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Everything posted by Russell17au

  1. All the land borders are closed so the only option for a neighbouring country that you would have is a flight to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. This requires you to be double vaccinated and have a certificate of vaccination before you could board the plane but you need to check on what the entry requirements into Vietnam are. You may be required to enter a quarantine period there and then there is all the requirements to get back into Thailand because you are not a Thai national. It could be a nightmare trip and a very expensive one as well. I would suggest that you listen to ubonjoe on this as he has been around on this type of thing for a long time
  2. You have brought up one thing in your post that a lot of people have had problems with lately and that is Wise. For some unknown reason lately Wise transfers have been showing as local transfers and not international transfers. I went and applied for my extension on Nov 4 and I am on an under consideration stamp until Dec 5 and one of the new things that I was asked for was a document to show where my income is derived from even thou I am on an aged pension which is paid directly into my Thai bank account and all my transfers were correctly showing as FTTs on the bank statement and in my passbook. As it was explained to me by the IO it is to show that I have a guaranteed income for the future.
  3. You are mixing up the statement and the last transaction in the passbook. You must do a transaction either a deposit or a withdrawal in the passbook and update the passbook within 1 day of applying for your extension to show that the account is still active and do a copy of the last page of the passbook to go with your extension application
  4. I would guess that the reason they want a bank statement is the possibility of what happened to me when my old book was full and I needed a new passbook. The bank updated the last couple of transactions into my old passbook and then did a balance into my new passbook but a couple of transactions did not print in either book and one of those transactions was an international transfer. It was on the bank statement no problem but it was not in either passbook. Plus I have seen many updated passbooks where the machine has over printed the previous transactions and they were unreadable. You do not have that problem with the bank statements
  5. It was a requirement on the 20th July 2020 because I had to go through this rubbish that people like DrJack54 claims is wrong but he did not have to go through this and I did also open and read that link the DrJack54 posted and you will see that the reasons in 1 and 3 are because you could not return to the country because of Covid situation and that there were no airlines travelling. They were the only reasons that a person could get a Covid visa or an amnesty for.
  6. Then how come I had to go to the Australian Embassy in Bangkok and get a letter stating that I could not return to Australia because of the Australian International Borders being closed to all people because of the Covid situation and when I got that letter I returned to immigration and I was given a Covid Visa at a cost of 1900B.
  7. NO, I cannot get a Covid extension because I can travel back to Australia.
  8. I had one and the only reason I could get it was because I could not return to Australia because there were no flights because Australia had closed its borders to all international travellers both arriving and departing Australia at that time.
  9. One of the big problems though Chris is that this and all the previous governments have failed to supply the police with the vehicles (patrol cars and decent motorbikes) to get out on the roads to catch the offenders instead of waiting at some useless stationary checkpoint that everyone knows is there so they can detour around them, but saying that you still need the police to enforce the laws even at the checkpoints (no helmets, too many on a bike, no registration on both cars and bikes, no licences, etc)
  10. I agree with David, in the 10 years that I have lived in Thailand I have only ever seen people get an infringement notice at a road check point, I have never seen a highway patrol car or motorbike patrol ever pull a driver over for an infringement and I travel highway 2 in Isaan and other area roads here quite often.
  11. I have seen a few Highway Patrol Toyota Camery's but I have only ever seen them doing escort work on official van convoys and escorting other official cars and buses around. I have never seen them doing any actual law enforcement patrol work on the highways.
  12. Once a truck that size starts to turn he loses all vision down the left hand side and because of the position of his legally placed mirror he has many blind spots that both motorbikes and cars like to venture into. There are 2 sides to a right hand drive truck, the right hand side is the overtaking side and the left hand side is the undertakers side.
  13. Let me get this straight. You wanted the lorry driver to be automatically convicted and disqualified because his union presented a case in the court that would have shown that you were the person in the wrong and not the lorry driver. If the lorry drivers union could not present a case that cleared the driver then the judge would have convicted him but the judge must have agreed with there evidence and not yours, so it does not matter to you but if it involves a lorry the lorry driver is automatically in the wrong regardless of what really happened so now it appears that you have a bias against all lorries.
  14. The police officers pay here is not great, we have 2 relatives that are police officers and their pay is not great plus any uniform or equipement they need they must pay for themselves out of their own pocket because it is not supplied by the government. There is very little equipement supplied by the government, there are a few cars and pick up trucks and some 2 seater motor bikes but everything else is supplied by the police officer himself and paid for out of his own pocket unlike the western countries where they are supplied with decent equipement and paid a decent wage and they can do a decent job of law enforcement.
