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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. I know democracy is a problem for you based on a previous post but what on earth are you talking about here? Perhaps stick to giving out farming advice?
  2. You and your comrades not managed to persuade Ukraine to surrender yet then. Well in that case yes do a flip, send some planes and let’s give the ruskies a taste of what they deserve, got a nice 40 mile long convoy of weary mud stuck Russians and their equipment waiting.
  3. Putins continuing lack of reality. He maintains his unprovoked attack killing thousands of innocent civilians is a Special Operation, yet economic sanctions against him and Russia are war.
  4. How do you think Russia will respond to that if those other countries were expedited into NATO now? Sanctions got them raising their nuclear alert level. WW3?
  5. My suggestions are exactly the same as the directives from the UN and 140 countries, not aligned with yours but fell free to contact Ukraine and inform them of your suggestion.
  6. You would have to be blind not to see that, if one side puts down its weapons the war will stop and lives would be saved. The question however is that you constantly say that Ukraine should be doing this. Ukraine if they wanted to would do this, they could have done it at any point in this invasion. They know the overwhelming odds but they have chosen to fight. Why? because they did not start this. Russia lied and carried out an unprovoked attack in their country. They are standing up for freedom from a dictator and his army. Your constant reference to stopping the loss of life is for Ukraine to stop fighting is immoral and without regard for their own rights. Exactly as Putin see’s it. So yes my reference you seeing it the same way as the midget stands. The way for this to stop is Putin to stop as required by international law and the recent UN General Assembly directive. Will this stop him? No but then Ukraine will carry on and not stop either and they have the right to do that until they see fit to stop. Putin has no rights in this, he should stop with no conditions right now, he has killed enough civilians and caused a mass humanitarian crisis as we speak.
  7. No you see it as the easiest way to save lives is for Ukraine to surrender, I can link you to the posts on that if you like? Putin’s ultimate wish is how you see it. You’re right I see it a very different way, I see how the rest of the world sees it. Putin has to stop the invasion.
  8. Let me remind you what you said. It’s not about both sides it’s about Putin stopping now and nothing else. Your opinion is about stopping arms to Ukraine to stop the fight. Get it now Vlad? “Yeah is it crazy and so odd to want to saves lives on both sides so just keep giving Ukraine arms to prolong the slaughter that make sense doesn't it. “
  9. You have made it clear, an unprovoked invasion can proceed unabated with disregard to international law. If his was allowed to happen the world would be owned by just one dictator. Fighting for your home, family, culture and way of life is not suicide in the eyes of those who fight. It is fighting for the freedom you deserve. A basic human right.
  10. No I read what is there, check what I said in my post directed to him in his response to labeling people here drama queens. My response was in reference to that. Now if you’ve finished talking for him or would you like to actually discuss the topic?
  11. This is just one example………. “What do you suggest I should be doing then? Assault Russian holidaymakers in Pattaya? Just to show em who's boss? Would that make you feel better?” 5 star drama queen material. I can provide more?
  12. Try looking at some of the comments you’ve made above, drama queens lol. I nominate you for an Oscar? Ta taaa
  13. Straight from the Kremlin playbook who have more in common with your above post deeply rooted in the underbelly of their society.
  14. So he lied when he said he was there to clear it of nazi’s.?
  15. Two different audiences, international and domestic for the local Russian expats, gotta keep ‘‘em happy, they keep some of the tourist districts ticking?
  16. Tourists considering coming to Thailand imo would not be considering deliberately faking their antigen test result on the 5th day if positive. maybe something living here we would consider but pretty sure that’s the last thing a family of 4 would be doing. I still maintain that to withhold daily case information while their is an emergency decree, restrictions on events, number of people allowed to gather together with many schools closed, many actually still not been opened for over a year. No for that to be done it needs to be endemic, everything open and no Thailand Pass.
  17. Serious error if they do that, no tourist is going to apply for a Thailand Pass without knowing the risk of being forcibly locked up in quarantine. Goes hand in hand with the proposed internet gateway censorship all while keeping in place their emergency decree.
  18. Here’s one of my personal experience in Thailand. Friend of mine early 30’s caught it. Not vaccinated, he claims his doctor in the UK told him not to because of a medical reason but never really convinced me of that, regardless he suffered quite bad, just over a week of severe coughing including black gunk coming out, fever, severe aches and body pains. Shortness of breath. He was on the verge of calling the hospital to get admitted, only reason he never was because of the cost. Luckily pulled through. His girlfriend living with him, is vaccinated and boosted, she looked after him throughout, she also caught it but suffered mild symptoms just a mild cold she said.
  19. It was reported on the 19 Jan in the B.P. and Thaiger News that 90% of all cases were omicron
  20. Yes I did, a work in progress as is all data gathering presently, but at least more up to date than the report of 10th Jan. further time is needed for conclusive evidence for many aspects of the new Omicron variant which is only to be expected.
  21. Just noticed this, apologies for the delay in reply. I was referring to my recollection on the VE for deaths and VE for hospitalisations from the latest report I read dated 17th Feb from the UK Health Security Agencies weekly vaccine surveillance reports and I see I was near the mark. Protection against mortality is 85% - 99%. That is after a booster 0 - 3 months, not enough data for further info yet. Protection against hospital admission is 80% - 95%. After a booster 0 - 3 months & 75% - 85%. Data for 4 - 6 months is at 75% - 85% Data contained page 12, table 2 (a) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1055620/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_7.pdf This is combination statistics for all vaccines used in the UK. I absolutely accept that in Thailand this may be somewhat diminished because of the main vaccines used so far but it's impossible to put figures on that. The report you linked to from healthdata.or is useful but has not been updated since 10th Jan, screenshot attached from the wayback machine internet archives. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1055620/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_7.pdf
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