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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. That clearly is " hate speech " and , as such , should not be permitted , especially for a counselor . Today's world is extremely polarized , it is only left or right , the middle way has gone missing ...
  2. Extremist left , extremist right . left leaning , right leaning , center left , center right . May be meet in the middle ? The problem with the ' democratic system ' is , when one party manages to win elections with just a narrow margin , the other ( about ) half of voters wont feel themselves represented by the winning party . That can be a lot of people ... Shouldn't they have their say as well in a newly formed government ? For peace's sake ... Like that , only coalitions formed between the biggest participating parties would be truly democratic ... And , I think the POTUS in the present system gets too much power to decide about critical events , alone . May be , in the future , AI that considers the all the far reaching consequences of a POTUS's actions , can serve as a counseling control instance before too much damage is done ...? Ok , there is the impeachment process ... but before really impeached , a POTUS gone crazy can inflict a whole lot of damage ... I do not trust Trump . He is a liar .
  3. I doubt that it will be a peaceful transition of power if he does not win . Need to prepare for that possibility .
  4. Only Zombies without a soul make things like that . And they are increasing in numbers . The treatment of animals tells a lot about the state a society is in ... The predators that deserve to be culled normally walk on two legs only ...
  5. May be only tourists from russia and china will visit Thailand in the future ...? They are used to that kind of treatment at home ...
  6. I hope that at least Germany cancels his visa now .
  7. I hope that some of his ( future ) fellow inmates have dogs that they love at home ... Hopefully he will get some taste of his treatment to the dogs by himself . It is a bit like sadistic pedophiles in prison ... I hope he will get the appropriate treatment and wish that he were dead .
  8. When I first read about this , I could not believe it . I could not believe that there is a sadistic , mentally sick person like this one . The sadism and cruelty that he displayed by his horrible acts should be applied to him as well . Until he dies . This guy is not a human , he is a humon , a human monster , completely perverted . A slow and painful death is what he deserves . Cut off his genitals while still alive , just as he did to the poor dogs .
  9. He is on Israels list for people to kill already . It is a mistake to grant too much importance to just one ' leader ' . On one side , we have fanatics blinded by hate . On the other side we have professional and experienced killers with a complete disregard of human life . This will not end well ... The only way to limit the aggression might be the establishment of a palestinian state ... but that is not wanted by Israel .
  10. Yeah , of course , the arabs are upset and angry . But it is all talk ... they are all scared of a big scale war . Appointing Yahya Sinwar as head of the palestinian Hamas was a BIG mistake ! This guy is responsible for the massacre of the gazan people and the oct 7 attacks . When masterminding the oct. 7 attack , he knew what Israels response would be ... He is willing to sacrifice the whole gazan population for his sinister goals . Iran waits for the right time to attack Israel ( and , may be for their own nuclear bomb to be ready ) . Hisbollah knows that they will suffer a lot in an open war against Israel ... In the moment it is all just talk , no real action is taken . But they all sit on a time bomb in the middle east , and that bomb is ticking ...
  11. Trump is a fan of dictators , he still dreams of becoming one himself .
  12. I think that the thai electorate wants change . They see that freedom of expression and democratic liberties are taken away from them by the always same people who hide away from publicity . Most probably , if the new party formed by ex-MFP , wins the next elections ... it will be followed by another coup ...
  13. Sounds like robotic talk from Chat GPT .
  14. Sure . But Thai people need to learn what kind of government they have ... and vote against them at the next elections ... but anyway , elections here seem to be just as meaningless as the current PM ...
  15. 80 million tourists ? That is more than the entire thai population ! They want to destroy this country . Shortsighted , greedy idiots .
  16. As a result of the dissolving of all democratic processes in Thailand , Thai people should not be granted any visa for foreign countries as long as there is no essential reform of the politcal system in Thailand .
  17. They prepare for a military invention if there are protests in the streets on Bangkok . They are ready to kill . TIT .
  18. Thailand thinks that it is above all criticism . A bit like Israel ... Thailand stinks of corruption and nepotism . Not a simple reform that is needed , but a revolution . Move forward is a movement now , not a political party anymore .
  19. " Thavisin expressed confidence that the Thai populace understands and supports this stance " That is the imaginable top of cynism and hypocrisy . They stole the election . Dissolved the winning party that 14 million thai voters voted for , and he thinks that the thai population will accept and understand that ? WTF ... this country needs a revolution . French style .
  20. The one who certainly is meaningless ... is him . He is a clown in a government of muppets , that's all . We have all seen how this works out . Now it really is time that Thailand is punished for eliminating , dissolving the leading opposition party for the 2nd time ! In the international community of real democratic countries , Thailand is a pariah state and should not be granted any right or ' seat ' . Treat them for what they are : an autocratic country that invented a pseudo democracy for reputational purposes only .
  21. MFP's new leader appears to be a woman . Sirikanya Tansakun, is tipped to lead the new party. Ms Sirikanya, the deputy leader of Move Forward, is not among the 11 party executives who were banned from politics for 10 years by the Constitutional Court on Wednesday.
  22. I don't go to places where I feel not welcome .
  23. Walz is a good choice . He represents the average , working american much better than some other , more elitist candidates . Together they will win ...
  24. Germany is heavily biased towards Israel . Critical views of Israel are not wanted there , no matter what happened ... Shame .
  25. White trash movement ... they want to vent their frustration for being losers with public violence . That does not help .
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