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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. 128 days of being pounded by shells, drones and missiles had nothing to do with it then. Snake Island gave the Russians control of the water and impact the sky over southern Ukraine, was an essential point for Russias ability for a tactical naval landing and conduct a landing operation in Transnistra. Your comrades conveniently forgot to tell you that.
  2. you’re confused, Kiev was their first goodwill gesture, the boat was the second, snake Island the third, many more to come, a gift that keeps on giving….????
  3. Russians withdraw, Snake Island liberated! They couldn’t take the heat anymore from the shelling. Russians excuse. They’ve withdrawn as a goodwill gesture ???? All the reports on the BBC live updates https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-61987663
  4. Do you not even read you own post? You asked a question. “Jews and Christian’s made up a fair percentage of those attacked. (50%?)” Wrong. Do some maths on the chart I posted, religion 5,627. Racial 85,268. Not quite your 50%
  5. No wrong again and nothing to do with racial crime that you brought up, you remind me of one of my students, which is where I have to go now. No further comment ????????
  6. You really did’nt read the link did you. I even put a graphic for the year 2021 with 85k recorded race crimes to make it easier for you, that figure is taken from the linked article if you look under the correct section…………
  7. I worked in inner city schools in the UK and my experience of working with colleagues and students is very different. I’ve only been away 2 years but will be returning for a 5 week holiday next week as the Int School here where I work will be on summer break. Not sure how much that will have changed in two years https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/hate-crime-england-and-wales-2020-to-2021/hate-crime-england-and-wales-2020-to-2021
  8. Perhaps you better ask those who suffered from racism,……….always good for a white man to get another perspective on the problem
  9. This is not an opinion that you made: “Anti-racists" who keep publicising non existent racism are the ones causing racism and division “ it’s a clear false claim so your right it’s impossible to find a link to evidence it. Thanks for highlighting how credible your posts are.
  10. With that takeaway from the article, reading it is the last thing you did. please provide a link and evidence to your original claim : “Anti-racists" who keep publicising non existent racism are the ones causing racism and division . No ones really bother what race or sexuality you are” you say racism is non existent.
  11. Did the Daily Mail or the Sun tell you that……????
  12. If you can’t even read an article that lists racial murders, crimes and racial injustice since Steven Lawrence right through to 2019 when the article was published then no wonder you are blind to it. enjoy your little cozy UK with no racism
  13. You were the one to bring up racism in your post by denying there was any but since as predicted you deflect it to the UK then I am more than happy to oblige RACIST MURDERS SINCE STEPHEN LAWRENCE https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/article/racist-murders-since-lawrence RACIST VIOLENCE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM https://www.hrw.org/reports/1997/uk2/ evidence that directly refutes your claim, more deflections? There are literally hundreds of search results with dozens and dozens of links with evidence
  14. Don’t be so ignorant. Here’s a recent example and another example via a study Buffalo Shooting Highlights Rise of Hate Crimes Against Black Americans https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/us/hate-crimes-black-african-americans.html Racism as a leading cause of death in the United States https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o213 instead of deflecting try to respond to the evidence
  15. Tell that to those who have suffered racism. Oh wait, to those that have been murdered because of their race can’t hear you
  16. Yes they are and a link was already provided to prove that. All abortions which happens to be just 1% in that time frame 21 weeks up which is what you were referring to, are provided because of medical reasons https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/fact-sheet/abortions-later-in-pregnancy/
  17. Your opinion is based on ignorance to the facts. The only form of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence from sex. Condoms can have minute holes or tear, birth control pills are not 100% effective, a woman can forget to take just one pill as part of her monthly course, stealthing happens by irresponsible men.
  18. Probably make a huge amount of difference, from 40,000 presently to 300,000 troops plus military equipment, what makes you think that would not make any difference to protecting member states?
  19. Wow someone who is confident they’ll never have an accident requiring medical care.
  20. You have no point, you’ve lost your way completely on the topic of this thread, run out of arguments, pushed in a corner and resorting to dishonest debating. You’re on ignore for me on this topic.
  21. Back to my first reply, ask the 71.2% of women that work and still have children under 18, Don’t men work anyway as part of society along with women.
  22. hypothetical nonsense that had nothing to do with your post which was
  23. You are aware that 71.2% of women in the US with children under 18 also work right?
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