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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Nobody cares what he hopes as the usurper of democracy his opinion is worthless much like his tenure in power. And his and his cronies legacy will effect the country until the anti democratic senate can be dismantled because we have seen recently they are still clinging onto their illegitimacy.
  2. A sad tale of deception. My wife doesn't have access to any of my 3 Thai accounts and I get transfer and withdrawal notifications, easy to set up and use. She also has no access to my UK accounts either. Only upon my demise through the executor will she have access. I would never trust a Thai when it comes to my money, had my fingers lightly burnt long ago and learnt my lesson.
  3. Many of those hotel's up here in Isaan only cater to the Thai domestic audience and therefore their online presence is in the Thai language. And even in larger towns there are some marketing in Thai only. Unless there is a major holiday virtually all of them will have a room available by just walking in.
  4. I got my renewal done over Christmas and NY, it was 3 weeks in all which was superb considering the bank holidays involved.
  5. In Thai villages there is usually a death insurance that they pay into monthly, sometimes only 30 baht or so but it provides the basic cost of the village temple funeral.
  6. I use Deestone and have had very good wear out of them. I'm on my 3rd set, Toyota 3.0 4 dr pre runner
  7. The senate has got any ethics let alone credibility because they were told what to do by the election losers, who of course created the anti democratic senate in the first place to thwart the people's choice. No doubt they have been amply rewarded for their dereliction of duty.
  8. Another completely useless announcement from the Muppets. Hardly surprising as of course that airport is run by the military, navy. More cronism blatantly being shown as they know no shame. Meanwhile the real businesses providing a service to millions of tourists are left high and dry...
  9. Anyone know the answer to the above? I know about streaming services outside of Thailand but wondered if it was on any Thai based platform.
  10. It's against the law and as they have computerized tills, it would be easy for the authorities to spot. They could only do it by accepting cash payments.
  11. Driving or riding because of the total lack of training and enforcement. Corruption. Power outages when there is very heavy rain, thunderstorms, lightning etc 90 day reporting. Rubbish strewn everywhere.
  12. Thankfully I don't have access to any mainstream UK TV and nor do I want it. I only watch BBC news and any documentaries and sports feeds, like the current Open that are available on my Truevisions satellite feed.
  13. I have to supply my old passport when I renew because it contains my last issued Non O and entry stamp for my marriage extension which obviously aren't in the new one. IME copy everything old, and new. Last year I was asked for photo copies of my house photos, first time ever in more than 10+ years of marriage extensions. TiT
  14. It's a alcohol ban only it doesn't include non alcoholic products.
  15. If it wasn't for his corrupt constitution and formation of an unelected, incompetent and unaccountable senate, there would be no need for calls of calm.
  16. No doubt the kill joy's will be out in force on learning of this news...
  17. The senate is not democratic because it's appointed not elected as were the undemocratic army Muppets and their cronies who took power illegally. Such a shame the corrupt, so called, conservatives are yet again sticking up the will of the people.
  18. The defenders of the realm selling off the instruments of defence, just so Thai and all of course for baht... Laughable.
  19. Puts himself in the spotlight and so it doesn't take long for someone to do some digging and low and behold, the closet door is now ajar...
  20. Super rich has been closed for sometime.
  21. If he had an ounce of decency he would resign as should the rest of the undemocratic, unelected cronies.
  22. I don't know if it's the law but it is certainly a requirement because the body cannot be released for cremation or to family members until a autopsy has been done by an official embassy appointed pathologist. I know this because of expat UK deaths near me in Isaan and the bodies had to go to Khon Kaen for autopsy.
  23. Excellent news. Hit these dinosaur senators where it hurts in the wallet. Unelected, incompetent and riding on the old crony network, let's hope there days are numbered. I hop they pay a huge price for failing to fulfill their duty whilst raking in taxpayers baht because they were to arrogant to attend and vote for the nation's choices.
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