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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. With the disastrous effects of man made global warming accelerating faster every year , something like this will not be worth mentioning anymore , soon .
  2. Crypto may be ( was ) highly profitable , but is very risky , too . Not only because of the wild fluctuations , but because of the risk of becoming a victim to fraud .
  3. What is wrong with these people ? They seem to be full of hate and rage . Better they do some meditation about what life is about before they go to work . Now 2 are dead , the owner ( male or female ? ruined his / her life ) About what ? Thais in general seem to have a problem controlling themselves in situations that require to better stay calm . The land of smiles ? My ass ... , it's a dangerous country full of people that never reach the level of self control that is required to live in a community ...
  4. Heavily intoxicated policeman , mentally unstable , but armed with a gun . And ready to use it . Life is becoming more and more kind of a gamble in Thailand .
  5. Not possible that a water loving elephant drowns in a 1,5m deep pool ... may be after being shot ...
  6. Inflation at 7.61% , interest rates at 0.75% ... not fair , not enough .
  7. We take care for 24 dogs in our 2 properties by now ... It does cost a lot of money to feed them properly ( about 100.000 baht a month , but it is worth it ! ) They are better than the useless people who only destroy and complain ... They give something back to us , something that became very rare these days ... LOVE .
  8. At least they do something to solve a problem ... instead of the many forum members who are just moaning and complaining , but do nothing , or worse , just spread hatred against dogs .
  9. That indicates that they were still alive while their grave was dug ... Both shot in the head soon after and buried . Man first , lying on his back looking up , a layer of cement , woman second , the dead body placed on top of the mans . Face down . Sounds like a mafia style execution ... I doubt that the local small scale criminals are involved in this . Looks like a job done by organized crime .
  10. The virus is mutating and learning how to better invade human cells despite the vaccinations ... It ain't over yet .
  11. Facilitating foreign investment in Thailand should be a priority for Thailand in a world that rapidly changes , if it wants to be a part of a global community .
  12. A lot of countries went own this path of decriminalization of Cannabis already and have no problems at all ... In Thailand the problem is more the use of Yaba , Ice , Methamphetamines than Cannabis . By legalizing Cannabis , the ' authorities ' did a little step to reduce the amount of illegal chemical drugs taken . A good thing . The medical benefits of Marihuana , ( prevention of cancer and reduction of stress levels that can lead to psychological disorder etc ) , especially when used in tea , food etc , far outweigh the dangers . Anyway , who wants it , gets it , illegal or not . The government got it right , It creates an aditional source of income for the people of Thailand . And for the country as well .
  13. Good luck to some intelligent posters , and for the rest ... bye bye , never again , not worth it .
  14. Even if they close the whole country down , it will still spread here . No way to keep it out . Vaccinations against Delta have little effect on Omicron .
  15. I would like to find a good gardener and a maid that speaks at least a little english ... very difficult on KKK island . Busy all day ... up by 6am to bed by 9pm ... no time to be bored .
  16. https://wishbeer.com/products/bushmills-irish-whiskey-700ml-400
  17. Asia: The Asian countries which have adopted toughest measure of sealing their borders to avoid the transmission of Omicron Covid-19 variant include Japan and Israel. Both have closed their doors to the foreigners and also introduced toughest restrictions for their native travellers. Recently, Israel’s government also gave permission for controversial phone surveillance for contact tracing. Besides, there are countries in Asia including Philippines dependant on tourism which are mulling to suspend its doors for now on tourists, due to Omicron Covid-19 variant. South Korea and Thailand are also putting restrictions on their flight movement to curb the influx of foreigners and also putting in strict measures for any foreign travellers, who have already arrived in the country. America: US is also among the countries which believes the spread of Omicron Covid-19 variant can be stopped at its borders. So, the country has blocked the entry of foreign nationals from southern African countries. Canada has also imposed travel restrictions for travellers from southern African countries to contain the spread of Omicron Covid-19 variant. The country has already reported cases of Omicron Covid-19 variant. For now, the country has ordered that only Canadian nationals from the southern African countries can travel to the country. Brazil has also imposed a ban on flights from southern African countries. Mexico remains the only country in the continent that has ruled out border closures, due to Omicron Covid-19 variant. Europe: In Europe, the Germany has allowed its airlines companies to allow fly its citizens from the “high risk” southern African countries. The country has also made it mandatory for travellers visiting the country to spend mandatory 14 day quarantine, provided they test positive or negative for the virus. The England has also kept south African countries on its red list. However, it has resumed its flight operations to the region while making mandatory 10 day quarantine period mandatory for travellers from these countries at their own expenses. Switzerland has also significantly tightened travel restrictions. The country has made 10 day quarantine period mandatory for travellers from the south African countries entering it. Oceania: Australia has postponed its plan to relax entry rules to the people with the country’s visa for at least two more weeks. The country has put blanket ban on travellers, who have been in the “high risk” southern African countries in the past 14 days. Besides, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea have also put these southern African countries in “high risk” list. Africa: In Africa itself there are countries including Angola, Egypt, Mauritius and Rwanda which have imposed travel restrictions on southern African countries.
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