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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. To avoid wasted trip I would take all marriage related documents with you, certificate, KR2 etc Cover the bases and you should be fine.
  2. If you have left already break all communication, switch off your phones location and I would imagine you'll be okay, especially if you move away from the area.
  3. Democracy in Thailand is dead, RiP. The dinosaurs need to become extinct, they are v living in the past, are not the future of the country, while those that are the future are yet again disenfranchised. Disgraceful.
  4. Then don't go there and go somewhere else. All the people I know that live there are Thai because it's cheap and close to where they work.
  5. The red necks and coup mobsters might think so but their base is so low compared to the way the rest of the country thinks about the criminal, who is now so poor they are donating 10s of millions to pay for the liar's defence. However, as the vast majority are as dumb as f*** and voted him in in the first place, of course anything is possible. RiP all those that fought for decency and democracy.
  6. RiP to the 2 youngsters and good luck to the 3rd. Unfortunately the carnage continues unabated and nobody in authority gives a t o s s..
  7. And they won't get any gram of compassion from the Muppets at PEA.
  8. Unfortunately you must have a mentally challenged individual in charge of the village broadcast because in my village they only occasionally play music and only make announcements as and when necessary. I suggest you campaign vigorously in the upcoming village election to ensure the person in charge of broadcasting is fit and proper to perform their duties without disrupting your and others daily lives..
  9. Sounds like alot of expats here but they mostly don't like the food...
  10. Suggest you get in and when or if you get out, report back...
  11. The embassy has nothing to do with passport renewal. It's all handled through VFS.
  12. Easily proved by looking at the books. Only a idiot would buy without doing due diligence.
  13. I informed Nationwide that I was retiring to Thailand and gave them my official address here, along with HMRC etc. That was 15 years ago and I never had a problem. However with the news that expats with some UK bank accounts being given notice of closure due to non resident status. I have opened a Wise GBP account in addition to my other Wise accounts, just in case Nationwide do decide the time is up.
  14. When I lived in the UK I was never offered a drinks menu upon entering the pub. Why should Thai bars be any different...
  15. The Thai misogynistic dinosaurs are at it again, clearly they don't know we are now in the 21st C and are not still living in caves in Kalasin...
  16. Another shameful case of brushing it under the carpet Thai style while the victims get no support or compassion whatsoever and the quilty get off scot free.
  17. Thin end of the CCP wedge, kick them all the way back to peking.
  18. Clearly you don't understand how Thailand works. As the chinese actress said when she paid for the police out riders to whisk her from the airport in Bangkok to her Pattaya hotel and I quote, 'everything in Thailand is for sale ' My wife's friend was offered a job at the local school when someone was retiring, after completing her degree, the fee was 200,000 baht paid into the school directors bank account if she wanted the position. I suggest you wake up and smell the coffee...
  19. A friend of mine walked into a beach road hotel in Pattaya and got a 30% discount for this weekend...
  20. 4 months and the odd visit not really CV for understanding how life really is. You need to have years under you belt.
  21. 1st and 2nd of August all bars will be closed.
  22. Yes they are it's not a bank holiday, just another jolly day off for the civil servants etc
  23. In my experience, even though I always tick the 'funds for long-term stay in Thailand' It sometimes goes through as local and sometimes as FTT which is the code for overseas transfers with Bangkok Bank. Wise told me before that knew there was a glitch and were working on it but it still is happening. On my last marriage extension no mention was made of the 2 different codes. I also supplied the PDF receipt from Wise for each transfer which shows a GBP to Baht conversion.
  24. It boggles my mind that someone with either no income or very little income can be given so much money by so called financial institutions. Out here in the boonies of Isaan nearly all the big houses are owned by teachers, civil servants, policemen etc None of whom earn big saleries. Needless to say the the accompanying 4 wheels can be seen in the garage, usually a Camry or Fortuner. Completely bonkers.
  25. Key visa in Pattaya gets good reviews, try them.
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