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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Illegal guns here are facilitated by the people authorised to carry them as we see in armouries that when audited are missing firearms, sometimes 10s of them. Not to mention the in effective border control.
  2. Government policy to keep the masses where they are in society. The teaching standards generally are a absolute disgrace, rote learning in the 21C, pathetic. Corruption everywhere starting with getting a teachers job in the 1st place, school meals, material purchasing scams abound. Rotten to the core in the vast majority of places.
  3. I always buy the cheapest wine in BigC, currently 299 baht in my branch, that is above 11% in alcohol content because I refuse to pay the absurd prices for more expensive stuff because of the words on the label. I also find the 3 litre plastic containers very good value at 569 baht.
  4. I believe you are correct there is no extradition treaty with Germany.
  5. Perhaps you've never come across white wine then as it's usually taken and served cold from the fridge, just like beer here is...
  6. More BS from the king of BS and fake post's
  7. Absolutely ridiculous, so bar staff are now being told to be the medical arbiter's of when someone is too drunk... TiT
  8. Influential and did not fear law enforcement, we know who the influencers are and they don't enforce the law against themselves...
  9. Never been asked for that proof after being legally married, only KR2 confirmation from local Amphur dated the same day as your Extn application stating you are still legally married and not divorced.
  10. And these are the corrupt people who want to tax expats income so we are led to believe. Morally and ethically bankrupt organisation..
  11. If she doesn't like it she should slither back to her own country where of course she is not permitted to do anything remotely like this. Chinese s c u m
  12. This guy is becoming a clown nearly every single day.
  13. Many bars lay on some sort of special to celebrate Christmas. There are several good rooftop bars to go to, my own favourites are Horizon Hilton, Siam@Siam, Arbour
  14. The BiB flouting the law by engaging in criminal activity surely a misunderstanding...
  15. I did a 1 year extension recently everything was the same as last year.
  16. The guy is a clueless Muppet with the intelligence of a grain of sand on Pattaya beach...
  17. You can do a same day border crossing here to get a visa as I know someone who did so last week without any problems.
  18. Some security check as clearly they missed the knives going into the venue, useless Muppets.
  19. Never had a problem in Udon or elsewhere in the early hours of the morning.
  20. I've done mine a day before it expired in the past. However I normally do it a couple of weeks before as I did in October this year.
  21. Idiocy at it's supreme best. I've avoided Pattaya for many years because of the 10 day nam fest and remained in by Isaan retreat where the event is celebrated on the 3 actual days of the Songkran festival and in a civilised manner.
  22. You could write what that Muppet knows about Thailand on the back of a postage stamp. I called him out before about untruthful statements he made on a video and have since deleted his feed, he's full of s h I t e
  23. Absolutely not! The worst thing is having to go into places playing those ridiculous Yuletide songs over the PA.
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