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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. The whole system is rotten to the core and the perpetrators of the rottenness have zero interest in children welfare but are invested in their own incompetence.
  2. That's that bandwagon finished then. There will be alot of shuttered shops.
  3. That's 3 billion wasted then and as usual a considerable portion will end up in the bank accounts of the corrupt committee...
  4. Anyone who can't go to their local DLT office and perform the simplest of tasks for a paltry sum deserves to be ripped off. Which is why many people drive without one because they are dumb as ****
  5. I visit heaven regularly, it's in Chonburi...
  6. The real dinosaur's will be present as members of the government, no need for models...
  7. Plus you would need to be around for the home visit after you collected the extension stamp in your passport which is usual on the first marriage extension.
  8. Anyone travelling to that corrupt <deleted>e hole deserves all they get. Even it's own citizens don't want to be there and those they can have fled elsewhere, notably here and places like Georgia etc
  9. Waste of money, far better coffee to be had elsewhere for a reasonable price.
  10. MR2 is temporary, really it's been there for decades...
  11. 20 baht at my Amphur. My IO requires the updated KR2 to be dated the day of extension application.
  12. It's only paint on the road surface it doesn't mean anything... Your better off jaywalking.
  13. To save paying people for nothing. Also for me it's a day out because my provinces IO is 90kms away and I can do some shopping eat in a restaurant at Robinson's. The time spent going is immaterial to my lifestyle.
  14. More chinese scum in the country conning silly Thai's into doing their bidding.
  15. With the average household debt running into the 100s of thousands of baht, I would expect it could be 100s of thousands of people or more...
  16. Good luck with that piece of Thai 0.0 tech if it's anything like the others it will be a mess, just like 90 day online. Always posts saying it doesn't work or no notification coming back etc.
  17. 20 baht and it has to dated the same day as the application at my IO.
  18. The Muppet driving the pickup was probably a lowlife thinking that no one is allowed to jump in front of me. Let's hope if he is ever in one another ignoramus blocks his path to hospital or medical care.
  19. Complete waste of time, just another useless Thai committee earning extra allowances for the attendees. The Thai bodge at its best...
  20. There won't be any effect on the Pattaya economy.
  21. Yes if your official address is in Thailand and a non UK resident. All my UK bank and government correspondence is sent to my Thai address as I don't reside in the UK.
  22. When I collected my new UK passport from VFS in Bangkok I asked for and was given a letter from them verifying it was my new passport. As I had read that some immigration offices required this and I presented it at the time I had the extension stamps transferred into my new passport. This was in January 2023.
  23. Same as last year, nothing. She is a Bhuddist.
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