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Everything posted by SportRider

  1. I had painful idiopathic peripheral neuropathy in my feet about 15 yrs ago. Lyrica was one of the things they tried. Made no difference whatsoever. Fortunately the PN eventually went away but it was a miserable couple of years.
  2. This seems like a thoughtful post. To what extent do well-positioned crooks prefer to do battle in private rather than the public eye? Using media and public opinion seems like a risky strategy for a real crook. So much to lose, and enemies knowing where the bodies are buried... But this is Thailand
  3. Top tip when travelling... If you are going to use a VPN, install it on your device BEFORE you go. In some countries the VPN sites themselves are blocked, making it difficult or impossible to install in situ.
  4. Nomad Insurance Question (might be relevant) Does anyone have any experience or opinion on Safetywing.com? One of my kids is looking at it...
  5. QUICK CHECK So to double check my understanding, going the 65k pm route there is some likelihood of needing a pension statement to show source of funds. But going the 800k in the bank route, there is no equivalent documentary evidence required to show the source is actually a pension. (Either for the non-O or subsequent retirement extension.) Do I get this right? Cheers all, SR
  6. Very helpful indeed, thanks very much.
  7. Thanks a lot for your comprehensive response Red 🙂🙂 Application will be at Jomtien. Regarding 'official pension statement' would not a statement of withdrawals/income from an investment company be considered the same?
  8. Thankyou Dr Jack. 🙏🙏 Any ideas about needing to use the 800k for *first* extension, before using 65k for subsequent?
  9. Thanks for this reply, helpful and appreciated.
  10. This is very helpful thankyou. So he wanted to see the transmitting account was yours, but didn't ask about source of funds *into* that account (eg no check its a pension payment...)?
  11. Just been searching for the answer to this, couldn't find it so am posting as new topic. Situation would be application for non-immigrant 'O' & retirement extension to a visa exempt entry. UK national. I understand showing 12 x monthly transfers to a Thai bank of at least 65,000 THB is acceptable as proof of funds for retirement visa (for 12 months prior to application). Q1: BUT I read somewhere that the *first* extension requires 800,000 in the bank, and only subsequent extensions could be 65k monthly. Is that correct? Q2: Also, how is 'retirement' defined or checked if at all. Eg is source of the monthly inbound funds checked? Could someone have various sources of income from overseas business interests and just send themselves 65k each month? Thanks a lot for your kind guidance. SR
  12. It could have been The Flashing Blade - http://www.thechestnut.com/flashing.htm - though this was sent on the French/Spanish border and I distinctly remember heroes riding horses across deserts. However the transmission date is spot on, 1969, and also it was a Saturday morning kids TV show. So it must be this and possibly there was just one desert scene that really stuck with me. It was a transfixing show for a young Sportrider. Thanks for mentioning French dubbed, that's how it found it. UPDATE: Yes it was The Flashing Blade. Just found the theme tune and recognised it. 👍
  13. Question, since you're reading this... Can you remember - There used to be a kids TV adventure show set in Arabia, dubbed I think, but they were always riding about the desert on horses and fighting in old-style forts. What was it called?
  14. Separate burner for the wok shaker is a good call. Wish I'd done this.
  15. This thread has travelled in time from the 19th century.
  16. Unfortunately, having a Thai partner with you does not prevent bill-padding or short-changing. In fact, even Thais themselves can be victims. Especially in certain bars where such practices almost seem to be policy. I won't mention the name but one of these is in Treetown. I am fortunate to be very numerate even when drunk. Not everyone is.
  17. There's really no point to dwell on it.. and I don't think it really rates as an 'enigma' 😂😂... How did the population of Easter Island die out? Why are the bases of ancient pyramids perfectly flat? Why are people selling gold...? Err.. nope. It is what it is. Main reason for individuals selling 'safe' assets is *because they need the money*, hardly a revelation. Ps this is the reason why directors selling shares is much less important than directors buying shares. The former could be for school fees. The latter indicates faith in the business. SR
  18. 700 to 730 is a 'soar'? 🤔
  19. Brilliant. She was inconvenienced. 🤣🤣
  20. For 300b a month I get reliable 50mbps speed from an AIS sim card. Usually much higher... 100mbps today.
  21. Literally everyone is hanmered with cold calls in UAE - a lot of them are fraud which is a huge problem. It's crazy. If I'm busy I just laugh and hang up. If I'm feeling playful I'll say "Oh great, thanks for calling.. wait one minute.." Then put the phone down, leave on speaker, and see how long they wait while I get on with doing whatever.
  22. I like both but prefer Pattaya, as a bit more life. Almost always order food. Never had a problem in ..ahem... 30 years. There are lots of small restaurants there and the beach lounger proprietor will just order from their preferred outlets. Sit in front of one of the malls - easier to pop to the loo when necessary for us beer drnkers.
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