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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Not to worry, there's always the influential Thai taxi mafia with their untouched meters...
  2. It's all about the perception. Traveller: "I can afford living abroad for months at a time." - Thai IO: "This can't be right. I only get 1 week holiday per year. And my savings are hardly enough to buy a bottle of Lao khao... How come, foreigners can come here so many times?"
  3. Lock up this hardened criminal and throw away the key! And ban him for life... 😬 (As there is no mention of either, how long that "criminal" overstayed, or when he had arrived, I presume it was less than a week overstay. Anyway, this will teach those pesky foreigners to stay 'too long'... 😝)
  4. They probably want to sell you suits at their tailor shop. Other such patterns are saying: "You're a lucky man", or: "Come to my shop for free fries."
  5. Yes, Thailand is a country attracting tourists and expats. What always helped me to cope with Thai's attitude, was sometimes just leaving for 6 or 12 months. And the Thai IOs seemed happy too, that, for once, I spent my money someplace else...
  6. May he R.I.P. But no, they will either say it was a 'misunderstanding', or 'suicide' by the Swiss... - With all the publicity about Swiss citizens in Thailand, perhaps some Swiss will think twice before booking a holiday here in the near term.
  7. You should have seen me when I came to Thailand for the first time; Waiing everyone and eager to learn the language... That changed when, back in 2002, thanks to big T., people's attitude changed dramatically. I've been to Oz thrice, and, it's always magical to touch down there.
  8. (Most) Thais will never understand, or respect the way of foreigners. They are not interested in them at all, but only in their $$$$...
  9. Not to mention that, oftentimes, I see torn and colour-faded Thai flags. Where is the pride in that?
  10. Yes, and I would bet that one or the other Thai misbehaves abroad too; not that any Thailand-based media would report about such incidents objectively...
  11. Another Swiss, and here on retirement? If there is a crackdown on long-term visas soon, what are the odds that we have to thank those two perpetrators and the highly publicised incidents?
  12. If in doubt, label all foreigners criminals... "Land of Smiles"; yeah right!
  13. "Appealing interest rates" offered by Thai banks?? Is it April Fools' Day aiready?
  14. I always thought such a fee would be calculated into the exchange rate.
  15. Great, so as a foreign(er) devil, can I easily get a "travel card" from my bank? Using my Thailand-issued debit card abroad proved very useful for me recently, but I guess it's back to carrying cash...
  16. If it promises to brings in 'big money', they will!
  17. So she's the average Thai person then...
  18. Correct. While I'd like to travel to Bhutan, I won't, as I don't like to pay extortionate fees. Perhaps Thailand wants to go that way; rich but few tourists... Good luck with that!
  19. Rates are set (in baht) by the Foreign Ministry, not by individual embassies, so, yes, it's coming. Will much higher rates have much of an impact for short-stay tourists? Probably not, but it might change long-term plans for some expats. Also, if they change all visa applications to online ones, does that mean that one can only apply in one's home country? Travelling back home just to apply for another Thailand visa? - Yeah, right!
  20. Yes, while there is absolutely no justification for what the Swiss did, I'm certain that with such an incident, if roles were reversed (with the Swiss as the victim), we would never even hear about it. - No media buzz, or even a police investigation...
  21. They are all "hiding" (in plain sight that is) in Thailand... Time to fit them all out with electronic tags for better monitoring.
  22. Well, it's possible that she fabricated at least part of her story.
  23. So, only because they could not spot the husband on CCTV, and because she 'frequently travelled to Thailand', they "...speculated that she concocted the story..."? - What if the husband used another immigration line (and there were many Indonesians lining up)? Did they question IOs in their investigation, or check their computer system? If so, why wasn't that mentioned in the report?
  24. That's exactly what happened after Australia waived the visa requirement for Malaysians; many decided to work (illegally) rather than travel...
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