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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. what a pointless question. Women work too, explain the effect on their body for 18 years?
  2. What makes you think anyone would be interested in your link from a well known CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE website https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/mercola/
  3. Because your post was not worthy of a reply, the question you posed is self explanatory, you already know the answer why bait people?
  4. Call it laws or call it rights, it’s the same, currently the law is that if a man’s pregnant partner wants an abortion, the fathers consent is not legally required. Talking about possible law changes in the future is pure speculation on your part. So back to your question. Bottom line is the women has the rights no matter how much you try and argue the case.
  5. Not my stance is it, it’s a woman’s right. That’s the bottom line and always will be.
  6. If you read it my answer its already in the response. To repeat. A man does not have an equal say in the decision due to the reasons I already posted. Would you like me to post one more time?
  7. The pill is 99% effective, condoms are 98% effective. Accidents happen, glad to hear they didn’t happen your 4 wives
  8. If you actually followed the string of posts, this was to do with an accidental pregnancy not a planned on…………..if it was planned it is irrelevant to the debate.
  9. Who ever said a man cannot have his say? Until a man can experience the risk factors associated with pregnancy such as being more prone to serious illness and viruses, increased blood pressure, dizziness, daily vomiting, vaginal surgery to avoid tears, haemorrhoids, swollen veins, nerve damage, birth trauma, changes in immune functions, expanding of the uterus, fluid in the lungs causing bacterial growth, urinary tract infections. Many more not mentioned. This together with all the other reasons, then the man’s say will never be equal will it?
  10. You can consider many things but there is a very clear bottom line here, the woman has the right to make the decision and yes, it’s due to the reasons of her body for nine months, her time off work, her emotional state of mind if it’s something she never planned for.
  11. Sure, I am all for the normal parameters regards the acceptable period of times as within the current laws.
  12. The land of freedom is losing its freedoms. About six-in-ten Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/
  13. How does the woman consent to have a baby when she has sex? Better for you now. In the majority of cases sex is for enjoyment not childbirth. If a baby is conceived as a result of an accident then she the right to make a decision on the outcome. Her right and hers alone
  14. How credible do you think that report is? It was strongly criticized by other experts for its lack of methodology. The Rotherham case was one of several cases which prompted investigations looking into the claim that the majority of perpetrators from grooming gangs were British Pakistani; the first was by Quilliam in December 2017, which released a report entitled Group Based Child Sexual Exploitation – Dissecting Grooming Gangs, which claimed 84% of offenders were of South Asian heritage.[240] However this report was "fiercely" criticised for its unscientific nature and poor methodology by child sexual exploitation experts Ella Cockbain and Waqas Tufail, in their paper Failing Victims, Fuelling Hate: Challenging the Harms of the 'Muslim grooming gangs' Narrative which was published in January 2020.[241][242] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal Stereotypes of ‘Muslim rape gangs’ were greatly boosted by the Quilliam Foundation’s ‘grooming gangs’ report, source of the spurious but ubiquitous claim that ‘84% of grooming gang offenders’ are Asian.62Although framed as ‘academic’63 and ‘evidence-based’, the report is shoddy pseudoscience. Its conclusion that the ‘over-representation of Asian-ethnicity (predominantly British Pakistani origin) individuals . . . is conclusively irrefutable’ (p. 6) is deeply misleading. The report in no way delivers on its pretence of ‘comprehensive data analysis of all group child-sex offences committed in the United Kingdom over a period of 12 years’ (p. 15). Tellingly, the key word ‘comprehensive’ was later deleted amid furtive corrections to the published report: when challenged, staff outright lied https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0306396819895727
  15. Sorry Vlad, all you’ve achieved so far is excellent PR for NATO and Europe to expand
  16. Estonia and Lithuania both being threatened, time for Nato to remind Russia of article 5.
  17. Stop making excuses for Russias crimes against humanity. The connection between supply and demand is indeed real when there is 20 million tons currently blocked. Prices spiked from 24th Feb due to the attack, the uncertainty of the market and the uncertainty of future production and harvests. #StandwithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopRussianWarCrimes
  18. It’s concerning what with Lithuania being a NATO country and Russia threatening them. New OP on it is here https://aseannow.com/topic/1263421-russia-threatens-nato-member-lithuania-over-kaliningrad-enclave-rail-goods-ban/
  19. The circus continues Kremlin spokesman says Americans captured in Ukraine committed 'crimes' Washington (AFP) – Two Americans captured in Ukraine while fighting with Kyiv's military were "endangering" Russian soldiers and should be "held accountable for those crimes," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday in an interview with NBC News. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220620-kremlin-spokesman-says-americans-captured-in-ukraine-committed-crimes
  20. Great to get confirmation that they’re working from the evil dictator himself Putin condemns mad and thoughtless western sanctions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61847300
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