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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Not her fault . The usual thai brake failure . Because it mostly happens in Thailand only . Something wrong with the brakes here ...?
  2. Ask Stormy Daniels if he still had one ...?
  3. If you want to avoid headaches , best is not to buy this cheap chinese stuff anyway . The quality is often so low that it finishes in the bin after just a short time . And , to replace it , you have to buy another , similar item of better quality and higher price . Cheap chinese stuff is a waste of money and time . But , if you need something that bis not expensive anyway , like a water tab for 100 baht , it will cost you 107 baht in the future . Not a reason to become desperate . Same item often is for sale by local sellers , no additional tax will apply . Anyway , even with the 7% VAT applied , most stuff here is still much cheaper than in your home country , where it is often really excessively taxed .
  4. Everything was fine until Thaksin returned . Jail him , that is where he belongs . And his political muppet cabaret of incompetent wanna be politicians , the international laughing stock , as well . Thailand is scared to lose it's ' face ' , it's reputation ? Lost a long time ago already , and now it is definitely too late to ever find it again .
  5. bla bla ... one day , they will all be replaced with AI that will make their job much better than them .
  6. For someone who wants to govern Thailand , it is important to fraternize with the military . And prepare for a coup if the " wrong " party wins the next elections ...
  7. Srettha wants to see the world at taxpayer's expenses , reside in 5 star hotels only , have the best food possible and be worshipped as a PM . Understandable . Better he does that now , he won't be able to continue after the next elections . Hopefully .
  8. Thailand is safe . Or not ? The safest thing to do to avoid injure or accidents in Thailand is NOT to come here at all .
  9. Just turn off all the electricity to your house ... go and check the meter ... if it still turns ...?
  10. All that outrage because a little girl could not hold it until the next public toilet ... What damage was done ? Is Thailand's reputation now tarnished ? Public outcry ? Ridiculous . Buddha himself would have been more tolerant , I'm sure ...
  11. They do not know what the people want . So why not hold a referendum ? Let the Thai people decide . There are good points and bad ones , but , as long as alcohol is allowed , and meth is tolerated in small quantities , criminalizing Cannabis again would be pure hypocrisy . In Switzerland , they use to hold referendums and ask the population what they want ... Why not in the Thailand ?
  12. It is ( was ) tolerated , never legal . The ' company way " is nothing but a mousetrap .
  13. I only hope that the thai voters remember what these incompetent and arrogant " Politicians " from the Toxin side , did to them . And vote them out . Never to return . Until then , they will try their best to turn Thailand into an Autocracy . Toxin is back pulling the strings , and with that , his " war on drugs " as well . That failed miserably already . Thailand needs a new , trustworthy , progressive government , not the always same ridiculous bull<deleted>ters . Let's hope the political party that will " rise from the ashes " of the MFP , will win big again to get Thailand out of that politcal circus that is presently run by incompetent clowns .
  14. Hi , Just google Koh Kho Khao ... plenty of info ... Single houses for rent are rare here , but maybe ... Land prices vary greatly on location , near the beach it will be about 2 or 3 mio per rai now inland much cheaper ... Come and check it out ... 1 other german on the island already ...
  15. Consuming a small part of his brain killed the parasite . Vote for him as POTUS .
  16. The world's climate is rapidly changing now . Warmer ocean temperatures have huge implications on the global ecosystem . Humans will need to adapt , them ' point of no return ' has passed . Will the human race adapt in time ? Some certainly not .
  17. Violence when they look at movies , violence when play computer games , violence in the news , wars everywhere , people kill people all the time ... When someone grows up with this , how can this not lead to certain mental defects ...?
  18. I live on Koh Kho Khao island , 130 km north of Phuket . Not really an island , only 800m from the mainland , it has pure clean air , ( no industry or plantations near ) , but still is very quiet and land is still cheap . Healthy living if you prefer Nature to people ... VID_20230129_091428.mp4
  19. Elon will give us brain implants , so we do not need to use phones anymore ... The future looks bright ... and you can turn it off , too .
  20. Strange ... one can only assume that the Van company pays regular bribes to the cops for protection ...? Death of a pedestrian ( ? ) ( The powerful impact reportedly flung her 20 meters down the road,) , is not enough to be considered serious ? They did not test for DUI on the Van driver ? Did they do this on the cops who " handled " the case ?
  21. Greed and naivete leads to a loss ... nothing new here . Before transferring the cash , a little background research would have been better ...
  22. Still a ridiculous amount for an 8 hour work day . They want the economy to grow and progress , but they won't give the working people money to spend ... Thai way of thinking ...
  23. King Bhumiphol ( RIP ) invented this philosophy . Good and sustainable , it was more or less ignored after his death . The present government clearly has different goals .
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