If I was that boys father I would be whipping the s h I t e all the way to nakon nowhere and back, if the police refused to charge him in accordance with the law.
If you've moved, why don't you just open a new account where you live and close the old one, it would save you the worry.
Good to see your transactions were successful, I wouldn't hold my breath that this will be repeated elsewhere, unfortunately.
The citizens have no confidence in this court or many other courts as they are all in favour of the hi-so mob and not ordinary people.
Completely bankrupt of truth and justice.
This court is a puppet of the government, it's members are all appointments of the usurpers and therefore owe their allegiance and saleries to them along with others such as the NACC and the list goes on.
Thailand's credibility hits an all time low with the puppet courts decision and total subservience to the government rather than being an independent organisation for truth and justice for the citizens.
A world laughing stock.
RiP to the 3 men and their families.
However, these vans drive at crazy speeds along the roads and I'm surprised accidents involving this type of vehicle doesn't happen more often.
I remember a similar statement from the currently suspended Muppet over 8 years ago.
It's amazing how they lie through their teeth while not laughing, I assume they practice in front of a mirror for hours on end.
Self denial of the reality that's facing them but they can of course, just march in like they did last time at the point of a gun and tank barrel to continue the filling of their wallets.
I believe it will effect all roadways in Isaan, it started raining here, Yasothon, in the early hours with the outer bands arriving and rain is forecast for the next 36 hours.
A foregone conclusion as I suspect will be the one on Friday.
With the Muppets already warning citizens not to protest the verdict it's obvious what the outcome is because of the corrupt judiciary.
Cleared out all the drainage and gutters this morning as I live just south of Yasothon city and we could be in for some heavy rain.
The predicted landfall is Da Nang about 500kms directly East of here tomorrow morning.
I transfer money into my Kasikorn account using Wise and have never had a problem.
I send money to them using my online UK account.
The fees are considerably less than £50 as I usually transfer around 1000 GBP a time as and when I require it.
Typically less than £10.
What a waste of hot air, as vote buying is endemic from the village head person to the PM and nothing has been done as predicted again to stop the corrupt practice, it will carry on indefinitely.
The locals here in the villages of Isaan can get drunk daily without money changing hands at the time of the transaction.
This is because their 'purchase' is recorded in the shops ledger to be settled at a later date.
Usually when money is sent or when relatives come back to visit and then settle the account.
Clearly Jaba the Hut hasn't a clue about how the global finance industry works, or is his concern the increased price of imports of ingredients for his pies.
Another army Muppet who doesn't have the intellectual capacity to run a bath.
In Isaan you need to cater to the locals, no tourists, many expats have left a d are thin on the ground compared to pre covid.
My wife started a market garden growing organic fruit and vegetables and it's doing very well.