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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. I took both my old and new passports to avoid any possibility of being asked for the old one and not having it with me, as a precaution not to do another 150km round trip.
  2. Billion baht bio metrics system that obviously failed miserably, which is why you don't trust any IT system here because they are built by Muppets.
  3. Can't wait. To see that piece of buffalo manure behind bars would be just beautiful.
  4. Utter BS. You can drown in a small pool of water if it covers your nose and mouth. He may also have suffered unconsciousness or a stroke...
  5. Pity they not cracking down on all the unqualified foreigners who masquerade as teachers.
  6. My IO has always required same day dated bank book and a statement. Roi Et.
  7. How anyone could be enthusiastic about the most miserable usurper of democracy, beggars belief.
  8. Everyone who lives here knows that the Thais are inextricably linked to the butchers in Burma because of the decades long links between the corrupt in both countries.
  9. Anyone who believes what the Sun reports about Thailand needs to examined for a brain disorder, as we have seen countless times in the past...
  10. Obviously the scammer is operating with police help or perhaps owners as is usually the case here, which is why they aren't interested in investigating themselves.
  11. Immigration officers have the right to question anyone entering the country, it's part of their job. If you don't like being asked questions by them the simple answer is stay at home.
  12. Hardly surprising in the hub of corruption...
  13. I've always submitted the original and a copy but as these things vary from office to office, you should always err on the side of caution and get 2 originals.
  14. When I renewed my license pre covid, I just submitted the old one with my pink id card and yellow book.
  15. So now yet again the Muppets expect the public to report any psychiatric symptoms, utter BS. Since when have ordinary citizens had any qualifications to determine when someone is suffering from mental disorders. As for the physical condition of officer's the number of pot bellied ones at my local station does make you wonder...
  16. And now the book is full excuse from the bank, I smell a rat as we've seen all to recently here with bank employees. I would get a lawyer on the case PDQ...
  17. And what about the all the other corrupt national police chief's... The cars aren't smart apart from being called smart by the BiB to justify their ridiculous cost...
  18. No news here. The ganja minister has been acting ever since he was given a job in government. Totally useless billionaire.
  19. Too many hoops to jump through and the financial requirements are out of touch with the real world, as well as no guarantee of actually being successful. People with that sort of money must be desperate to wait 18 months to get an approval or not.
  20. Another botch, you have either broken the law or you haven't and if you have the punishment should be commensurate with the laws of the land. Simple but the poor Thais have to make a dog's dinner of the simple.
  21. It doesn't. The burn season is all year long as and when required.
  22. Thailand the world hub of fakes. Children's toys being used as bomb detectors operated by GI Joe's, another keystone fiasco.
  23. Could but won't because the financial beneficiary's of the trade are mainly government employees, as has been the case for decades and nobody is going to kill the goose that's laying the golden egg in the hub of corruption.
  24. This guy is such a idiot it's beyond belief. These agencies and the BiB have absolutely no intention of losing their internet connection by driving around the paddies, sugarcane fields, around Nakhon Nowhere in pursuit of farmers burning their stubble as they have done for donkeys years. Too, nobody is taking any notice of you... As for his statement about no more coups, we've all heard that before and of course it's no longer upto him, free bunker living or not.
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