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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Not sure you’d pass the video interview with your fact checking skills?
  2. Great why spend years being trained as a pharmacist, get a shop and have it licensed when come 20 years of age with zero experience you can set up a shack selling medical cannabis and add a few claims to the benefits.
  3. Apologies it was not you on the woke comment. I have no experience on whether discipline in Thai schools is deteriorating but agree with you that it was of course an inappropriate act by the teacher concerned.
  4. Quite the generalization and bears no relevance to this situation. Quite untrue additionally for child abuse be that physical, sexual or emotional. The long lasting effects of this can lead into adult life with many serious consequences without appropriate care. Will this boy have long term effects, very much doubt it if it was an isolated incident. Extremely inappropriate behavior from the teacher however who should have consulted with the parents directly. To see what the problem was. That said I see the school has addressed this with the teacher and the parents seem ok with the outcome. Oh this is also nothing to do with the woke as you call it.
  5. Russia’s new prototype Space Station, because of sanctions they’ve made it from recycled battlefield parts
  6. Sounds like it should come with a serious health warning, same as cigarettes do. not exactly the intended goal for Anutin is it.
  7. This is not about the war on drugs and my views on the very real dangers of heroin and amphetamine class hard drugs are very different to that of cannabis which is what this is about. My point was you claimed hey do not jail people in those countries, which is wrong, they do. Why? because they have laws in place so that it’s not a free for all. Yes they have indeed reduced the need for jail time which is a good thing but here are just a few examples of some basic laws that can still land you in jail if you break them. Canada - You can get 5 years with having over the legal limit which happens to be 50 grams Germany - Selling cannabis can land you with up to 2 years Malta - The possession of more than 4 cannabis plants, more than 50 grams possession can also land you with jail time But there are many more, that’s just a tiny example. How I see it here the big benifit is for medical use, people can order online for their discomfort rather than have to visit a hospital. They do however need to sort out this online ordering to stop the under 20’s getting hold of it this way. A simple click to confirm your over 20 is not enough.
  8. In all those countries you mentioned, Canada, Germany, Spain and Malta, you can still get jailed if you break the cannabis laws they have in place. There is a reason is not a free for all.
  9. Other countries that have legalized cannabis also put laws in place first, this is what it’s all about, Thailand forgot that bit.
  10. Better take a spliff to calm down a bit, wouldn’t want you to give stoners a bad reputation of being so easily triggered lol
  11. No but it is about you claiming there were no guns and that those being charged are mostly being found via cctv, social media and FBI investigations, all after the fact. None are going to offer up and admit to carrying a concealed weapon. What is difficult to understand about that?
  12. No you mean no others that have been charged you did not reply to me in my first post when I said did you really think they were all searched? Besides which how many guns do you need to kill a person or for that matter carry out a mass shooting?
  13. They didn’t get to search all 9,997 did they. Anyway the numbers are going up, a fourth was charged on the 17 June with having a semi automatic handgun and a rifle. he belongs to the Three Percenters militia. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/january-6-capitol-riot-firearm-guy-reffitt/
  14. 2 Russian cruise missiles just hit Odessa Port, key to the grain deal. Two were shot down. One day after the agreement in Istanbul to open up ???????? ports for grain exports ???????? directs a missile attack against the port of Odessa. How should this be interpreted? The ???????? defence minister signed the agreement in Istanbul. https://twitter.com/carlbildt/status/1550772743670571008?s=21&t=34bnQn9ySZZUtC3dOYsUSw
  15. #BREAKING Russian missiles strike Ukraine's Odessa port, key to grain deal: official https://twitter.com/afp/status/1550774552694767619?s=21&t=34bnQn9ySZZUtC3dOYsUSw Russia's Foreign Policy Modus Operandi: 1) Russia creates problem 2) Russia pretends to seek diplomatic solution for problem 3) Russia's signs agreement 4) Russia immediately violates agreement 5) Russia blames everyone else for its own actions 6) Rinse and Repeat. https://twitter.com/ozkaterji/status/1550769682361339904?s=21&t=34bnQn9ySZZUtC3dOYsUSw
  16. Nor have I, being in my early 40s but it is advised yearly for all those who are vulnerable. Much the same I expect as a yearly covid booster will be. However with the new gen vaccines being available soon then this may also become less necessary.
  17. I take it you’ve not heard of the yearly flu booster then?
  18. 88% protection against severe disease is not very limited but don’t let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory
  19. This info was posted many days ago on this thread if you track back, like then there is no way the mum would have known if her daughter was raped if the then 9 year old had not told her. It’s more plausible that this only came to light when the poor girl started to experience physical pregnancy symptoms a few weeks after the attack.
  20. We’re working with international partners to detect, correct, and call out the Kremlin’s state-sponsored disinformation about Ukraine. https://twitter.com/canadianforces/status/1550210195376295938?s=21&t=1y2T_J4vxEI3t5kKRgk9kA
  21. No one’s getting worked up over other peoples carbon footprints, only you.
  22. I believe a have a relativity low carbon footprint to those you mention, I own one property in the UK and rent a condo near my work here, that’s it. So I’m sure that would be ok for you if I was able to influence and call for climate change policies to be implemented. By your logic however, a starving person in a third world country suffering from climate change drought who has virtually zero carbon footprint would then be able to call me out for my hypocrisy. do you see where you have gone wrong?
  23. He made a point, actually he made a number of them that covers just about every comment you’ve made so far in this thread if you actually bothered to read the Richard Muller report
  24. Best first hand account on why every parent should be worried.
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