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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. With the ridiculously cheap availability of meth I am surprised he could afford to buy glue but then perhaps he was sniffing up the wrong tree...
  2. Clearly the Pattaya residents need to come up with a few stuffed envelopes then. Rarely do the BiB operate in preventing crime and react to crime, unless there is a photo op.
  3. No doubt with 2 corrupt junta's in both countries they've been paid handsomely to come up with such nonsense.
  4. The police should be preparing to arrest all those usurper's of democracy who have left the country in limbo because of an illegal constitution and the formation of an unelected senate who only tug their dyed forelocks in the direction of their paymasters...
  5. Fully agree, unfortunately the dumb Too and his cronies legacy with the creation of an unelected senate will be a stain on the democratic progression of the country for years to come until it can be abolished. No wonder he's scuttled off stage, a disgrace the nation.
  6. It shows how bad the chinese supposedly are if they are allowing convicted criminal's to leave the country and export their criminality to other countries. So much for the big brother state or perhaps it's deliberate...
  7. The blue touchpaper has been lit by the corrupt EC and all the other army and pro army, conservatives. I can imagine a huge explosion of disgust from the population, I am happy not to be living in Bangkok. The disenfranchisement of the people's will, will lead to a further eroding of the county's standing.
  8. After such a woeful tenure in which he trashed democracy and alienated the future of the country, young people, he being army educated never understood policitics in the first place. A stain on the nation for 10 years it's a pity the country had to suffer from his incompetence for so long, he won't be missed.
  9. You have to remember this was the guy who said he had the biggest inauguration rally ever, which was shown to be utter excrement when the real picture was shown comparing the Orange Blobs with Obama. The guy is a complete liar and conman, I also note he doesn't tell anyone anymore about how rich he is ????????????
  10. Very sad that a mother would do that to her children but the evil of drugs is again showing the depravity of humans. May the Lord Bhudda bless those 2 girls and their other siblings.
  11. He neglected the whole country for 10 years the clueless Muppet, hiding in his free army bunker.
  12. WhatsApp is free as is messenger. Of course government offices won't be using them but I use phone and email with them effectively.
  13. Thailand the world hub of defamation to protect the guilty. All visitors need to do is write the review at home where freedom of speech rights exist and you won't be bothered by the non customer service Muppets.
  14. No mention of improving the chaotic parking arrangements for the pickup of arriving passengers which is in bad need if an upgrade.
  15. Exercise with a 4-5 km walk every morning. I can spend 3-4 hours gardening or doing other household chores most days. With at least 3 trips to the supermarket every week. Afternoon's are for R&R and catching up with other ex pats that might be around and having a beer.
  16. It's been awhile since marvo the memory man made an appearance.
  17. If you sign up to use the banks mobile banking App you can transfer money to other bank accounts, without paying a fee. Also you can pay your bills, PEA etc without going to the office or going to your bank or 7-11.
  18. If someone is providing you with a service to enhance your life here it only seems sensible for them to receive an acknowledgement because of the service they have provided. A small sum of money is nothing compared to you losing out on living here or obtaining documents that make your life easier. Remember we are all guests and it isn't a good idea to upset your hosts. Be humble and show respect, you'll find it goes along way here.
  19. This guy is clearly unfit for office as in fact he has been for the last 10 years.
  20. Usually the IOs in Roi Et are very helpful and you should go there and talk your situation over and obtain their advice. I was aware of at least 1 agent operating in Roi Et but understand they are no longer in business. This was pre covid. For boots on the ground info the expat bar restaurants around the lake side in the centre of Roi Et and elsewhere in the city, would be a good upto date source of the current agent situation. Good luck.
  21. I got mine signed at Pattaya beach road police station for 200 baht last month. Was in and out in 5 minutes.
  22. My new PC policy has gone from 27580pa to 38412pa for the renewal this month and moving into the 66-70 age bracket. However they have offered a new policy at the same premium which covers some outpatient cover not previously available.
  23. Mine was 15% for this year's renewal. And if no claims for 5 years with the new policy it is a maximum of 20% upon renewal.
  24. Since the release of the report on the institutionised way cricket behaves, I have stopped following it, I don't want to watch a bunch anti this anti that bigots running around a piece of grass, pretending it's a sport.
  25. Sangsom is good and smooth too. About the only spirit I drink here, except the odd tequila when on manoeuvres ...
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