  15. I would bet that the father tried to pass the truck on the lefthand side while it was turning left which even if the truck was going straight ahead it is an offence with a 500B fine for passing on the left of a vehicle but motorbikes continually do it. The biggest problem is that everyone including the police need to be paid a reasonable wage and the police need to be SUPPLIED with the correct equipement to do the job and not have to buy it out of their own pockets and they need to be made to get out on the roads and patrol them and enforce the road laws and forget about these stupid checkpoints. The father was stupid for having the mother and 2 children on the bike at the same time and he was stupid for trying to underpass a turning truck. Now the father has paid a very big price for his stupidity, he has lost his wife and 2 children because of this
  16. Too many farang here always compare things to their home countries and other western countries. You are in Thailand and not your home country or any other western countries so stop comparing Thailand with them because it does not work and if you want things to be like a western country then pack up and move to a western country because you will never change how things are done in Thailand
  17. Some people give their plates a very light spray of white paint so that they are not readable by the speed and red light cameras. Back when the illustrious leader was running for the leader of the country with the free democratic election the LTD announced that it would enforce the no registration and no licence laws with an increase in the fines and the mighty illustrious one told them no because it would upset the people because he was afraid that the people that supported him might turn their backs on him and he would lose the election. It was the same with the no passengers in the bake of pick-ups until it was Songkran and then the law was conveniently forgotten.
  18. I had the TM.30 business raise its head again last week when the IO asked for a new TM.30 when I was renewing my extension at Khon Kaen, lucky my wife was with me so she could do it.
  19. I see where the error was in the money in the bank. The OP thought that it must show it coming from overseas so when his first Wise transfer did not show as an international transfer he did another transfer but the last transfer was the one that the bank listed and it showed that the money had not been seasoned for the 2 months before the application. The bank letter did not show the previous transfer. As for the marriage certificate, the original has always been needed to show the IO and the updated Kor Ror 2 papers to prove that you are still married. I have always done a new TM.30 with every new application and have never had any problems so far. Just a word of warning about Wise Transfers, there has been many caught out lately because it appears that Wise transfers do not show as international transfers anymore, there has been a lot of discussions on here about it.
  20. You are dead right about that because even if you show a negative result for your pre-flight test 72 hours before departure you could have been infected 2 days before the test and still give a negative result which would mean about a 6 - 7 days incubation period before the positive test on arrival. There is no test just before boarding the plane, the only test is 72 hours before and anything can happen in between that test and your arrival test
  21. The insurance issue has always been a big problem with westerners, they all want to do it cheap and that is not only with Thailand and the westerners do not bother to read the exclusions like motorbikes and jetskis and one of the first things that they do is hire a motorbike or go on a jetski and have an accident and end up in all types of s**t because they are not covered by their insurance. They would prefer to take the risk than to pay that extra cover premium to protect themselves and this has been happening for many years in many holiday countries.
  22. It is possible that this man got infected the day before his pre-flight test which is 72 hours before departure and that test would give a negative result but when he arrives here possibly 5 days later he gives a positive result because of the time for incubation
  23. From memory I think it was the first test at 3 days and the second test at 10 days and if both those test were negative then the patient was released. I remember being told that the reason for the long timeframe was to allow any symptoms to show and that any symptoms would show within the 10 day timeframe.
  24. That might be how it is in Bangkok but it is not that way here where I live. But this man and his family are tourists and do not have a residence in Thailand so he cannot self isolate in his home so the only place for him is in a hospital to be monitored and his family sent into quarantine
  25. It appears that you are the one that does not know what the word "contagious" means not me con·ta·gious /kənˈtājəs/ adjective 1. (of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact. "a contagious infection" 2. (of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others. and you seem to forget what the purpose of all those field hospitals and the hospitels that were set up were for. Let me remind you that they were for anyone that gave a "positive result" to be sent so that they could be monitored and further test taken and when there were 2 consecutive "negative " results that person was released from those field hospitals and if the person showed more symptoms they were transferred to a full hospital for treatment and as the numbers of infected people fell those field hospitals and hospitels started to be closed until there is now only the proper hospitals that a person that gives a "positive" result can be sent to be monitored they cannot be allowed to just roam the street spreading this virus and the quarantine places are not set up with the equipement to monitor the person. So it is you that needs to sue your teachers for failing to educate you.
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