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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Really ? There is no other conflict like this one . Or do you think this is just another war ? No , it is not . Anyway , trigger happy Israel is losing it , despite the 34000 dead palestinians and the total destruction of Gaza . Israels reputation is now that of a fascist regime that has no regards for the life of of non-jewish humans . Gaza will not be forgotten and Israels reputation in the rest of the world is ruined and will be compared to the Nazi holocaust . A little empathy towards the many dead kids and women could have prevented this . But that was asked to much . They bulldozed all they could and , later , will try to find the normal excuses that we are already used to ... It is their way of thinking ... Ok , Hamas attacked after years of suppression by the Israelis . They should not have done this . There was only senseless violence towards innocent individuals ( the festival goers ) But Nethanjahus response was out of proportion and amounts in it's essence to a crime against humanity . Every action in this life provokes a re-action , the israelis knew that , but still did it . Now , live with the consequences .
  2. Please ... no more stories like this . Fat kid hopping around in front of an exstatic audience ... a story for the stupid only .
  3. Not easy to sever a head from a body . Animals could not have done this .
  4. Farangs are not allowed to do a " job " a thai could do . That includes helping out others . If it would have been a thai to drive his car on the beach to help the stuck Corolla , there would have been no fine at all .
  5. Sad story . So much to tell about drunk driving ... Alcohol is dangerous ... Imagine the killer would have been a farang ... Lucky that was not the case .
  6. Sad . Already threatened by extinction , the rare surviving turtles are being hunted by primitive stupid poachers just for some miserable baht . I hope the poachers will face extinction as well ...
  7. Thais voted for change . They did not get it because : As part of the “secret deal” under which the billionaire Thaksin had been granted the privileges unprovided for ordinary convicts, the de facto Pheu Thai boss had been practically obliged to return favours to the powers-that-be who would decidedly prefer to leave the helm of government to his party rather than tolerate seeing the Move Forward in government following the progressive party’s electoral victory in which they had won most MP seats last year.
  8. Old , poor , lonely , exploited , no wages paid , may he RIP . Hope a better life awaits him .
  9. The food source for thai dugongs is breaking away . Sorry for this peaceful creature , many will die because there is no alternative food .
  10. Well written and accurately expressed , it can't be from the usual Thaiger news team . Sorry ...
  11. If you go to a zoo and pay the entrance fee , you support animal cruelty with that . Bad Karma .
  12. Zoos are sad places . Nobody should pay or go to see animals being imprisoned . Only if held species-appropriate it could be ok , but that is not often the case .
  13. Sleepy Donald , not Joe ... What a good president he would make . ( Sarcasm ) . A narcissistic egomaniac who disregards everything except himself , always ready to become a dictator just as Putin . Kim Yong Un , Xi ... The direction America would take under his leadership would be the ' highway to hell ' . It is time for everybody to work together to solve the many problems , not for one leader to appear and solve them all . Illusionary anyway ...
  14. Always ready to fight , teens do not go out unarmed anymore ... Sometimes I wonder why Thailand has not as many " mass shootings " as the US ?
  15. That would not have happened if the cables ( at least the ones crossing the street ) , would have been buried underground . A constant cause of danger and accidents .
  16. Crew working on foreign owned yachts in Phuket that stay a long time , do not need Thai work permits ?
  17. Hot temper , unable to control himself , the shooter voluntarily risked the lifes of innocent passengers . A danger to society , he needs to be taken out . They just don't care . They do not realize what will happen to their own future if they get caught . But foreward thinking is not a quality often found in Thai youth ... Welcome tourists ... Thailand is welcoming you . Just do not forget to bring your gun to defend yourself , just in case ...
  18. Toxin is PM already ... ? I must have missed something ...
  19. 200000 visitors on khao Sarn road ? So happy I was not there ... More than 100 tonnes of garbage ? Sounds like fun ...
  20. Time to start digging ... But really , Gold is to be found in electronic waste like cellphones , computers etc ... it just has to be extracted . Does Thailand do recycling of electronics ? May be time to start this ?
  21. ... a real clown . I wished he does this every time he meets somebody . Toxin pulls the strings again . ( Thaksin , of course ... ) Take your seat and fock off ... Unelected opportunists .
  22. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68812949 Oil prices fell on Monday after Iran's reprisal attack on Israel over the weekend. Brent crude - a key benchmark for oil prices internationally - was lower but still trading close to $90 a barrel. Prices had already risen in expectation of action by Iran, with Brent crude nearing a six-month high last week.
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