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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. And yet, she didn't spot that the investment scheme was fake...
  2. Vietnam too, even though it is still ruled by a communist party. Yes, it is ironic, but against China's hegemony all should stand together, and Vietnam is China's antagonist.
  3. Why? Finally, Thailand is #1! 😊 From the bottom that is, but still... 😙
  4. Bizarre! I imagine, they'd lower all flags for at least a month if chairman Xi died, but that wouldn't be a surprise. But Iran??
  5. And the rich and powerful can always send their kids overseas for education...
  6. Thailand and Thais have more money now than 18 years ago. Time for Thailand's favourite politician to help himself again...
  7. I'm sure, Thailand will soon come up with their own PISA assessment system, where nationalism, being obedient and knowing your place in society, as well as being good at "soft skills", kowtowing in the right and beautiful way, and Thai dancing will be the primary parameters, allowing Thai students to easily score 99.5 percent... After all, they also created their own national IQ scores.
  8. Srettha to be suspended, Thaksin officially taking charge... Not even the worst Hollywood script with the most predictable storyline can top that.
  9. Well, if you're employed in Thailand...
  10. Look at him! If they ever made 'Godfather IV', it would have to be in Thailand with him in the title role. 😆
  11. I never understood that. 'Move' to Thailand as a single guy, okay. But as a couple, or family? - Why?? Why not 'move' with the family to Spain, Hawaii, or the Bahamas? Aren't these more suitable places for a family?
  12. Yes, and they would never work as prostitutes. After all, there is "no prostitution" in their home country either...
  13. That's right. So, what is the extra hour for? Queuing up at the check-in counter?
  14. That's right. But all you see in clips on YouTube, FB, etc., is singles (e.g. backpackers, retirees) raving about how 'cheap' accommodation and (street) food are. What people who watch this, impulsively deciding to 'move to Thailand' forget, is that life is more than budgeting for two weeks in a 'cheap' destination, esp. if you have kids. I wouldn't be surprised if half of those people didn't have much of a clue about visas.
  15. Uncle Tu, uncle Taks, uncle Srettha, auntie Yingluck...
  16. Those people (and their colleagues in other government departments) should have a big dinner party, enjoying all that rice...
  17. Most of the towns in those 'second-tier provinces' look the same to me. Okay, there is one, or the other national park, waterfall, or 'different' temple, but for individual travellers, going there is too troublesome (not to mention the highly inflated prices for foreign tourists in regards to sights, local transportation, etc.) And I doubt that Chinese bus tourists would enjoy such long journeys. When I travel to/in Thailand, I want to see beaches, not recently built Wats in Nakhon Nowhere, 500km inland...
  18. So, you're renting a new apartment back home (for only 6 months) every time, or are you paying for two apartments while in Thailand? Would never work in my home country, as it is close to impossible nowadays to find apartments for rent in the big cities.
  19. Thailand - The Hub for the Oldest Rice in the World (You're welcome, TAT... 😆)
  20. Glad to hear that he got a work permit for this kind of work.
  21. Not the same. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but New Zealanders can work (in any job) in Australia. And there are many vacancies (with higher salaries) there, and living costs are, in fact, lower. (Esp. if you come from a small town, where the only local supermarket is a Four Square. - NZ milk and other dairy products are actually way cheaper in China than they are in New Zealand.)
  22. Lots of videos on YouTube now how "cheap" Thailand is. People back home watch it, and believe everything. However, these are mostly single guys in the clips, possibly with enough savings, but without a family to support, childcare to pay, or hospital bills for their kids. I wish her good luck, but also would be surprised if she was still around in a year from now. And yes, 'hanging around in the tropics for a year' will look good on her CV once she returns home. I remember meeting a woman like her, from France, with a son, more than 20 years ago, travelling around Malaysia. She had her dole transferred to her from Paris, and the authorities actually had encouraged her to move abroad, as they could pay her lower unemployment benefits that way. Does Britain pay dole to people overseas?
  23. At least you can get a job or be on the dole. In Thailand, as a foreigner, without cash, you will end up like the homeless guy on Sukhumvit near Asoke.
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