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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. This guy has about as much charisma and talent as a grain of sand which is why I deleted his feed some time ago.
  2. There isn't a street in the whole country that is one way, is every way they want to drive...
  3. Weight distribution is everything in flying because if the centre of gravity isn't correct it will lead to a catastrophe.
  4. No but I know someone who bought one in Pattaya for 18000 baht using installments. 3000 baht a month for 6 months.
  5. Complete load of hot air and meaningless statements like this are always the norm when new minister's take office.
  6. Another disgusting episode from those who swear to protect the citizenry but only protect themselves and the guilty from facing the full force of the law.
  7. IMO Udon is the best in terms of numbers of expats and Thai services offering English speaking staff. You need to learn at least some basic Thai as this will heighten your enjoyment of living here.
  8. The total absurdity of the Thai judiciary exposed for all its hypocrisy. I know of a guy in the next village who is doing 9 years for murder, go figure out that and the loss of a life with using a car for 2 years..
  9. And stuffed envelopes to hand out...
  10. Wow, such diligence but of course totally useless. More Muppetry to get a headline...
  11. More delusional utterences from the orange moron. I wonder if he will have to wear a orange jump suit to match his orange skin when he gets to Strykers. That would be perfect.
  12. It wasn't a idea it was Cameron caving into his back benchers to include a referendum on leaving the EU in the party manifesto in return for him to continue as PM for a second term, which he gladly did of course thinking that he would win the referendum to stay in.... The usual conservative excrement we have seen for the last upteen years of putting their party first and the nation in the sewer...
  13. Absolutely hilarious, all huff and puff they can't even halt the Arab motorcycle menace in South Pattaya let alone heighten security... Ask for the neutrality, it didn't, sadly help the citizens caught up in the brutality, soft power doesn't work for terrorists, time for some hard policies...
  14. More shame on the BiB Muppets as it's clear they knew of these people all along because you don't identify 114 suspects in a couple of days...
  15. Further adding to delays in entering the country with now having to queue and handover money and will a receipt be given detailing the medical cover...
  16. Tell the kids to make sure they feed the dog and lock up at night.
  17. In my local town here in Isaan we've never had so many new pharmacies open... From being just 3 or 4 there are now more than a dozen.
  18. If in any doubt sign it, copy it and copy it again, always best to have backup when dealing with the fickle Thai officialdom.
  19. I am not holding my breath like TiT officials utter these things and very little ever comes of them. And if it were to pass the amount of actual tax would be minimal if you go by the current tax threshold as published.
  20. The tragedy is the millions of lost votes cast by citizens that haven't been honoured because of the corrupt unelected senate and the usual cronies that are currently screwing the country...
  21. Absolutely hilarious, they couldn't change their underpants if they wanted to let alone anything else. Just imagine the amount of resignations upon learning that the global standard of policing involves routine patrols, instead of the current lethargy of sitting in the station twiddling thumbs on the mobile while waiting to respond...
  22. They shouldn't advocate anything, just ban all sales full stop, it is the corrupt selling them and the criminals using them, absolutely no need for citizens to have them let alone a 14 year old.
  23. I know a few expats that chose to retire in Isaan because they prefer a smaller place that doesn't have all the chaos, noise etc than larger conurbations further South.
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