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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. No , not the same ... look at the facts ... Time is running out now ... the change is happening , just follow the news ...
  2. Extinction Rebellion , Just stop Oil activists , want to tell everyone what everyone knows already . If want to protest , it's ok , just do it in a way that does no harm to others . The protests in their current form only leads to people hating them . That can't be their goal .
  3. In Nature , everything is connected , every action provokes a reaction . It once was a perfectly balanced ecosystem , that enabled species to survive and evolve . In a second on the planetary time scale ( Planet is about 5 billion years old , the ' industrial revolution ' about 150 years old ) , mankind has managed to disturb that natural , life creating balance , up to a point that it cannot be repaired anymore . Greed , violence and stupidity without the ability to foresee the consequences of its own actions has brought humanity to a point where everything suffers , people as well ... It could have been done in a more responsible way , without the massive destruction that we witness today . Too late now . Intelligence was lacking , Ignorance and arrogance of the dominant species on this planet led straight to the point where we are now . A pity ... it could have been so much better , if only there would have been a little empathy for every living thing , a respect for the balanced biosphere that finally created us , mankind . A species bound for extinction ...
  4. Manipulation on social media is happening every day . ( influencers ...) . You cannot believe all that is written on Social Media . ( SM ) Now , in times of AI , even less ... Even photos or Videos may be manipulated . Your eyes will not show you the truth any more ... Need to filter and analyse all the info on SM ... and check the credibility of the sources .
  5. No . One sick individual who commits horrible crimes , does not mean that all of them are like that . Generalization at its worst . Mob rules like that would make me rethink my stay . Yes , of course .
  6. Power corrupts character . Need to have a strong personality to resist that . Ouf ... I think Donald envies Kim ... May be Trump thinks that he can learn something from Kim ... about becoming a totalitarian leader .
  7. Iran is hesitant for a full scale war . They are busy to finish the full scale enrichment of uranium that they need for the islamic nuclear bomb . Once the have that bomb , they might be crazy enough to use it ... If they do not use it , it will strengthen their position for negotiating . Too many crazies already in this world that like to play around with nukes .
  8. 2,38 thousand million baht for that ? They have too much money .
  9. Forced to undergo humiliating treatment , they will not have the pariotism to go and fight for Thailand ... Sadists should have no place in an army .
  10. That is enough of a publicity already ... Reading this ,Thais will want to check it out for the prices ...
  11. Fine analysis . Upside down , boy you turn me , inside out and round and round ...
  12. I don't think that they give much importance to becoming a member of the Human Right's Council . May be some will think that it could harm Thailand's sacred reputation a bit ... Of course . That's the way to go ... only a pity that the leaders of MFP will probably be banned from politics for some years ... But new leaders will emerge , the current leaders will become counselors , and the problem for the current rulers will persist , at least until the next coup .
  13. And it will show that Thailand is not really a country where democratic principles are valued and respected . It still is more an autocracy where election results are ignored if they do not please the ruling elite . It is a pseudo-democracy that has been put up just for the reputation of being democratic . In reality , it is always the same group of people who design everything here . They control the army and are not shy to use it for another military coup , if they sense a danger to their position . The only way to definitely rid this country of the corrupt elite , would be a revolution . French style .
  14. Of course the elections in Venezuela were rigged . But before a fight with Maduro ,( that will never happen ) , Musk should lose some kilos . Musk cancelled his monthly payment of 45 mio to them Trump campaign already .
  15. To incite hatred against immigrants is a tool to destabilize a country . Today's wars are fought on many fronts ...
  16. I think the families of the freed hostages won't agree to this view .
  17. Welcome to Russia . Such a beautiful country with so many things to see ... Russia's government will soon offer state sponsored sight seeing tours at bargain prices to western tourists .
  18. Trump is a worried man . His popularity is declining , If he does not win the election to consequently pardon himself after , he will face criminal prosecution , that might earn him jail time . I do not think that he will accept a defeat ... more probable that he will try to unite his supporters to start a civil war .
  19. ... another perv armed with a cucumber ...
  20. May he RIP .
  21. Did you never notice the substandard quality of most cheap chinese products ? They are produced to end up in the bin after just a short time . We don't need another one who sells cheaps hit . I would prefer to pay a little more for good quality that lasts a while .
  22. The power of ' enraged netizens ' ... I liked the ad .
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