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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. The guy on the far right looks like a character from GTA.
  2. If they offered the tax breaks as other countries do for film production etc they could attract some foreign film action.
  3. Yes this, they would have to be seeing it nonstop in the foreign press for months before anything substantive happened, going for the face might work. And yeah, the neighbours next door don't give a hoot so why bother.
  4. Don't forget boobies, cleavage, side boob, under boob, someone holding a gun, a knife, angry dogs, butt crack and any white powder on a table.
  5. I mean, encourage the youth yes, live up to your fullest potential, go for it! Just not from these guys, they can't even ensure the school lunches are not being stolen or skimmed.
  6. it's not on topic, but this looks amazing. I envy you guys. https://www.nomadicknights.com/adventures/
  7. Ultimately what does it matter, it's their production and the show must go on. But I'm still impressed that nobody has sought to take a single sneaky pick after all this time. "No beloved grandchildren, no pictures with grandpa right now" hilarious If you step back, and I mean really step back, all this behaviour, and elsewhere, is absurd. The fact that we've created structures and belief systems that require this nonsense as a species is insane when you think about it. The human race is frikkin nuts at times.
  8. Theoretically if we could get 11 million Bangkokians, coordinated as one, to blow out their breathe at the same time whilst facing east....
  9. Yes, it is easy to forget as it may not be spoken of openly, but all serve at the pleasure of and under the Table.
  10. To expedite processing they had all 500 pee into the same bucket.
  11. Ah, I see the misunderstanding of how his invisibility power works, he'e only invisible when nobody is looking at him.
  12. Can't this be done with Amulets? They'd be just as effective as an array that is not maintained.
  13. hey man, chill, 95% of us on here are idiots half drunk or stoned 30 minutes after breakfast. < everyone hug >
  14. Threads near the end almost always start going off the rails. Woman lodges a complaint about secret sexy filming and alleged physical abuse - morphs into - You all suck and have small penises too! Thank you internet!
  15. One family member works for SCB admin, they don't even know how this will be implemented, and how they are going to get compensated for the extra time/people this will take for them to monitor. They have received notifications/bulletins but nothing with any detail they need to begin setup. I suppose they have a year to get it into place? She said it is going to be a problem if there are mistakes that need to be reversed, you will be waiting a love you long time. According to her many internal processes the banks have are not fully automated to handle extra checks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *I'm not a money guy but this sounds real messy, at least at the beginning.
  16. I've been to clubs, not here, that do this. Without the headphones all you hear are sneaky farts and people asking to get a drink.
  17. All part of the plan, stick to the plan, the plan loves you, all is good within the plan. Do not question the plan, the plan is all.
  18. So, probably not a soldier, just a guy making low quality porno for upload to the bazillion "Asian" sites, all without the consent of the other party. Lowlife, yes. Prosecute, yes. Sure, he won't be the only one but this dumb<deleted> was the one that got caught today.
  19. Isn't there a bump in pregnancies during prolonged blackouts? Can't Charge iPad -> Genital Poker Start sporadically turning off the power.
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