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Everything posted by Russell17au

  1. There are a lot of comments on here about the lack of action on the roads by the police, well I would like to know how much action you would take as a police officer on the roads if you had to supply and pay for your own uniform, gun, bullets, transport and be paid a low income instead of like the police in the western countries that are supplied with everything by their government and paid a decent wage. The only supplied highway patrol cars that I have seen working here were all involved with escorting the snobs of Thailand. I have never seen any of them out patrolling the highways and why should the police officers have to use their privately owned scooter (110/115cc Honda Clicks, 115cc Yamaha Mio's) and pay for the fuel to perform high speed chases. Why does the government not supply the police officers with the right equipment to perform their duties properly and pay them a decent wage the same as the western countries do. If they did this then the police could do their jobs properly and patrol the roads and catch the law breakers and the government would collect a lot of money in fines to pay for this plus they could even reduce the road toll as well..
  2. The problem was that this cylinder did not have a SAFETY RELEASE VALVE fitted so as the cylinder heated up the gas expanded inside the cylinder and the extra pressure could not escape because of no safety release valve being fitted. All gas bottles of all types must have a safety release valve fitted to stop this type of thing happening and it does not matter how old the cylinder is. If it does not have that safety release valve fitted it will explode
  3. That is not where my problem is. It is when I click on the heart to add things to my wishlist the things are not being added plus the things that were in my wishlist ready to be ordered have disappeared from my wishlist
  4. That does not happen on my laptop. I can login in and find something that I want and list it for the wishlist while I look for other things and when I go to my wishlist it tells me that there is nothing in there but only 5 minutes earlier I did click on an item for my wishlist but it just did not go there. I have been logging in around 5 times a day for the last couple of days with the same result
  5. Has anybody been having problems with Lazada over the last few days? I have been adding a few things to my Wishlist ready to do my purchase but now on my laptop it is telling me that there is nothing in my wishlist and I cannot add anything to it just does not work anymore on the laptop and also everytime I login with my laptop Lazada send me a message that someone has logged into my account on a new device. I have only ever used my laptop to login and use the Lazada site.
  6. The simple fact of the matter is that you tried to enter Thailand with an expired visa and you would be denied entry to any other country in the world if you tried to do the same thing. At a guess I would say you just went up to the IO's window and shoved your passport at her and expected to just get another stamp to get into the country. She has seen your expired visa plus your 2 overstays on that same short period visa and said to herself "here is another idiot falang who does not have respect for our immigration laws and is trying to enter the country illegally, but he is not getting in this time" She told you to fly in and the reason for that is at the airports they have holding cells to detain you in till they send you back to your home country. There is 3 breaches to Thailands immigration laws in less than 12 months. 2 Overstays plus 1 attempt to enter the country on an expired visa.
  7. As one of the other posters said "You broke the chain" no one else but you are responsible for this and it is not the Kalasin Immigration Office. You let your Visa Extension expire and you left the country so your file finished on the day you left the country, for what ever reason and then you returned with a new Visa, so as far as Immigration is concerned you are a new arrival and therefore you must go through the same as every other new arrival. How do Immigration know if you got divorced while you were out of the country and just trying to do a shonky new Visa Extension. You could have saved a lot of this problem by renewing your old extension and getting a Re-Entry Permit before you left the country. You created this problem so stop carrying on about it. You broke the chain so you have to start a new chain of extensions The other way that you could have solved the problem was to get a 1 Year Multi Entry Marriage Visa and do your Border Bounces every 90 days and that way you can come and go as you please without all this garbage that you are carrying on about
  8. Just think about it this way. There may only be 1 survey team to cover the whole province and with Songkran and all the other holidays plus the election coming up. There are many days removed from the working days list plus if they can find any other reason to have a day off. An example of this is last night the wife and I went to Big C and while we were there we thought that we would have something to eat in the in the food hall but "NO" they were all closed because many of them had returned to their villages for Songkran already and it was only 18:15 when they would not normally close until 20:00 and on the way home I noticed that there were many small businesses and street stalls already closed for Songkran. The shop where my wife works closed on Monday 10th at 18:00 and will not open again until 08:00 on Monday the 17th. Check the other government and Buddha holidays and you would see that it could take 3 months for them to get to you. So just settle down and wait.
