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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Hope, they really love hot weather then, cause what they save in heating costs, they will easily pay for air-conditioning.
  2. More retired rich people who can afford moving to developing countries... No, wait! 😆
  3. I was still fined (Chaengwattana) in mid 2023, cause my landlady didn't do the TM30. Even though, I did it online, it was not accepted. Telling the IO that my landlady refused to do it, the IOs reaction was 'meh'. After all, I was an easier target, as I had to do my TM47 there.
  4. Puppets copying their puppet masters, trying to establish a ruling family dynasty too...
  5. She might be more qualified than he is soon...
  6. Maybe that's why they have so many employees, to 'Wai', and count many times, wasting so much time. In other countries such banks would be bankrupt by now. How they manage to stay profitable like this, I will never know...
  7. Nobody knows... Went to an SCB branch in Bangkok a few years ago. Branch manager helped me to do a deposit at one of the counters to pay a bill. - I hand him the money. He gives it to the cashier. Cashier counting the money 4-5 times, then counting my change 4-5 times. Branch manager counting the change 4-5 times too, before handing it to me... Change incorrect! (On the plus-side, in addition to not being able to count, they also weren't able to speak English.)
  8. Ambitious indeed! In unrelated news, I'd like to announce that I plan to be a billionaire by 2038. (Still looking for generous Nigerian sponsors for that goal.)
  9. What happened to the Elite Visa? - Oh, that's right... 😆
  10. I don't know about others, but my interest in Thai salads is exactly 0%.
  11. Maybe these foreign vendors understand English, and what tourists want to buy... Just saying.
  12. Cheap airfare to Japan is a big reason for this I think. A trip to Tokyo from BKK is $300 vs $1200 to get to Hamburg. Thai people can afford that? If they got 100k Thais per year I would be impressed. I don't think this would be a problem. Just look at the eye-watering amounts of cash South Asians and Africans pay to people-smugglers to be taken to Europe. They sometimes have to work years to pay the borrowed money back to relatives and others.
  13. Most European governments and media are up in arms about the British solution, but sooner or later the EU will have to resort to the British, or Australian way...
  14. Not only Thais. The Aussies gave Malaysians the same easy visa option as Westerners. Guess what, after that they had about 10,500 overstaying Malaysians working illegally... Just imagine, what would happen if it became true. There would be a serious labour shortage in Thailand within days...
  15. Probably mostly one-way, consumer goods and food exported to Europe, and tax-free submarines imported to Thailand...
  16. Otherwise it would be a Catch-22; no bank account, no long-term visa extension, and vice versa, with, perhaps, fewer expats in the future.
  17. You don't know that. Some banks may actually go beyond that by refusing to open bank accounts for foreigners in the future, just in case...
  18. Guess, they will particularly target foreigners again. It might be easier to swim in clean water at Pattaya Beach in the future than opening a bank account...
  19. Health tourism to Chiang Mai, perhaps? (Cough, cough...)
  20. In any feudal society, peasants couldn't just move around as they liked, and moving to a town was also dependant on certain restrictions.
  21. When your boss isn't telling you about important developments... 😆
  22. People in African markets will probably say: "Yuck", before buying fresh rice from Vietnam... That precious aged rice should be reserved for Pheu Thai politicians and the Shinawatra clan. Bon appetit!
  23. Wait, if there are already "too many tourists" this year, why would they want even more?
  24. How about the good old tourism scams? Any decline?
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