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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. I do love the smell of mumbo-jumbo in the morning.
  2. Please tell me there's a room with a pinned string board and lots of photos/notes... standing there late at night.. "this means something" ????
  3. The package also contains the wind(s of change) from 100 youths after eating the cheapest shabu they could find one Saturday night. Maybe.
  4. FIFA: sure, we have a discount streaming package available for B600M. ** yes I know this isn't football
  5. Do you get a Thai name the same way you choose a porn name? YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you live on)
  6. Frustrated ☒ Loser ☒ Overweight ☐ Bald ☐ Fast Ageing Moaner ☒ Complainer ☐ Superiority Complex ☒ Likey Likey the Caramel corn ☒ dam I don't make the cut....
  7. A duck floats in water [bread, apples, very small rocks, cider, gravy, cherries, mud, churches, lead]. If the woman weighs the same as a duck, then she is made of wood. The woman weighs the same as a duck. Therefore, the woman is a witch?
  8. yes yes, they are referred to as Spite houses. <cue evil finger tenting> ...now I want to start a business called Revenge Construction.
  9. They can't or won't do anything to the guy. Bua was apparently purchased before Thailand signed the international agreement to not traffic/buy/sell protected species.
  10. ???? why is everyone calling it "the sex business places"? ...now I want to open a bar/club and call it "The Sex Business Place... we also sell food."
  11. The "West" has way too much time on its hands, a good ol' alien invasion, an external global threat, is what we need to refocus and cut all this stupid <deleted>. ..wait, I've just been informed that it's now no longer acceptable to refer to our other-worldly visitors as "aliens".
  12. maybe.. if it was the The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
  13. Is that new for Non O visa's ? They didn't ask for 20k last time I was there.
  14. okay, thank you. Does Savannakhet still process Non O visa (single or multi-entry) applications without a bank requirement?
  15. Is it possible to change from a 1 year retirement extension to a 1 year marriage extension if you are approximately 3-6 months in? e.g You get a job offer that's too good to pass up and require a work permit.
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