  9. I am 78 years young now and I had a TURP procedure in Australia 16 years ago so this is not about my procedure but just a little bit of comfort information for after any of the procedures.. I found like Tracyb in the post above that the biggest problem was being able to sit comfortably after the procedure. The thing that I found which worked was one of those horse shoe shape travel cushions that go around your neck. Sit with your old mate and your testies hanging down where the opening is and that way there is no pressure on that area. You can even put it in the car and it will be quite comfortable for travelling. What ever procedure you have Good Luck
  10. I also have a problem with Lazada and their deliveries but it is not with Kerry's it is with Lazada's own logistics company LEX. The local driver that covers my area in Khon Kaen cannot and will not deliver at a reasonable hour. I get a message from him at 20:30 saying that he will attempt delivery within the next hour. This has only happened since this driver started with LEX about 3 months ago. I have spoken to Lazada and they have done nothing about it so now any order that comes with him is rejected and it is sent back to the seller and I contact the seller with a complaint about the hour that this driver wants to make the delivery as it is unacceptable as the wife has a shop to run and we have things that we must do early in the morning before she can open the shop. I have warned any of the sellers that I place an order with "if the system allocates that the order is to be delivered by LEX then the order will be rejected". There have been a couple of orders rejected so far. I only ever pay by COD that way I am not out of pocket while Lazada mucks around doing a refund into the Lazada Wallet and then having to muck around having it transferred to my bank account
  11. There are several things with this story that a lot of ASEAN Now lawyers do not understand and are ignoring what happened. Firstly this man was an intruder and he was assaulted by the property owner. HE WAS NOT KILLED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. He left the property alive under his own power and 2 weeks later he went to hospital and he REFUSED the medical treatment and he decided to leave the hospital. After this he died. What happened between the time of the assault and his death? Nobody knows and nobody has made any statement to this at this time. Where was his loving family in the 2 weeks between the assault and him refusing treatment at the hospital? Why didn't his loving family make sure he had the treatment that would have saved his life? Anything could have happened to this man in the 2 weeks between the assault and his death that could have saved his life or even sped up his death. The only thing that any court in any country could find would be assault by the property owner and give him a fine because of the time from the assault to his death he could have done various other crimes and nobody knows about them. Plus the refusing by him of the medical treatment which contributed to his death
  12. It appears that they only come from LEX and none of the other logistics partners that deliver for Lazada
  13. Mine was a COD and according to Lazada Customer Service it is a receipt for the delivery fee only. They say it is a new service
  14. I received an email with an e-invoice attached from Lazada. Please read the attachment and tell me what you think it says and means FILE REMOVED
  15. The lid of the freezer was left open but the freezer was not turned off so there would be cold air in the bottom of the freezer which would slow the defrosting process. The OP has not told us how long the freezer had been left open or if the contents of the freezer had reached the outside temperature. If the contents of the freezer have not reached the outside temperature but has defrosted then it would be safe to cook it and eat it as you do have to thaw anything from a freezer to cook it. Also if it has not reached the outside temperature then it is safe to cook it and then freeze the cooked food.
  16. Pull over turtle "speeding" 5000B fine to be paid now to me
  17. All our certificates are on display as they should be. But this has gotten away from the original post. It is the responsibility of the customer to inform the massage shop of any medical condition that may affect any massage that may be given and it is up to the customer what type of massage they want. Our main problem with customers is with the farang customers because for some stupid reason they do not want to disclose any medical conditions that they have so that the massage staff can adjust the massage accordingly. Never a problem with the Thai customers
  18. Well, don't come up into this area as all the shops are regularly inspected and a copy of the qualification certificates of every girl that works in the shop must be kept and along with the shop certification and the licence presented every 12 months when we are inspected and our licence renewed
  19. Well don't come into our shop because you will be told where to go if you are not going to give the information that is expected of you. For the record CharlieH we have a massage shop and my wife has 5 certificates from the Ministry of Public Health in regards to her qualifications and the shop is also certified by the Ministry of Public Health and licenced by the Ministry of Public Health and also by the Provincial Government
  20. But it is up to you to tell the doctor that I have this symptom so that he has somewhere to start but according to your standards it is up to the doctor to ask all the questions first. It is your responsibility to freely give the information to your doctor or your therapist first so that they can then ask additional questions if needed to work out what procedures can be safe done
  21. You are trying to move your responsibility in informing the therapist of any medical condition that you know you have that could be detrimental to what the therapist can do from you onto the therapist. Accept your responsibility in informing them as a person should do. So you do not inform the doctor of your ailment and expect him to waste his time trying to diagnose what is wrong with you.
  22. If you go to a cafe and order a dish that could have nuts in it and you fail to inform the waiter/waitress that you have a nut allergy whose fault is that? You cannot shift the blame for failing to inform the people of your medical condition
  23. and the stupid customer never tells them.
  24. Read the linked main story and it clearly states that an immigration official checked their visa's and it was found that they only had "Tourist Visa's" and they were working as reporters for CNN. So they lied on their visa applications as well.
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