "culture" in the developed world, not only created by "systemic" population replacement. In Europe, Tattoos might get replaced by long beards and pyjama suits. Not only a few young European women fall for super-machos, with stone-age culture, and cavemen attitudes. Machete swinging lunatics in public transport is a daily event. If the "western sluts" don't fall, they get raped. Gang rape of women and children isn't an exceptional offense anymore. No outcry, no outrage. In the US, it's similar, just with different accents. It gets connected, what belongs together, some say. You may ask, why do I mention all this? To show, how ridiculous and overloaded the whole topic is. I live very well in TiT. With all that "trouble", created by foreigners. Thank you for verifying, the majority of "ex-pats" do not make "trouble". I want to add: The majority of "tourists" either. So, all the wingers in TiT could move it home, to have reasons to winge, or to act as "the new sheriff in town".
  22. Like, with the first computers. If you didn't know how to use it, it was useless. The next step was to "copy and paste". People pasted any i.e. "Wikipedia" junk, with the trust that it "must" be correct. AI? Everybody can hit "return". What version of an AI result is "your" favorite, and which "other" version does anybody else prefer? What are different AI applications, or versions (updates) doing with the same source? You still have to read the results, if it's representing, what you intend to say, and if it's correct, like a lecturer. The longer the article, the more enduring. Fewer people will do it. Hit return, or share, and a lot of crap is dispatched to the world, throughout all possible channels. An "AI software script", initiated by a toddler? Not even a real opinion. It is already happening. Misleading articles, falsified photos, and videos with "robot" voices. A lot of BS to find in social networks. People with the wrong intention, know "how" to use it, and are willing to "abuse" it.
  23. Now you're sounding like a social worker in a retirement home. But you're not. Lol.
  24. An sequence of the well known, endlessly repeated nonsense, aiming to convince any doubting sect members about what's not supposed to be. Anyhow, this "eruption" is better as the performance of the "liar in chief", when he's stammering about kitchen tables, the raping of siblings, or "endorsements", wich are denied within minutes. Like the woke education ideology. The lower the levels, the more sheep can achieve something, if they only have the correct political adjustment.
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