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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. It's illegal to advertise alcohol in Thailand.
  2. The only reason Pattaya extends the Songkran festival beyond the normal 3 days observed across the nation, 13,14,15th is to extract more money from your pocket.
  3. Only half a million have a frozen state pension living abroad as non UK residents, myself included.
  4. And in the usual Thai style the walk back is just beginning and not before time time as the whole declassification was riddled with errors because the Muppets are in capable of any due diligence. I foresee a rapid closure of the plethora of shops that have spread like wildfire throughout the land...
  5. My UK to Kasikorn bank transfers usually arrive within seconds and very rarely in a couple of hours.
  6. Most farangs I know cohabit, I am the exception as I am legally married, a few have had the Bhuddist ceremony which is usually to benefit the TGF in the eyes of her peers.
  7. What's the definition of 'fully vaccinated' ...
  8. I Live in Isaan and visit the tourist resorts 3 times or so a year, usually when friends come over from the UK for a holiday, although I never go as far as Phuket. Annual Christmas week in Pattaya coming up next.
  9. Looks like Jabba has elbowed Too out the door, bickering boys scrambling to hold on, a pathetic sight.
  10. All these schemes, 40m for this, 10m for that, are dreamt up by ignorant officials whose opinion of themselves and the country is just in another universe compared to the reality of what those overseas actually think. As reported recently the only real interest is coming from the chinese and you can hardly blame them with the insane lockdowns Pooh is reeking across the country and the desire to escape the increasingly repressive regime.
  11. If it's not illegal migrants, Burmese war planes using Thai airspace to kill innocent civilians, now it's armed soldiers from a foreign nation just wandering over the border. The army is about as much use defending the nation as a chocolate fireguard. No doubt the engineless submarines will save the day, along with the unarmed F35s...
  12. The so called health ministers great contribution to the overall health of the nation, no doubt he's congratulating himself on a job well done... Muppet.
  13. But the criminal Boss still evades them after killing one of their own.
  14. If you are on a fixed income then inflation is going to cause you a problem wherever you are, not just in Thailand. Financial planning is crucial if you want to be an expat. The cost of living here is still far cheaper than the UK and many other western nation's.
  15. This whole miserable government will also hopefully be cancelled at the next election too.
  16. More fragile ego's at the BiB, if they had any intellect they would be looking at passenger manifests and could provide a proper service. But of course they only serve themselves and Don't give a t*** about customers.
  17. The same happens world wide.
  18. When in the last 8+ years have the military Muppets put anyone other themselves first. They are desperate to curry favour in the upcoming election.
  19. Alternatively you could always ask to see their ID card.
  20. The chinese s c u m seem to be at the daily forefront of criminal activity here but how are they all getting in... $$$$$
  21. Thailand doesn't invest in mental health as per a recent article published about the increasing number of Thais committing suicide.
  22. A very sad episode for someone to take their life over an argument. RiP.
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