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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Or branch managers at a bank (who also cannot count)... (As I experienced at SCB.)
  2. I know from former students that, for example, at Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok, they could pass any exam 'automatically', if only by being told the answers. Grades in Thailand are often made up by teachers, i.e. usually 'upgraded' to please everyone. Nothing about real grading or achievements...
  3. Yes, e.g. teaching the kids 'Hellow'...
  4. 'English' must be in the genes then...
  5. That was 50 to 80 years ago... So, you're suggesting that kids in Vietnam or the Philippines speak better English because of events so many decades ago? Maybe you remember, and can tell us about ye olde colonial times you experienced back then...
  6. This has been going on for decades. And when it's obvious that things are not as publicised, they will come up with the old: 'The Chinese tourists will bring the turn-around...' - Not likely to happen this time...
  7. Never mind that. I just need to look out of the window... Each night, shortly after midnight comes a guy along on his motorbike, going through all the bins in the neighbourhood for "valuables" (bottles, plastics). Early morning, around 7:30 another guy, on foot, doing the same... Near the city train entrance a number of middle-aged Thai beggars (and no, not the organised ones from Cambodia, but Thai guys who must have fallen on bad luck)...
  8. Shouldn't be a problem, considering that the (official) unemployment rate is only about 1 percent. Of course, a good number of these people seem to be employed as 'grass-grow-watchers' or 'rice-grow-listeners', as they just sit around all day...
  9. Some people at the top of society must be thrilled. Thailand at the bottom of the barrel, thanks to keeping the masses uneducated and ignorant...
  10. Only if you're from a rich and influential family.
  11. 100,000 baht ... 700 dollars? Where can I get such an exchange rate?
  12. Aren't Americans, Canadians, the British, and Russians eligible for 10-year visas? Way more than the paltry 15 days offered to Europeans in the OP. Anyway, who wants to risk randomly being accused of espionage, before being locked up...
  13. Risks?? To intentionally 'disappear' to take up illegal work? Good one!
  14. The Australian one often doesn't work. Curious, how long the Thai one will be in service...
  15. They hate the French, as they've been told (and taught) for ages that the "French stole Laos and Cambodia" from them... (Strangely though, using French whitening creams is okay.)
  16. That's because they don't have a clue about their target groups. They are not thrilled about the snowbirds (unless they're Russian, apparently), and they don't know about the average tourists' travel needs in regards to time available, and things they want to do while in Thailand...
  17. Why not 90 days? It's cold in my country in winter, too...
  18. Cool season? What happened to the announced 'winter'?
  19. Chinese police patrolling, and the Chinese embassy instructing Thai media what and how to report about Taiwan... Whom is Thailand kidding that it is still an independent country?
  20. 1. They, obviously, want to know who's staying at their property. (You could damage something, which they would want to charge someone for after you leave.) 2. They are obligated to register and report your details, e.g. via a TM.30 report to Immigration. 3. To enter into their data system later. Oftentimes, esp. at smaller properties they don't have a copying machine, so staff just take a photo of your passport for aforementioned purposes.
  21. I agree. If you can't get a lower price, it's either pay up, or, as you suggested, find an organisation (to let them make the decision about the cat's fate).
  22. Why are many Thais so short? Because their parents told them: "When you grow up, you will have to get a job and work."
  23. Experienced that do. Easy to use the data later. For the TM.30, perhaps?
  24. Not really worried. I expect it to be messy, though. Should it have implications in regards to visas, I'm ready to leave. Also, not receiving a pension yet, and while Thailand was on the list of countries to have my pension transferred to, it now is off the list.
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