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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. They also claim they don't do the "Face Off" surgery.
  2. There is a quahog clam that is allegedly 500+ ...a clam
  3. How else is a person to cool down after a night of debauchery and shenanigans, "bangin everything that moves takes it out of you" as I was told once. Also, we're here for not even an eye blink compared to some other flora and fauna on earth. There are stupid tortoises that are already older than us and will still be eating lettuce long after we're gone, jelly fish too. Trees live longer, some fish and clams too. Humans are not even may fly's when it's put into perspective. Enjoy our "fire-spark in the night" lifetime (some don't even get that), try not to suck too much and be helpful when and where you can. In 50 years, for most of us, no one will care or remember about the angst and white-fire, smite them down, righteousness we felt one day. Someone drinking a beer when the surface area of the planet where you're walking spins into the sunlight just isn't that important. Wax on, Wax off. - opinion only, it's a forum - - also, should have not used beer instead of milk on the cornflakes this morning -
  4. He is merely doing what he has been told to do, if it wasn't him it would be someone else. They're hoping for some last minute "Hail Mary" shenanigans if they can.
  5. Those there are good girls, just trying to stay off the pole and getting that medical degree so that they can open a practice back in the village. Look at how surprised and confused they look after they accidentally took that photo.
  6. Please, no one is going to touch them. Get the job first dummy before poking the old bears any more, and before they come up with some shenanigans to make you go away.
  7. We had to act, the country was in peril, economy teetering on the edge. All the uncertainty was making everyone uncertain, but were they uncertain? maybe. Doesn't matter, think too much.
  8. Yes but the old guard have convinced themselves that if they get more time they can turn it around and lead the country to fortune and glory. And who the heck is advising MFP? They must of known that this would be a thing, no matter what discussions were had and what was disclosed prior to the election. And the fact that he has sold the shares appears to confirm it's definitely a thing now. Also, how does this affect Pheu Thai party, if MFP goes down again?
  9. Is it a case of the more "Liberace" they appear the more corrupt it is? I'm just saying some of the worst (relatively speaking) seem to have the shiniest clothing, dressing like Vegas magicians, not the good ones, but the ones that play in the lobby.
  10. It's the Hub of video guys
  11. Is it just me or does the number of grandchildren he needs to come back and wet nurse increase with every interview?
  12. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
  13. I've seen this many times at CW, the key to success is that you must also arrive with boxes of imported oranges. The amount of fruit I watched being delivered to the back cubicles was funny. Bundles of applications, boxes of fruit, this is the Way.
  14. Also Rat Powers!?
  15. This is why I always wear my "I Love Big Joke" t-shirt when driving, big picture of him, bright letters in Thai. -points at officer - You love Big Joke yeah, I love Big Joke too! ....then I get arrested for being a smartass.
  16. I've been in vans, the front seat a few times, never again. I'd rather not see how the driver is going to kill us all seconds before it happens. Bumper to bumper at 90+ kph, look over at him, face lit up by the dashboard dials, he looks back, nods and grins. says something that sounds like, what is Thai for "Maybe today is a good day to die, ramming speed!" ?
  17. Opinion Only He has started something.. but I don't think he will be the one to finish it. That is years ahead. I suspect he may have to kiss the ring (behind closed doors) to stay in play. But it had to start somewhere.... good luck guy
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