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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Who said anything about banning tourists from Russia? Did you read his post? It did not mention that at all.
  2. Oh look, another conspiracy theorist that claims Biden started/stirred this up for political/financial reasons. Lol
  3. Of course, it was never about nato, that was just a convenient excuse to use. The whole aim was always an imperialist land grab. Some people on here have already forgotten Putin’s infamous Peter the Great speech a few weeks ago.
  4. So by your logic that makes you a rookie pro Putin keyboard warrior after those remarks. What part of this do you not see. Putin has illegally annexed 4 new regions, 2 of which were never even mentioned before. Zaporizhzhia which he does not even control the main city and has a 75% Ukraine population and Kherson which again he does not fully control which has an 85% Ukraine population. He’s not there to liberate the ethnic Russians. the only war monger here is Putin.
  5. Donbas belongs to Ukraine, it was fighting an insurgency backed by Russia _ Russian separatists there. 60% of Donbas is Ukrainian population and their were very few deaths, less than 100 in the previous 2 years, of those most with soldiers.
  6. Your trolling, NATO did not annexe the territories………Putin did.
  7. If you can’t comprehend the message in the statement where they even include the infringed human rights of the Ukrainians of which they have been deprived then it’s pointless carrying on, goodnight
  8. We do know either way, read the Thai statement on the first page of this thread by Thailand. Thailand does not recognize the new territories.
  9. This is not about OPEC please keep up with the topic at hand. Thai’s have also not recognized the new annexed regions or boundaries announced by Russia.
  10. There were no elections to join Russia, a sham show was all it was and recognized as such. It really says something when the only countries that agree with Russia are NK, Nicaragua, Belarus and Syria. A real pirate crew.
  11. Can you point me to where they have critically questioned western propaganda as you put it? Did you read the Thai print out posted as to why they abstained. Pretty sure they said they respect Ukraines territorial boundaries. They also voted in the previous UN motion to condem Russias invasion into Ukraine and leave immediately.
  12. Which part of the post you were quoting as correct is fake news that is not specific enough for you? All of it.
  13. The post you were quoting is not correct, it’s fake news. Why would anyone be hurt by your post? No need to apologize. It clearly shows your anti west agenda so it’s good to note. Thanks
  14. Zelensky is always looking for a peace plan so long as it includes Russia getting out of Ukraine and paying for their war crimes. Putin is also always looking for a peace plan because he’s running out of ammunition and men so wants time to regroup and rearm.
  15. What’s that? Try again. Just a week before Johnson’s visits Putin had already said the peace talks were at a dead end, part of the reason being he said the Bucha massacre provocation being perpetrated and that it was fake news: April 12th President Vladimir Putin has said that peace talks with Ukraine are at a “dead end” as the Russian leader claims that Kyiv has deviated from agreements struck in Turkey. “We acted to create conditions to continue talks,” he added. “Instead, we faced the provocation in Bucha and, what’s most important, the Ukrainian side deviated from the Istanbul agreements,” Putin said. https://www.ft.com/content/8397113f-bc37-4376-9bde-339fded97569 “Issues of regulating relations on Crimea, Sevastopol and Donbas are taken outside of those agreements,” he said. “So we are back to the dead end situation.” He said that claims people died at the hands of Russian soldiers were “fake news” from the US. Ukraine meanwhile has said Russia was responsible.
  16. I’m quite aware of history and if you are peddling Johnson as responsible for this you’ve lost the plot completely
  17. Laughable, a Russian apologist clutching at straws and trying to blame Boris for the ongoing war and murders of civilians in Ukraine. How much lower can you really go.
  18. Same happened to me. I was at work when it went viral, all the Thai staff were in panic and had photos from social media sent to them. What a terrible and sad day for Thailand. RIP those who should still be alive today.
  19. Bless him one of the letters that NARA are still waiting for is the Kim Jong un love letters. He’s probably got tucked away somewhere else now. I say let him keep it, it will give him something to read behind bars.
  20. This OP is about Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and daily news regarding that, not your fantasies of the west invading other countries. You can start your own thread on that.
  21. Perhaps twitter being on the the large social network have the experience to know that context and intent is everything. Perhaps they know were legal posts made in such a way can then lead to hate speech so act on them when they ate flagged. it’s. Fine line but they seem to have been doing a good job so far. With for instance labeling government entities and such.
  22. facts are accepted as true, not opinions. ignore the facts ignore the truth. Your hero Sach’s has been promoting lies and deception.
  23. I can think of far better posters who should go awol based on previous posts
  24. Since you asked, I think Winnie the Pooh got a bad wrap and while Xi remains in power he will remain banned from the big screens. I may be wrong on that but since you were so genuinely interested in what I think I decided not to keep you in suspense any longer
  25. he belittles western democratic values in favor of China's model where they changed the constitution recently so Xi Jinping can take a third term and effectively stay as president for life. There was no debate on this beforehand.
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