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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Like father, like son another trump Muppet without a shred of decency in him.
  2. Hopefully the orange Muppet will sink into the abyss under the weight of his gross indecency and incompetence.
  3. I have lived in Isaan for more than 10 years and am very content here. I enjoy forays to places like Udon, Pattaya to catch up with friends. I occasionally go to nearest Makro and Robinson's. I use Lazada Villa to deliver any farang food items I fancy but make my own version of Thai cuisine. But most of my time is spent within the village or immediate surroundings. Most important to develop some linguistic skills and to have hobbies to use your time up during the day.
  4. More pro army mumbo jumbo. Absolutely impossible to link inequality in general society with conscription. The greatest inequality in society is that the army trample all over democracy, freedoms etc with their guns and tanks. As we have seen in the last 10 years. The dinosaurs need to become extinct.
  5. Or debit card.
  6. Just confirms my opinion of Phuket as probably the worst place in Thailand and one place I'll never go back to.
  7. Another utterly incompetent, crass, clueless mob these people so called police are. I really would love to see their response to one of their own family members...
  8. I thought the vast majority of bars on the six make an awful loud noise but only annoy the customers when the hostess declines to entertain him above the bar...
  9. What a crass statement. It's the Thais who are rethinking the relationship with the butcher's from Burma. After years of the despicable Thai army running the country being in cahoots with their butchering cronies, it's about time Thailand stood up for something other than the slaughter of the innocent and democratic principles, neither of which Too and his Muppets ever did.
  10. Unless there are ladyboy responders...
  11. That's what you get in overrated, overpriced, run by the Mafia Phuket. Which is why I haven't been back and have absolutely no intention of doing so. Good luck.
  12. That's what you get in overrated, overpriced, run by the Mafia Phuket. Which is why I haven't been back and have absolutely no intention of doing so. Good luck.
  13. They've already got the Gripen, which is more than capable for Thai defence requirements. With the infrastructure in place to support it the best solution would be to buy more and the enhanced version being built for Brazil.
  14. Good luck to him, it's about time these hi-so cartel's got some real business competition after shafting the consumer all these years.
  15. What a slap in the kisser for the military Muppets. I bet their not overly happy in peking either as they won't get their grubby little fingers on the F35. Overall great news for the Thai taxpayer.
  16. This guy is a complete nutter. He's obviously in cohorts with the anti democracy mob who've just been trashed at the polls. No doubt he's being handsomely rewarded by his backers. Some needs to file a defamation case against him for insulting the constitution and the law of democracy and going against the will of the people.
  17. I would like to see exactly where it states in the police regulations that there is a disciplinary measure that can be invoked where it clearly states that officers can be made to stand in the sun without the correct clothing for hours on end...
  18. Pity the unelected PM can't be dissolved along with his bunch of Muppet cronies.
  19. Horrible tragedy. RiP to those who died and Bhuddas blessings to all those injured for a speedy recovery.
  20. Always enjoyed my visit to SR. Apart from the obvious AW temple complex I like the town. It's a fairly laid back place with bars and restaurants and some nice hotels to stay in too.
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