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Everything posted by SportRider

  1. I keep an open mind on this. We truly don't know the whole story. If there's space in the carriage but people didn't move to allow boarding I can understand why he was p***ed off. In a city the size of Bangkok, there must be hundreds or thousands of rude altercations daily. Having it on video doesn't make it news.
  2. Thinking aloud, personally I'd be worried to keep $700k in a safe.. not just for safety, but devaluation by inflation, and how to take out of the country..
  3. Agree. Came here to say this.
  4. There's parts of this story I'm missing.. Is this saying that somewhere near or on Soi 6 there's an establishment where people can gamble using online sites on PCs that are made to look like electronic slot-machines? Why do people use this kind of place instead of go online at home? How do they collect their winnings? Thanks (I don't have Facebook.)
  5. I've lived in numerous countries in the region for about 25 years in aggregate, with 10 in Thailand. Never have carried my passport on the off-chance of being asked. Was only ever asked once, in 1995 in Bandung Indonesia, about 1am on the way back from a bar. Today, I have all docs on my phone and can show electronically or send to plod by Line if needed.
  6. What is best? Cheap? Fast? Comfortable? Service? There are entire websites that deal with this topic.
  7. "Fell into the wrong crowd" always sounds like an excuse to me, diverting blame or diluting responsibility for ones own actions.
  8. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for some links to support assertions of fact in such a contentious matter? Seems a courteous thing to do. Top of Google says: "Despite the alarming increase reported, cannabis use remains a minor contributor to traffic collisions (1.01%) compared to 8.79% involving alcohol use."
  9. First time I saw a ladyboy was in the early 90's in the bar at Grand Hyatt, Jakarta. My first trip to Asia. Work colleague and I were sitting at the bar, watching another westerner be seduced by the LB and ultimately leave with her. The next night the guy was back at the bar, my friend said to him 'do you know what you took last night?'. The response 'Mind your own effing business.' Not a sucker. Knew it.
  10. Like many desirable facets of a 'free society', you cannot consider 'free speech' in isolation as an absolute good. A society creates rules for itself in aim of the greater good. For example, libertarians might say drug taking is a victimless crime, but the costs to society (cost of treatment and rehabilitation, cost of lawlessness to pay for addiction) mean that rules are applied. Free speech is the same. Lack of 'free speech' in certain situations (hate speech, encouraging violence and crime, or in Germany's case Holocaust denial) is a product of a democratic society setting rules for its own health. As such, to call this aspect of censorship tyranny seems deliberately naive and disingenuous.
  11. So am I right in saying that Genki has identified a specific niche - internationally mobile people who may not be permanently resident in just one location - and then they've worked with established partners to bring a product to market? Doesn't seem like a bad thing? Thanks again for all your investigative help!
  12. Thankyou for your kind commentary. My thinking was that 3 years in existence is long enough for some people to have knowledge and experience of this firm.
  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to dig into this, very much appreciated. 🙏🙏
  14. Many thanks Sheryl, I'll dig in a bit more. Appreciated, SR
  15. Hi all, I searched but didn't find any reference to this, hence posting a new thread. I was looking at Genki "Native" which seems pretty good, however not applicable for those over 55. I booked a support call and was told about "Resident" which seems like pretty good cover, and perfect for expats who flit between home country and elsewhere (180 days year cover in home country). Setting aside the matter of price (it's in my range), does anyone have first hand experience of this company? Many thanks, SR Product Information.pdf Genki Resident - Table of Benefits.pdf
  16. I assumed MrJ2U's response was tongue-in-cheek ..
  17. This is relevant to Thailand how?
  18. Thanks for this post. Please can we have a link to the original. 🙏
  19. Daytime, in my study 25°c, or elsewhere fans only. Nighttime 19°c.
  20. Just do the TM30 online. You can't backdate it. Using the online service, once you've done the submission you can 'export' a doc that is proof of submission. Also a good idea to make a screen grab of the data page, and print both. edit. I should add that the system is not searchable beyond 7 days, and even a one night away from your residence is a technical reason to do a new TM30. No problems about the date not matching some random one in the past.
  21. IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS HOW MANY DEATHS ARE CAUSED SIMPLY BY LOW RAILINGS ON HOTEL BALCONIES. In developed nations, regulations require railings at a height sufficient to prevent easily toppling over by accident. Sadly, that is NOT the case here. This should be part of the Embassy country warnings.
  22. "over 64.7% of people have lower-than-average reading skills, and more than 74.1% have lower than average digital skills" How? Surely 50% must be better than *average* and 50% worse?
  23. Yes, it could be edited to read "are allowed to stay open until between midnight to 4am."
  24. Question. Do people still say 'telephone' nowadays? Mobile. Phone. Cell...
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