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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Guilty by his silence which is unusual because we normally get a denial or the inevitable there's been a misunderstanding statement.
  2. The tip of the iceberg... The rotten to the core Thai police force only interested in filling their own pockets full of baht and no respect for the nation or it's citizens.
  3. Attempting to shut the door, which will never happen, after the horse has bolted. 'Obtain a certificate from a superior ' which will be received after the appropriate sum has exchanged hands, so full of the usual holes that it would make a Swiss cheese look good.
  4. No doubt at a substantial fee.
  5. Thai colours nailed to the mast aligning with the world's most repressive regimes, further damage to the country's standing and standards in world opinion. Clearly the corrupt administration is forelock tugging for its masters in the Kremlin and CCP.
  6. This is Thai mumbo jumbo for we are ready and waiting to take our share of the country's wealth as the current incumbents said exactly the same thing. It's also laughable to suggest the Thai army isn't into politics.
  7. Thailand isn't a democracy. The incumbents took power from a democracy by rolling tanks down the street and then changed the constitution with 250 unelected senators appointed by them to vote for them. The PM isn't even a MP and has never received a single vote from the public. They also have appointed their stooges in the judiciary which is why they don't lose court cases. Not to mention the crack down on the press and freedom of speech. Hardly a democracy.
  8. I would have thought a signed copy of your wife's Thai ID card would have sufficed instead of a passport. A friend of mine provided only this and a signed copy of the tabien bahn when he last applied pre covid so I guess things have changed.
  9. A total joke from the keystone cops. The word 'self' sums it up completely as it's a self service institution.
  10. Anutin couldn't solve a crossword puzzle let alone a drugs epidemic.
  11. It certainly beats living in the toilet that the UK has become. Politically becoming as unstable as Italy with a revolving door of PMs unelected by the citizens. Economy and cost of living crisis almost becoming impossible to survive in. As far as Thai relatives spending too much of your money, all you need to do is say is no. Obviously the Thai bureaucracy is beyond our control as mere guests. Personally I love the hot weather which is one of the main reasons I retired here. Wouldn't change my life here for anything.
  12. Fat boy wouldn't know a weather forecast from a slimming diet.
  13. I note the 'may have' caveat, the usual Thai fudge. It should read 'will have'.
  14. Already here, 20C in Yasothon last night.
  15. My haircut costs me 60 baht and the guy uses scissors and a trimmer. Also air con available in the hot season. It's been the same price for several years but this is Isaan so I guess not too many can afford alot more. School kids is 40 baht.
  16. Hardly news in the hub of corruption, how else do you think the little runt got another 2 years added to his term.
  17. Made in heaven alliance, two countries that do their best to suppress freedom of speech and promote properganda as we can see in the global rankings for press freedom etc..
  18. The disaster in Thailand is inertia. There is no vision or strategy as it's all about the here and now and how much can I rake in today, as of course tomorrow never comes, especially when the country is run by unintelligent army generals and their crony billionaire's.
  19. Deported in shame, at least it's something but no apology, disgraceful.
  20. Total and utter lack of respect from arrogant CNN reporters. I hope the Thais press full charges upon the pair of s c u m.
  21. Another pie in the sky forecast, 15% of GDP 555.
  22. That's what I've done in the passed, with a small signed covering letter with my account details asking them to make the deposit. Always successfully.
  23. In 30 years I've never seen one. I always go room only because in my opinion hotel breakfasts are a waste of money and of course are rarely fresh to order in the vast majority of hotels, except perhaps the very top end 5 star places. Whereas outside the choices are many and fresh.
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