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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Thailand the hub of defamation, the hub of anti democracy, hub of no free speech, hub of pathetic politicians who can't stand on their own 2 feet and argue, debate their position. Dinosaurs.
  2. I am a frequent visitor to Udon and I find it a pleasant place to stay for a weekend. Good choice of hotels, restaurants, markets and bars of all types. Also the Central Plaza shopping mall should that be your thing.
  3. Probably, possibly but his track record as a complete shister is undeniable, lock him up. As for crazy golf, just go to your local children's park and you'll see more 'entertainment' than the 54 hole jokers can provide.
  4. Good idea putting a walkway roof on the pier, I hope they do it as it will be a significant benefit to everyone using the pier.
  5. I've just read that they now want to possibly levy a departure tax of a 1000 baht. To prevent and this is the laughable bit Thais leaving the country and spend excessively overseas and narrow the trade gap... Obviously being a Thai proposal there was no indication given on what the money would be used for but I am sure we all know where it will end up, in the trough along with the arrival duty.
  6. I live in Isaan and would love to be able to buy beer Lao but it's not available locally anywhere. I only see it occasionally and usually in Bangkok and Pattaya and other large cities.
  7. Horrifying, I hope all caught up recover from their injuries and trauma.
  8. Fake news. If electricity bills like mine have risen by 30+,% and those over the minimum limit also then it doesn't add up... But then little does with the bureaucracy here they just pump out mumbo jumbo all the time.
  9. The cameras won't prevent theft or interference, a armed guard would.
  10. Marvellous news. Not so rich now by the way as he used to boast. Hopefully they will, as you used to chant about HC, Lock him up! The world will be a better place for it
  11. As soon as I see the word transparency in anything to do with the bureaucracy here, I immediately think of opaque...
  12. Clearly a misunderstanding here, no doubt some additional baht will resolve the problem satisfactorily...
  13. He's in Isaan, tourism here is limited to say the least and is usually domestic.
  14. I think a serious in depth risk assessment is required in the current climate, too many bars not enough punters. Your friend wants to take a walk around for at least a week and he'll see the reality of the situation here at the moment and it's the start of low season, if such a thing exists anymore.
  15. But these parties don't care about ordinary citizens burdens that's why they promote pie in the sky promises to get their snouts in the trough.
  16. The ECs image along with the NACC etc is already tarnished and are the biggest fake organisations in the land.
  17. Another useless piece of excrement upholding the spiralling into the abyss image of the force.
  18. As we have just seen with the May 1st holiday, tourist destinations are reporting a down turn as most people spent their hard earned over Songkran and therefore simply don't have the disposal income to continue paying for further leisure activities.
  19. Seemingly another fickle adjustment of requirements by the fickle IB.
  20. Not a surprise as the EC along with other bodies is in the pay of Too and his cronies. Just another useless corrupt bunch of Muppets with no integrity whatsoever.
  21. I've had 4 Pfizer covid shots, all free from by local government hospital here in Isaan, I would the assume that the same applies everywhere...
  22. Another Junta cock up then as usual, consumers paying for private companies to hold reserves that aren't used. No doubt the private companies that built the power plants are all cronies of the Too and his incompetent bunch of Muppets.
  23. They are all corrupt dishonest men who cover up for each other time and time again. It's all a sham.
  24. Sadly it seems to me that Thailand is going down the US route of gun Muppetry. Why isn't the government doing anything about guns here? Oh, because it's the police and army selling them...
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